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Permalink Check out THIS reverb "tank"

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I'm geeking-out over this...

Combine some old, giant concrete water tanks with a speaker, a microphone, and the ability to do anything over the Internet, and you get this:

Some guys in Germany have set-up a speaker/mic recording combination, where you upload a file, and it actually plays and records inside this concrete tank, and is sent back to you as an MP3.

How cool is that??

  • Rickshaw

Complete DIY Ribbon Microphone plans available from:

cool, Im sending them mp3s as we speak. gotto wonder whether it's for real though.


Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

A few years ago, they had something similar in Montreal, Canada, using an abandoned grain elevator - a gigantic indoor space - set up with microphones and speakers like this one. People were also able to upload sounds, music, etc., to have played through the speaker/microphone system and hear it back processed. Unfortunately, I found out about this after the project had ended. I'll have to try this one!

okay, I made a sampler of a 1 minute snippet of my band playing squad car, sent it through the site once with 30% reverbsilo, and once with 100% Cool drop me a mail or PM if you're interested, as the download section heré is out of order and I dont have a clue how or where else to store it


Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

Those types of "reverb tanks" are nothing new. Norman Petty had a famous one that Buddy Holley recorded with as well as Duane Eddy if I remember correctly. I actually built a "plate" reverb some years back with a piece of sheet metal, a 4" speaker and a telephone pickup capsule. It sounded awesome but I could never effectively isolate it from other unwanted vibrations being generated in my basement studio. I ended giving it to a friend and I never heard if he actually got it to work........ed

Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

Good post Rickshaw ... most interesting thing I've seen on the net for a while .. have got to try it now...

Youth and enthusiasm are no match for age and treachery.

Those types of "reverb tanks" are nothing new.

OK, agreed, but being able to sit in my den, send a file to Germany and having it sent back instantly is the cool part!

I've posted some samples here:

  • Rickshaw

Complete DIY Ribbon Microphone plans available from:

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