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mom_surfing wrote:

pay them around $1000 to be an opening band. we saw a blue grass band open for reverend horton heat.

That's funny. Could there be a musical act less appropriate than bluegrass to open for Rev Hort Heat, except for chamber music? Jazz, rap, country, heavy metal, beach music--all seem relevant in some way.

Now I know what it means to open for Rev Hort Heat...It means you have $1000, or at least you did.


it sounded like that was a condition of the venue, not of reverend Horton heat

although if i was a big name band i would definitely take money from people to let them open for me, lol

Big_Ryan wrote:

it sounded like that was a condition of the venue, not of reverend Horton heat

although if i was a big name band i would definitely take money from people to let them open for me, lol

yeah, the reverend had nothing to do with it. when my son was in high school about 7 years ago he had friends that had a punk band. one of the mom's forked over the grand so they could play there.

mom_surfing wrote:

Big_Ryan wrote:

it sounded like that was a condition of the venue, not of reverend Horton heat

although if i was a big name band i would definitely take money from people to let them open for me, lol

yeah, the reverend had nothing to do with it. when my son was in high school about 7 years ago he had friends that had a punk band. one of the mom's forked over the grand so they could play there.

sheesh, stuff like that with kids bands always drives me nuts, i played a show back in the day where a really young band was playing, one of the kids parents had put up the money to print a ton of shirts for them and while they were playing she gave all the shirts away and then put money in the box and told her son that they had all been bought

I did not intend to suggest that Rev Hort Heat took money from the opening act. When I saw Rev Hort Heat in person (Dec. 2005, in Wisconsin) he had two hard rock opening acts ("The Supersuckers" and "Split Lip Rayfield") touring with him. They were already popular on their own.

It seems incongruous that a blue grass band would open for him. I was trying to say something funny to decrease the horror emotion associated with paying $1000 to open for another band. Sorry if I induced confusion. To avoid giving the impression of unintended suggestions I will restate merely that one incongruity suggests others.


Last edited: Nov 23, 2013 21:18:40

Split Lip Rayfield IS a bluegrass act...and a darn good one at that.

Paying to play would leave an awfully bad taste in my mouth...


Last edited: Nov 23, 2013 23:20:48

Pay to play?
No. Never. Ever.


Might be worth noting that most the junior, college, and even pro levels, participation is essentially pay to play for most athletes. Outside of football and basketball (the Britney's of the sports entertainment world), there are fewer ath scholarships than you might think (eg none in the Ivy or DIII levels)..and many going into debt trying to compete at the pro level. At an amateur level, pay to play is just a plain fact.

Not saying this is good or bad...but maybe an interesting analogy to the minor/major leagues in music. Many athletes understand that participation is a priviledge.

Last edited: Nov 24, 2013 02:18:38

Pay to play ? No way !

I always thought we were safe from this shit here in Belgium but lately I was offered that kind of deals. That disgusts me. As a promoter (and those who already played for us can attests), I work my ass off to make sure people shows at the gigs. Of course, I'm not owner of a club or anything but when I organize a show somewhere, I feel it's my duty as a promoter to have people attending : for the band and for the club/bar hosting the gig.

Monkey Ju

Pirato Ketchup

mom_surfing wrote:

there's a pretty decent venue a few hours from here that gets some pretty big name acts. you used to be able to pay them around $1000 to be an opening band. we saw a blue grass band open for reverend horton heat. it was not good. but, afterwards they could put they opened for him on their resume'.

One of the oldest sayings in rock&roll (there is even a bumper sticker): "Nobody cares who you opened for."

RevGeo wrote:

mom_surfing wrote:

there's a pretty decent venue a few hours from here that gets some pretty big name acts. you used to be able to pay them around $1000 to be an opening band. we saw a blue grass band open for reverend horton heat. it was not good. but, afterwards they could put they opened for him on their resume'.

One of the oldest sayings in rock&roll (there is even a bumper sticker): "Nobody cares who you opened for."

please don't take my comment as a hack on blue grass as i've seen some great players. but, the venue i'm talking about just had open slots, so you got what you got.

ErnestHernandezIII wrote:

Pay to play?
No. Never. Ever.


Matt "tha Kat" Lentz
Skippy and the Skipjacks: 2018-2020
Otto and the Ottomans: 2014-2015
The Coconauts surf band: 2009-2014
Group Captain and the Mandrakes 2013
The Surfside IV: 2002-2005, 2008-2009
the Del-Vamps: 1992-1999, 2006-2007


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I pay to play all the time... Gas, practice space, time, studio, gear, lost family time. And a club wants me to pay them, too? Ha ha ha.

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PolloGuitar wrote:

I pay to play all the time... Gas, practice space, time, studio, gear, lost family time. And a club wants me to pay them, too? Ha ha ha.

Just to reiterate what everyone else is saying...

No way.
No how.

The notion of 'pay-to-play', on any level, is obsurd and insulting. These scams are almost always designed to prey upon young musicians and their inexperience. I suppose the ill-informed idea in these artists heads is that they will get this great gig with a band they love and both instantly become heros to said bands audience and the band will take them under their wing. Those of us with years involved know this to be anything but true. The bands rarely, if ever, take the time to watch opening/local bands. And that sounds terrible, but consider two or three of these per night for an entire tour and it becomes understandable. You simply get burnt out. And the audience simply has no interest in anyone but the artist they are there to see. There are certainly exceptions, but they are exactly that, and rare.

The one thing that bugs me more than anything is that there is rarely any need for a pay-to-play. The venues doing these (The Masquerade in Atlanta) has bands that need absolutely no assitance with draw.

And in regard to the paying 1k to open for someone, that is taking this concept to a whole other level of rediculousness. I can only imagine that this 'investment' either benefits the venue/promoter, or is used to cover their initial contractual investment.

Now we have been lucky enough to open for many acts that we both admire and have long since been influenced by. But we went in knowing the only benefit we would get is to get a chance to meet these artists. A few we have become good friends with, but many didn't even know we were there.

THE KBK ... This is the last known signal. We offer Sanctuary.

Nope. Never have never will with the following caveats:

1) I do not make a living playing music and do not need to use desperate measures to promote my band (paying to play)
2) I am not looking for my "big break" and I have zero expectations of becoming a rock star.
3) I have played for free at venues to prove to the owner we can pack the place and the music is good but venues only get one bite from that apple. Our reputation now precedes us and all we have to do is name the date, payment is automatic.
4) Payment I received goes straight into more/better gear (mostly more). I control my gear addiction this way. I am very protective of this funding source as my spouse the sales manager in our house does not always understand why I need another whatever.

Squid wrote:

The main page of this website presents a systematic approach to the problem of pay-to-play, Afton is just one perpetrator:

This page is run by the guys (and gal) in Girl Trouble - one of my favorite NW bands of all time. I didn't know "pay to play" even existed til they brought the issue to light. I've really only dealt with local bars over the years, and they've all been really good about collecting the door, then giving it to the bands afterwards. Yes, they often take a bit out for the sound guy, but it's usually a reasonable amount. Sorry to hear that some of you are having to deal with pay to play - I know things are tough out there for bands, but that just sucks.

Double Crown Records

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The Nebulas - Euphorion LP / CD
Supertubos - The Fourth Drive CD
Continental Magazine - Issue #38 w/17 Song CD

I'll add my 2p worth. If no one accepted pay-to-play deals then they would surely disappear? I can't think why any band would be desperate to pay to play a gig. Having said that, most larger festival are pay to play deals, with only the headline acts taking home money.

Let's face it - if you have to sell 30 tickets - sell 30 tickets for your own show! It's what we do here - no bookings in the immediate future, so we'll put on a show ourselves. Find a room/bar/venue, ask some other bands and promote it. We're doing exactly that on Friday (tomorrow). Someone offered us a room free, so we asked a rockabilly band to come and play as well, and make a night of it. We're charging £3 on the door, with the understanding that we give the other band most of it. It's a small scale gig, but they are bucket loads of fun.

While I'm here - I remember a pay to play deal in the 80/90's where you had to 'rent' the PA for the night. Then it was 'hiring' the PA guy to do the sound. That all faded away and now we have this 'sell x tickets in a place that's never heard of you' deal.

Honestly, pull in some favours, find some bands and put your on your own gigs. It's no more effort.

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