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Permalink Surf drumming - my subjective thoughts

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Great looking kit!

Nice, Preston! Some vintage-looking flat-based stands would complete the look. I use the very affordable Gibraltar 8600 series. Old Ludwig 1400's would also do nicely.

*Dick B.
The Aquatudes

Last edited: Nov 23, 2013 18:03:48

Thanks! Any advice on cymbals? Now in between Sabian and Meinl...


Zildijan K Custom Dark Crash, it is awesome. A friend stole one from a famous Seattle band and he in turn had it stolen by somebody who loved it, and my frugal friend went out and bought another! His spending money on this instead of buying the cheapest crash or just borrowing/stealing/doing without says something.

Could you perhaps find out which ride your drummer uses, Jake? It's got a very musical sound to it.


For stands, you cannot go wrong with the old Ludwig 1400s. I had some Ludwig flat-based from a few years ago, but shelved them and now just use old 1400s.

For cymbals, find whatever Pete Curry uses with the Outta Sites and get that one. One cymbal that does it all

I ended up getting a cracked sabian evolution ride for $20. It sounds cool.


Some guys put a blanket in the bass drum - it's good to see Preston uses a very well trained cat. I'll suggest it to our drummer.

Lol, sometimes I wouldn't mind shoving the little rascal in a bass drum. He's such a trouble maker. Wink


Here's how she looks right now:


I ended up with Meinl cymbals. M series hi hats, Byzance trash crash, and a byzance club flat ride, as well as a byzance sand ride that should be in soon. As far as heads go, I started using Remo, they just give me a wonderful sound and feel under the stick. The vintage emperor on my floor tom, gives it a full, warm, sound, not unlike the sounds you hear during drum solos on old jazz and big band records. Pinstripes on the rack tom and bass drum, and "controlled sound" black dot head on the snare. The floor is tuned low, kick low, and the snare, tuned high, for all the "crack" and sensitivity that I enjoy so much. All in all, a pretty gorgeous setup. Thanks to everyone for the suggestions and advice.

As far as actually playing the drums, I'm glad to say that I have(slowly) been improving. I've been playing three to four hours on weekends and in these free days over spring break. I've definitely moved into a jazzier style than I started with, but I have to say, surf drums can be a lot of fun. I practiced along with some slacktone tracks for a few days recently, and it was a pleasant break from the ridiculously complex music I've been pouring every free minute into. My footwork has been rough, very difficult to master the eighth notes on the hi hat pedal while playing only when you need to on the kick. Slowly but surely.



Great looking kit.
Did you get the hats from the Nashville GC after all?
We never got over there, sorry.

I haven't yet, but thanks for asking. I have to pay $60 more for the sand ride, and then I'll see what I can do about those hats. They're tempting for sure.


Speaking of subjective drumming thoughts - what do drummers think about when they are drumming? Here is some drummitude from Surf Daddies drummer Dave Daddy Treeby (from last weekend).


The drumming was great Dave. Whatever you were thinking keep it up M8.

He who dies with the most tubes... wins

Surf Daddies

Last edited: Mar 15, 2014 00:51:57


(New cymbal that looks like a rock day)



Say, that's a nice cymbal. Where ya' been, laddie?

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Noel wrote:

Say, that's a nice cymbal. Where ya' been, laddie?

She's pretty great.

Thanks for asking! I've been alright, school has kept me very busy. Homework is of the devil.


Wow, Nice. You're ahead of me.
I still need a Ride and a Crash. Still using my crap ones, LOL
Good to see you back

Thanks, I've missed this site.

How is your playing coming along?


"How is your playing coming along?"

With all our time being spent on our new record I haven't played much. I have, however, made some progress in the subtlety department, using my sticks more efficiently, getting my hits more consistent but........
I still suck and it's still fun! LOL


I've switched over to the drums as my main instrument for now, they are just so much fun, lol.


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