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when you slide down the fretboard and trem pick to make that cool swooping sound associated with surf music. tremolo slide ?

Glissando is the cold technical musical term; but tremolo slide also works for me.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I think both are present; i.e. you rapidly pick while descending...maybe a tremolo glissando? ;)

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

or pizzicato glissando (muted)

edit: not pizza, I'm hungry

Last edited: Apr 05, 2007 11:04:44

Or: drdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdr duurrrghh!

I don't think I've ever heard the term tremolo slide before.

I thought it was called a glissando run.

I am super sweet

From Wikipedia:
Musical instruments with continuously variable pitch can effect a true glissando over a substantial range. These include unfretted stringed instruments (such as the violin, viola, cello and double bass and fretless bass guitars), stringed instruments with a way of stretching the strings (such as the guitar or sitar).
True glissandi can be produced over a limited range on most instruments; for example, fretted stringed instruments (such as the guitar or mandolin) can effect a glissando by pushing the string across the fingerboard or by using a slide. This is commonly called note bending rather than a glissando.

I know glissando is the accepted term for this but I think Staccato run would be more accurate. Fast double picking is not actually a variable pitch. It should have its own name since the effect isn't used in any other genre.

From Wikipedia:
Musical instruments with continuously variable pitch can effect a true glissando over a substantial range. These include unfretted stringed instruments (such as the violin, viola, cello and double bass and fretless bass guitars), stringed instruments with a way of stretching the strings (such as the guitar or sitar).
True glissandi can be produced over a limited range on most instruments; for example, fretted stringed instruments (such as the guitar or mandolin) can effect a glissando by pushing the string across the fingerboard or by using a slide. This is commonly called note bending rather than a glissando.

I know glissando is the accepted term for this but I think Staccato run would be more accurate. Fast double picking is not actually a variable pitch. It should have its own name since the effect isn't used in any other genre.

That sounds good to me.

I am super sweet

Well fast double picking while sliding your fretting fingers down the fretboard is what I thought the original poster was asking about (e.g. First few seconds of Pipeline). That's a glissando since the pitch is changing.

But I think I like drdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdr duurrrghh! better.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

P.S. Wikipedia authors are often high.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

P.S. Wikipedia authors are often high.

I agree and I am the first person to have serious doubts about Wikipedia, but if their definition is anywhere near correct, the pitch would have to change without the picking to be a true glissando. Anybody using an Ebow for surf?

P.S. Wikipedia authors are often high.



I see what you mean. I'm no music major, but I always believed these terms are kind of loose. The conductor points at some random guy in the orchestra and says "do a glissando"...the guy is just going to produce a descending tone. Whether the guitar player picks while doing this isn't all that interesting to me. But yeah, definitely in the surf idiom there is a great deal of picking involved. ;)

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Let's just call it the Dick Dale Run, since that is something I think he really did invent. We don't need no stinkin' glissandos.


And even if he didn't invent it, the addition of the volume (Showmans), reverb, heavy strings, and playing style definitely made it his own. That is one thing just about everyone copies.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea


in our band we call it a swinger or surf swinger (the dutch translation of which has the connotation of a golf club swing - hey golf music back again!-i.e. "zwieper" for those who read Dutch)

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

Japanese translation: "Teke Teke Teke"


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hahahaha im just gonna call it teketeketeke. what a cool picture

too cool! Ferenc, is there a hi-res version somwhere? I think I need that on my wall.

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

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