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Thanks for your amp suggestions!

My SBV 500 bass is here! What a nice bass! Blue metallic is wonderful!

These moments I start to learn playing bass with "For whom the bells toll", on youtube, haha! Not really surfy I know...
But I do not learn the whole song, this is too much for today. But I will see how it works.
I want to have fast fingers like Rob Trujillo. ...or Joey De Maio : )
...better I pick up my Suicidal Tendencies CD?

Twang cheers!

Ralf Kilauea

Alright, "for whom the bells toll" is done!
It was not as difficult as I thought. I have to play it a few days then it is in the fingers.

Time for "Master of puppets"... : )

Twang cheers!

Ralf Kilauea

Very cool! Congrats Ralf! But before you go any further, please put away the Metallica, ST or Manowar and get straight to the Iron Maiden!

Insect Surfers
The Tikiyaki Orchestra
The Scimitars
Lords Of Atlantis
Fiberglass Jungle - Surf Radio

You are right Jonpaul! I stopped "master of puppets", omg, this is not playable for me yet...
Cool bass lines but I need more time for stuff like this...
It is just for learning and getting into bass playing.

BUT I better start with "Pipeline". Then Iron Maiden.

...But now I have to do a break, I play a little statist role in a David Lynch style short movie. ...maybe back later .


Twang cheers!

Ralf Kilauea

Pictures of the SBV, Ralf?

And "statist role"?

The Mystery Men?
El Capitan and The Reluctant Sadists
SSS Agent #31

Here ya go...

"Maybe there aren't any surf bands; there's only surf music?" Tuck

Richard wrote:

Pictures of the SBV, Ralf?

And "statist role"?

Yes, yes, I try to link to pics! ...I try.

And, yes, as said a little statist role. I try to do more in this direction.
keep you updated if you are interested.

But now the first SBV pics:



Twang cheers!

Ralf Kilauea

HallmarkSweptWinger wrote:

Richard wrote:

Pictures of the SBV, Ralf?

And "statist role"?

Yes, yes, I try to link to pics! ...I try.

And, yes, as said a little statist role. I try to do more in this direction.
keep you updated if you are interested.

But now the first SBV pics:

Twang cheers!

Ralf Kilauea

Last edited: Nov 12, 2013 08:20:48



Last week Thee Swank Bastards played a show with 8 different bass players.


Radio Free Bakersfield--60 Minutes of TWANG, CRUNCH, OOMPH.


Last edited: Mar 01, 2020 10:15:18

What was the occasion for that?


Very cool.

Bass with

bigtikidude wrote:

What was the occasion for that?

Per Jesse, Shaun had to cancel last minute. Jesse's got a small stable of backup bass players going, but the impending holiday thinned them out, too. The guy he did have lined up only knew 30 minutes of music but it was a 2 hour set. So...he got creative. Now he wants to make it an annual thing.

Radio Free Bakersfield--60 Minutes of TWANG, CRUNCH, OOMPH.

To answer the original post:
Pre-Fender bass, it was all upright - which of course was played pizzicato and comes across very muddy in early/mid-1950s recordings. I think once the "Precision" (as in the frets helped bassists play the notes precisely) bass was launched (and the Danos and other brandings) the career path changed from being upright bassist->rock'n'roll & surf bassist to (6-string) guitarist->switch to bass. ALSO - remember recordings in those days were mixed to sound good on AM radio (and transitor radios with 2" speakers) so plucking with a pick vice fingers makes the attack sharper and helps note definition comes through the mix better.
I myself prior to my conversion by Matt had been an upright and funk/jazz/R&B/classic rock bass player for 40 years; NEVER except when threatened at gunpoint, would I use a pick. But again, a lot of those early lines are recorded by pick-players, so I've worked on the technique that a lot of guitarists already have....
Best surf bass lines, as noted, aren't really surf. Kon-Tiki (Shadows) is rather melodious. Granted mostly it's arpeggios and 'walking' through different modal scales, but it can be challenging if done right (and if you treat the bass like a 3rd or 4th 'guitar' and not so much a bass.)
To get the tone right with modern (eg, not vintage/antique equipment), I'm using the new Fender Superbassman 300 and 100T tube amps, through either the new 6x10 Neo cab or a 4x10. I've just taken delivery of a reproduction 1x15" cab as well. Roll off the BASS, punch up the high-mids and treble - and if the cabinet's got a horn/tweeter, turn it all the way down or off. On the Superbassman, I pull the "bright" knob on the treble switch 'out' and turn off the tweets. Sounds very authentic to me.
I'm playing a new Carvin PB4 (passive/no onboard preamp) with thick flatwounds and that's working great. As you can order in any color, mine's Surf Green. The Fender MIJ '62 P-Bass reissue (in S.G.) works well but doesn't sound any more authentic than the Carvin.

Bass with

Sorry for coming to the party a little late. I love a nice circa 50's thumpy bass sound and am currently using combination foam and felt mute on my Mustang RI Bass strung with Labella Flats. Nice dead thump. But doesn't sound so hot on songs like Fadeaway by Laika & Cosmonauts which is often heard with very sustained bass notes. Playing through a TH350 & 2-GS112 NT's, not your typical Surf set-up but getting a real nice old school sound. Thanks for posting all the interesting Bass stuff here.

The "authentic" way to get the old school dead-string thump is exactly that - foam (or a car washing type sponge) shoved under the strings, or better, under the bridge cover if you have one installed. (James Jamerson called the piece of foam he used his secret weapon). Problem is exactly as stated - you have to go through the drill of removing it when you do want sustain.
The pragmatic way is to palm mute using the fleshy part of your right hand - just past the bridge - takes some discipline to find the right spot for each string and to get some tone consistency - but - very flexible and, if you want, variable from a dead tic-tac thump, through slightly muted, to no mute at all.

Bass with

They should pad out the set with a phatt version of "Big Bottom"
featuring lead, rhythm, and bass bass - heck, double 'em up for extract phattness and be sure to give everyone a chance to solo during the "extensions" section/s.
WhorehayRFB wrote:

bigtikidude wrote:

What was the occasion for that?

Per Jesse, Shaun had to cancel last minute. Jesse's got a small stable of backup bass players going, but the impending holiday thinned them out, too. The guy he did have lined up only knew 30 minutes of music but it was a 2 hour set. So...he got creative. Now he wants to make it an annual thing.

Squink Out!

Last edited: Mar 19, 2014 19:27:22

Seriously, I have been trying to get a bass playing gig but they can tell I'm a guitarist a d assume it's somehow disingenuous to try out on bass. I was never ordained a bassist but thought I could fake it. I try to play on the downbeats, tonic & 5th, lite arpeggios and scalar walking when it's called for but somehow it's not selling so far.
JonPaul, anyone else - got any advice on better bass?

I am playing a Dano Longhorn with flats, a pick and palm muting.

Squink Out!

Last edited: Mar 19, 2014 19:35:04

I know many guitar players who have tried to switch to bass or have and I can usually hear it.
It's important to leave behind your guitar duties if switching to bass. They have very different functions. Timing, Groove and Phrasing are different on bass. Most guitar players play bass too legato. The spaces BETWEEN notes are much more important when trying to play good bass than most guitarists realize.
A good bass player should groove and hit solid time hard enough to be a time keeper, even without a drummer. Most guitar players can't do this as well.
It's kind of like when I moved to Nashville and people would ask "are you an electric player or acoustic?" I thought this was a ridiculous question. If you can play one you can play the other. WRONG. They have very different functions in popular music. Most electric guitar players overplay acoustic.
I don't know if there's much help in my post but, well, just my thoughts

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