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IvanP wrote:

psychonaut wrote:

IvanP wrote:

So awesome! Now, if you could only release it on CD so I could listen to it! Twisted Evil

We should have it up on itunes and amazon for download.

Thumbs Down We want a CD, we want a CD!


well a two song cd makes no sense, but one of my future plans is an album of singles and outtakes and live tracks -- we actually have a lot of good stuff in the vaults.
Starting to plan for another new album too.

psychonaut wrote:

well a two song cd makes no sense, but one of my future plans is an album of singles and outtakes and live tracks -- we actually have a lot of good stuff in the vaults.
Starting to plan for another new album too.

Oh shoot! My apologies - I thought this was the new album - I guess I wasn't paying close enough attention and didn't get this was a single only. That changes it all, of course. Sorry!

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IvanP wrote:

psychonaut wrote:

well a two song cd makes no sense, but one of my future plans is an album of singles and outtakes and live tracks -- we actually have a lot of good stuff in the vaults.
Starting to plan for another new album too.

Oh shoot! My apologies - I thought this was the new album - I guess I wasn't paying close enough attention and didn't get this was a single only. That changes it all, of course. Sorry!

I wish it was a whole album! We're not that prolific unfortunately, although we have been writing new songs lately

Amazon and iTunes are lossy.

Any chance of a lossless digital track? I've recently made some purchases from Bandcamp, and been happy enough with the lossless options there.

It was a lot easier to let go of LPs than it has been to let go of CD. I wonder why?


IvanP wrote:

Oh shoot! My apologies - I thought this was the new album - I guess I wasn't paying close enough attention and didn't get this was a single only. That changes it all, of course. Sorry!

Me too! Still excited!

Steve wrote:

Amazon and iTunes are lossy.

Any chance of a lossless digital track? I've recently made some purchases from Bandcamp, and been happy enough with the lossless options there.

I'll second that emotion. I don't always download lossless from bandcamp but I would for Coffin Daggers. Plus I think it's a little better for discovering bands than the great ocean of stuff on Amazon

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

ElMonstroPorFavor wrote:

IvanP wrote:

Oh shoot! My apologies - I thought this was the new album - I guess I wasn't paying close enough attention and didn't get this was a single only. That changes it all, of course. Sorry!

Me too! Still excited!

Steve wrote:

Amazon and iTunes are lossy.

Any chance of a lossless digital track? I've recently made some purchases from Bandcamp, and been happy enough with the lossless options there.

I'll second that emotion. I don't always download lossless from bandcamp but I would for Coffin Daggers. Plus I think it's a little better for discovering bands than the great ocean of stuff on Amazon

I'm definitely going to look into that. Mp3's are crummy, and it'd be nice for the listener to be able to hear more of what was intended. I imagine FLAC is the only real option for lossless? Is Bandcamp the only lossless distro out there?

FLAC is the original compressed lossless format. It's still popular among the concert trading fans. There are other lossless formats, each with varying levels of adoption, and functionality.

Apple recently open sourced their lossless format:


which has several advantages, IMO, including full metadata embedding, and smaller file sizes.

As a snob, I have tools to convert most non-lossy formats into my preferred format, so it doesn't matter to me which you pick.

As a customer, I'd be happy to use Bandcamp, PayPal, or nearly any other established way to exchange money for bits.

Bandcamp is nice in that you (the customer) can choose what format you want the deliverables in, and they convert and/or bundle it up for you.

Neil Young was showing off some sort of lossless device on Letterman last year, It's on youtube but he only mentions Sony I think.

I'm up to speed with Ted Taylor Four now so really looking forward to hearing the new Coffin Daggers single.

Very cool looking cover! Luckily I've kept my record player and it still works. All my friends have moved to CD yet I like hearing some of that old crackling on my old albums. I remember how every scratch on every album happened, brings back memories of the good old days.

Really enjoying listening to the new Coffin Daggers single cranked up on headphones. They've done good to capture the spirit of the tune I think. I'm guessing Cats Eyes is about driving hell for leather down British country roads at night. Most British roads had reflective cats eyes by end of the 1950s and I'd guess before that night driving was much slower.

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