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Permalink Version Two of "Whimsical Surf" by the Insanitizers

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Microsoft does it, Apple does it, and now the Insanitizers have issued a revised version. This is a revision of their surf guitar CD "Whimsical Surf." Why? Because the Insanitizers found how to make their guitars sound both energetically edgy and gorgeous. Here is the first professional review of this new CD:

“Cry of the Coyote” rock-n-roll CD review magazine published in France gave this CD a "Cry of the Heart" award with highest rating. Review received Jan. 4, 2013:

" Conrad Swartz's band decided to revisit the content of their previous album, while I await their next CD. This gives me the chance to appreciate the humor of such titles as "Polkzart" (the 40th symphony of Wolfgang Amadeus as a super fun polka), "Fantwango" (a rocking tango), and "Fowl ball" or "Beerocracy" (puns on "foul ball" and "bureaucracy"). I rediscovered versions of "Sugarplum" ("Dance of the Sugarplum Fairy" by Tchaikovsky) which rocks well and of "Puppetor" ("Funeral March of a Marionette" by Gounod) in flamenco rock style. They added supplementary guitars, changed the solos on some songs, and concocted new arrangements and new melodies on others. I was thrilled by the first version, but the second is even more rockin’ and the guitars gallop. Everything on this album is a keeper, what a great time for fans of rockin' surf! "

"Whimsical Surf Version 2" CD by the Insanitizers is now available at and

Version 1 has strong reviews, e.g., 4 stars and "Too much fun" --Phil Dirt/ReverbCentral, "Surf music in a frenzy" --Vancouver Voice, "Sounds great" --Pipeline Music Review Spring 2011. Version 2 adds new melodies and riffs and remasters the audio of every recording.

Near final complete versions of "Waterboard Surfing" and "Dance Like a Robot" can be heard at for a while. The recordings on the CD are of similar quality but different.


Last edited: Feb 08, 2013 12:02:52

More importantly than Microsoft or Apple the Bambi Molesters did it!

You can now audition all tracks on the CD in their entirety at
or on the Insanitizers Facebook page.


Published today on
is a complete review of this CD. It includes specific commentary on each of the 17 tracks. Here I will quote only the overall comments. For the individual track details please surf to the review page noted above.

Whimsical Surf Version 2 is fun. Good old-fashioned party time fun. Everything from the music to the artwork is a gas.

The name, Whimsical Surf Version 2, aptly describes the CD's 17 tracks. The neat artwork on the album cover gives a humorous visual depiction of the mirth and mayhem that awaits you.

The following words, from the inside of the CD cover, describe the album's contents to a T: "In Whimsical Surf the Insanitizers play frenetic instrumental Surf-Rock-n-Roll. It is upbeat, original, both modern and retro, and carries a Rockabilly edge."
_Whimsical Surf Version 2 showcases the creative ability of The Insanitizers, a surf rock band from the Portland, Oregon / Vancouver, Washington area.

I got a lot of enjoyment out of listening to Whimsical Surf Version 2. It's filled with fun, let's-have-a-party music. Whimsical Surf Version 2 is guaranteed to put a smile on anybody's face.


Another review of Whimsical Surf Version Two, in Pipeline Instrumental Review magazine, issue 91, Spring 2013 (just arrived):

"It's a very lively set with a full-on approach featuring tough jangling guitars excellent take of Rossini's William Tell Overture...mighty fine performance of Grieg's In the Hall of the Mountain King."


"Cry of the Coyote" CD review magazine was just published. The "Cry of the Heart" award is displayed with a longer review, a darker background, and the letters "CRi" on the CD album art. Here it is in the original French. This particular issue reviewed four Surf CDs. Most of the magazine is about rockabilly and roots rock, so the surf CDs they review are highly selected.


Last edited: Mar 23, 2013 18:23:39

"New Gandy Dancer, the magazine for rock instrumental music" ("NGD") from the U.K. issue 112, arrived in the mail yesterday. Here is what they wrote in their review NGD 6162:

"Frantic, fun & full of guitar rock originals this is the second visit to NGD from Conrad Swartz, Mike Martin, Ralf Palin and Tim Ennis- The Insanitizers. Great tearing surf and driving instrumentals with some really nice covers secreted in there, like the theme from Alfred Hitchcock, "Mozart 40" and "The Sugar Plum Fairy" - all powered up of course!

"Dance Like A Robot" is a strong starter for ten, with its rollicking & rolling axes and "Waterboard Surfing" is a racey, wild surfer. "Hot Sauce" is a BIG sound reminiscent of Davie Allan's material or indeed The Ventures' "In Space" album. This set definitely can't fail."

Reviewer Davy rated it 4 out of 4.

This review applies to Whimsical Surf Version Two, not the first version, although it does not state "version two." I do not understand what Davy meant with the words "for ten." Perhaps he meant "for fun." This CD has seventeen recordings, total 45 minutes.


Last edited: Aug 03, 2013 12:00:57

Pandora Radio just notified me that "Whimsical Surf Version Two" passed their audition and will be added to their service. It will take a couple of months to appear. They wrote, "We're excited about your music...and look forward to hearing it on Pandora."

To find the Insanitizers' music on Pandora just search there on Insanitizers. "Wild Surf Guitars" is there now.


I've only been able to listen to Whimsical Surf Volume 2 carefully once, and I enjoyed it a lot. More than a lot. I'm looking forward to giving it a lot more spin-time, so I can get more familiar with it, but this record immediately brought smiles to my face and kept them there. I really like it.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Noel's entertaining and detailed review on SG101 of Whimsical Surf Version Two appears here:


Last edited: Oct 28, 2013 10:54:18

Today the "Album Cover Hall of Fame" published a photo essay feature about the cover art for the Insanitizers music CDs including "Whimsical Surf Version Two." Here is a link:


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