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Permalink Uploading photos from your computer, finally...

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So for a long time I have resisted doing this. Mainly because I didn't want to manage (and backup) megabytes of images. But these days I can farm that off to a "cloud" service (e.g. Amazon S3), and, while I haven't fully done the math, I think it is really cheap. I'm fairly certain it would be a dollar or less a year for the first few years (unless you guys swamp me with photos).

I cringe every time some newbie can't figure out to hot-link a photo, and sites like Facebook make this seem like a required feature these days. I have also noticed that people seem to share more photos on FB than here and I want to try to counter that to some extent.

Anyway, the real reason is I want to code it! Big Grin

So if you have any thoughts about how this should work, please suggest a workflow or some ideas here.

I'm thinking a button gets added somewhere on or around the new post box. This will allow you to select a photo off your computer / device. It will upload the photo to my server where I can resize it and make a thumbnail version, then my server will send it to a cloud provider. It will return the link and some JavaScript will paste the link into the new post box for you. You'll also be able to review the photos you've uploaded in the past by accessing a "Gallery" link off your profile page.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea


And in all jokingness, people still have images on their local computer?

That would be a really nice addition to the site. For me, it would eliminate the extra step of uploading to an image hosting website. The only other forum I visit regularly is the Steel Guitar Forum. They have what I think is an easy system.

There is a "post reply" button that takes you to a reply text box, which has some basic options as we have, but includes an "upload picture" button.

Selecting "upload picture" opens a pop up window containing:

a "max dimensions 800X1200...larger pictures are automatically resized" alert.

file types accepted (jpg, jpeg, gif etc.).

a browse button that opens your picture files.

a "custom size max pixel field" (which I don't know what it does)

a "rotate image" option.

Selecting the "browse" button opens the picture library on your computer. Double clicking on your picture closes your picture files and at the same time, inserts code into a field next to the browse button.

The final step is to select "cancel" or "send". Pushing "send" closes the window, and replaces it with an "upload picture" pop up with a view of your image, dimensions, and "insert as picture" and "insert as link" buttons. (There is also a back button and a "cancel")

Pushing "insert as picture" puts a code right into your reply text and when you post, the picture appears.

This occurs to me as complicated writing it down, but it is really pretty seamless. I can only imagine writing code to make this happen. You will probably come up with an even more elegant solution.

Hi Brian, excellent idea!

I suggest, on top of Scott's excellent breakdown:
Use the same image button that we have now ^^^, why complicate.
Fist step in the dialog box that appears would be an option to UPLOAD from pc, or LINK from web like the oldie days. Then the rest accordingly.

Good luck.

Thanks for the good feedback. I have a lot to think about.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I have this about 1/2 done. I've got the backend part done. I'll probably turn it on tomorrow and let you start playing with it. A fancy front end javascript thing that is integrated with forum posts will come later. In the meantime you will be able to visit a page, upload a photo, and get a code to paste into your posts. In the future I hope you will be able to do all of that from the forum post box.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

How about from smart phones?
If we are viewing sg101 from them,
Will it work for them also?


Don't know if it's even needed... but for your consideration: easily select multiple photos at once to upload.

Thank you Brian, this is much anticipated by me.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Re: smart phones and devices, not sure but I think so Jeff.
Only 1 photo at a time, at least initially.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Cool, I hope so.


Ok, phase 1 of image uploading is now live.

Please keep in mind this is experimental and what you see is not the final feature. What remains to be done is to integrate it with the forum post box.

But in the meantime, if you would like to kick the tires, please upload a photo or two and try it out.

  1. Visit your profile page
  2. A few links under your avatar you should see a link "My uploaded photos". That will take you to your gallery. On that page is a link to the upload form. Or, at the bottom of your profile page is a bunch of icons and links. The third one down is Upload Photo.
  3. On the upload form, choose an image to upload and, well, click Upload Photo! That will send the image to the SG101 server where it will be resized if needed. Then the image will be uploaded to the Amazon cloud.
  4. After a few seconds the form should redirect you to a "details" page for your new photo. You can then copy the image code for pasting into a forum post.

At this time there is no way to delete photos. That will probably get added later.

Again, this process will be integrated with the forums post box so you won't have to jump around so much. But it should be usable now.

I hope you find it useful.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I just uploaded a photo from my Android phone. Cool!


Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

SG101 code pasted directly in to text window just like SG101 V1.


Thanks to Malcolm, Noel, Danny, & Ron Rhoades for trying it out! Ron used it to add a flyer to the TakeOffs Sept. 28 gig on the calendar.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

One of my favourites!

Great Granpas dance band, that's him on fiddle and his brother Elmer on the Banjo.image

Test from slo ol hp in ohio


there had to reread instructions


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