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Connersville, Indiana, USA

Posted on Feb 07 2007 07:35 PM
I have become fond of the Clayton Acetal small picks. Anyone else use this brand?
The Moshay nylon ones are superb as well, IMO. They just last for years.
I have some Clayton picks the size of the one to the right, in the picture, but they're all .38mm...a tad light for tremelo picking. I've also got a pack of jazz style Fender thin picks, somewhere at dad's. Life will be much better, once I've got everything moved from dad's place to mine.
On one hand, that's what I get for buying a house during the winter, but on the other hand at least I've finally got a place I can (when it's paid off) call my own. I'll eventually get all of my stuff moved to my place...being winter, right now, I'm not in any real big hurry.
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Posted on Feb 07 2007 08:12 PM
i shop i used to go to carried claytons, and I used to use the small ones back in my metal days. They are good picks, and would be fine for surf.
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Oceanside, CA

Posted on Feb 07 2007 09:13 PM
I was just out today trying to find Clayton Triangles like the one in the pic above. Nobody had anything under 73mm. I really wanted 50mm in nylon. Instead I hd to settle for Dunlop 58mm Ultex. Good but just a little too heavy.
I prefer the Fender Thins these days. My Arm doesn't hurt so much with the light picks. But I tear through the Fender thins like butter. I get about a hour out of one of the thins if I'm lucky.
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Wear gloves - I'm in the Rockies

Posted on Feb 07 2007 09:31 PM
Dunlop Delrin 500 Standard .96 Dark Pink for the last 10+ years exclusively.
Only Ivan could be tough enough to use pink picks!
just razzin' ya Ivan!
personally, I like Fender Moto Mediums. I find the red ones to have just the right amount of treble, but when I play at a brighter sounding venue, I go with the greens.
— "You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"
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Denver, CO

Posted on Feb 07 2007 09:41 PM
no way to upload pics form your computer.
Hmm. But ... could you submit your pick pic to Brian as a pic of the day (, tell him it was one of Aquasonics in a mask and link to the image in your letter when he put it up?
Testing, testing!
Yes, it works! Now if Brian is just gullible enough ... or maybe it would be possible to come up with a better cover story.
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Bay City, Michigan

Posted on Mar 22 2007 05:51 PM
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Posted on Mar 22 2007 05:54 PM
Don't know if I posted this...
This is why you don't play with .46 nylons.

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Bay City, Michigan

Posted on Mar 22 2007 06:00 PM
.46 would be way too light, especially if your using thick strings. theres gotta be a good amount of power hittin' those strings to get a realy good surf sound sound IMO, and thin picks just dont cut it.
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Posted on Mar 22 2007 06:15 PM
A good amount of power was hitting the string. It was mainly my thumb and that is why I started bleeding.
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Bay City, Michigan

Posted on Mar 22 2007 06:19 PM
well i was by no means demeaning your arm stregth. but i think thicker picks make the tone sound more "powerful" because you get more of a precussive sound, which i like in surf.
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San Francisco

Posted on Mar 23 2007 01:06 PM
Not trying to step on anyone's toes here, but I have no friggin clue how anyone plays electrics with a nylon pick. I find that they wear down stupidly fast, and bend waaaaay too easily for my tastes. even the black ones, which are something like 1mm, I can't get the damn thing to stay stiff enough to really get a good attack (hardy har har... fortunately it's only guitar picks that have that problem).
But seriously, I find that even the Alien heads sometimes are a little flimsy for some songs, so I've taken to bringing along one of the new Dunlop Ultex picks along in my wallet, I think it's the .73 - now that thing PLUNKS on heavy strings. It's beautiful...
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Posted on Mar 23 2007 03:01 PM
Really love Dunlop 500 delrin hot pinks (.71) - great all around pick!
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Posted on Mar 23 2007 08:21 PM
Not trying to step on anyone's toes here, but I have no friggin clue how anyone plays electrics with a nylon pick. I find that they wear down stupidly fast, and bend waaaaay too easily for my tastes. even the black ones, which are something like 1mm, I can't get the damn thing to stay stiff enough to really get a good attack (hardy har har... fortunately it's only guitar picks that have that problem).
But seriously, I find that even the Alien heads sometimes are a little flimsy for some songs, so I've taken to bringing along one of the new Dunlop Ultex picks along in my wallet, I think it's the .73 - now that thing PLUNKS on heavy strings. It's beautiful...
I find that nylons don't wear down at all.
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Bay City, Michigan

Posted on Mar 24 2007 10:39 AM
Not trying to step on anyone's toes here, but I have no friggin clue how anyone plays electrics with a nylon pick. I find that they wear down stupidly fast, and bend waaaaay too easily for my tastes. even the black ones, which are something like 1mm, I can't get the damn thing to stay stiff enough to really get a good attack (hardy har har... fortunately it's only guitar picks that have that problem).
But seriously, I find that even the Alien heads sometimes are a little flimsy for some songs, so I've taken to bringing along one of the new Dunlop Ultex picks along in my wallet, I think it's the .73 - now that thing PLUNKS on heavy strings. It's beautiful...
I find that nylons don't wear down at all.
tell me about it, i dont think dick dale uses nylon, his wear down too fast. i cant seem to find the picture online, but theres a picture in his "better shread than dead" that shows his grinding down i think 4-6 picks during his cover of third stone from the sun. i have never grinded down nylon picks to that level even after a few months of using the same one, gratned i DO use flatwounds, but even before i did, i never got them down to nothing like that.
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Athens, Greece

Posted on Mar 29 2007 03:25 PM
Don't know if I posted this...
This is why you don't play with .46 nylons.

I like your bloody Jag!
Black Dunlop Tortex to me! Mainly with .80mm but I use a thinner or thicker pick when my mood is
In the beginning I was using thin picks too but when my hand got stronger and double picking went wilder and faster then,one day I tried a thicker one.
Until then I stuck with the .80mm!
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Atlanta, GA

Posted on Mar 29 2007 06:56 PM
Eddie sez: Fender medium in white of course! When playing Shads tunes I try to use a heavy pick as it produces a smoother tone. I use the medium pick turned sideways trick to smooth out passassages when swapping a pick in the middle of a song just is an impossible idea.
eddie old school
— Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?
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Bay City (Michigan)

Posted on Apr 03 2007 12:30 PM

I need a nice thick pick for playing bass
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San Francisco

Posted on Apr 03 2007 03:26 PM
Oh man, Shaun, you're killing me! Those giant triangle guys are crazy. I couldn't play with one to save my life. How do you do it?!??!
I will be a bit sacrelige here, and admit - I ended up using a Dunlop Ultex pick for a lot more of my recording session than I'd planned - it snapped just a bit better than my beloved alien heads...
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Murfreesboro, TN

Posted on Apr 03 2007 04:11 PM
Dang it, I hate to say it but I agree with Eddiekatcher... it's Fender mediums (in white) all the way for me. I've found that they actually work better with my more percussive style than other weight picks. The only drawback is that I wear them suckers out really quick.
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Kekaha, Kauai, Hawaii

Posted on Apr 03 2007 05:36 PM
I use Dunlop .60mm and .73mm and a friend gave me a couple
real tortoise shell picks which i use for Duane Eddy kind of stuff and man, those things are solid if you can hang on to 'em. There's nothing written on them so i don't know how heavy they really are but there's a HUGE difference between them and say, the Dunlops in volume and defenition (sp?). I wouldn't try it on the intro of "Pipeline" cause there's no flex.
— The TakeOffs
"Kauai's Only All-Instrumental Surf Band"