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Permalink INSECT SURFERS Infra Green tracklist

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That over-the-top lead is our new guitarist Michael Abraham. He moved here from SanFran last year and was playing in a band with Stanley Clarke's violinist, so you know he has krazy mad chops! he also had a short-lived surf band called 'Space Blaster' up there, but they were such jazz guys that they were completely oblivious of a local surf music scene!(look, i know, i know.....!)Thanks for your kind comments. I don't know Freddie Jones,what style is he? Also,ideally you can tell who's doing our soloing cuz i always split the channels for our respective guitars. First 3 cds i'm in the left channel , but on 'Infra Green'(to approximate what you see onstage), i'm on the right channel, Mike in the left. Also thanxx everybody,for your patience in the length of the cd. I honestly prefer shorter cds myself, but we had such a glut of tunes that we wanted to get it all out, after such a length between releases. The upcoming vinyl will be available within the next 8 weeks or so, and since we can't afford a double LP(they cost twice as much!) they will contain a download card for the missing trax. SurfNutDuke!- damn, i missed 'Vaquita Day' at the local aquarium. Ther's also a mention of the vaquita in the latest Harper's' Magazine called 'Emptying The World's Aquarium',all about the Gulf of California's dwindling fisheries.

Continuing heartfelt thanks to everyone for all the kind words about Infra Green! We are all really proud of the album and this lineup just keeps growing closer and tighter! Producing the vinyl version has been a bit of a struggle, but I am very happy to say that we are as close as we've been! Mike and Green Cookie will be putting it out and it should be seeing the light of day in the not too distant future.

On another cool note...CD copies are selling like crazy! So much so, that we're getting down to only having a limited number left. So, if you haven't yet or were on the fence about pulling the trigger on a copy, now's the time! Thanks so much!

Insect Surfers
The Tikiyaki Orchestra
The Scimitars
Lords Of Atlantis
Fiberglass Jungle - Surf Radio

That's great news about the vinyl.
That the cd is selling so well.
Are you guys gonna press more of the cd?


FYI - The CD is now in the KFJC library. Lot of tracks have been on the air. I checked our internal data base - 39 plays by 13 different DJs so far.

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