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I've been wearing ear protection since my early 20's (mid 70's), so I've tried real hard to take care of my ears.

Lately, my right ear has been sounding like a conch shell (echoes, weird overtones, whistling noises) for about 6 weeks now. I've been to a couple of doctors, and they've diagnosed me with Eustachian Tube Dysfunction. It's gotten a little better, but I haven't been able to listen to loud music (go to concerts, or play electric guitar), even with ear protection, for that whole while. They say it just takes time to heal. Has anybody here dealt with this issue? It is driving me crazy.! And with SG101 weekend coming up, I'm very concerned that it won't be healed in time.. Any input would be much appreciated.


Call these guys. I saw Dr. Luxford. Good guy. They/he may be able to refer you to somewhere up where you are OR you could visit on a drive. I had an inner ear that he helped me resolve. They are a pretty good outfit. No complaints and I healed a month later. Ear issues can take weeks if not months to resolve depending on a case by case basis.

The House Clinic

Best wishes and good luck.

Most Sincerely,

Thanks Dario! I'll certainly contact them.


I hope your condition is as they tell you it is; and will heal over time, Robbie.
I have also been to House Ear Institute when I damaged my hearing back in 1980. They are your best source of expert help. They told me to quit playing amplified music- which, I didn't. So like many older musicians I suffer from Tinnitus and at the same time Hyperacusis; which is a collapsed tolerance for sound. So certain sounds can be painful. I pray you recover fully and hope to meet you at the convention. I'll probably be the guy wearing the shooting muffs- as a full day of loud electric guitars will be more than I should expose myself to.

Dusty Twangdude

Thanks, Dusty. You may not be the only one wearing the shooting muffs at the convention! Hope to meet you there.


Hope it heals up for you quick Bob!

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

This is not an uncommon condition.
Here is an article about it:

Everything this article says makes sense to me. Ibuprofen may also help if you can take NSAIDs (not everyone can). Drinking hot beverages such as herb tea may also help. So might getting out in the summer heat.


Get well soon Robbie!

The Secret Samurai Website
The Secret Samurai on Facebook

Sorry to hear of your trouble Bob. We've missed you at the shows lately.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Here's hoping you get well soon. Do electronic earplugs offer any relief?

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Hope this clears up readily for you Bob - Looking forward to seeing you in SoCal, shooting muffs or not!



Shooting Muffs?

Is that anything like the 60s surf song
Shooting Beavers?
Sorry I had to go there. No


Thanks for the support, everybody! This is absolutely killing me. All the doctors have said that it just takes time. Electronic ear plugs? I haven't tried them but being that the middle ear is the problem, I don't think they would help. Any vibration causes a reaction in there, whether the ear is plugged or not. But I'll look into it. I'm willing to try just about anything. Thanks again.


I think the earplugs make it to where you can hear normal sounds ok but it cut off noise at 82 db or so. Hope you overcome this as soon as possible.

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