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Permalink INSECT SURFERS Infra Green tracklist

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Insect Surfers - Infra Green

  1. Bay of Bengal [0:03:38.61]
  2. DelMarVa [0:02:23.56]
  3. Space Park Drive [0:03:35.11]
  4. Orion Canyon [0:04:32.23]
  5. El Diablo Habanero [0:03:21.48]
  6. Pinto Pacer Duster Gremlin [0:01:53.35]
  7. Plankton Dance [0:02:34.07]
  8. Sea Scorpion [0:02:58.05]
  9. Par Avion [0:04:18.19]
  10. Pineapple Skies [0:04:02.20]
  11. Vaquita [0:06:51.23]
  12. Crab Crusher [0:04:28.31]
  13. Kitsune [0:04:37.48]
  14. Radar Road [0:09:27.65]
  15. Infra Green [0:03:06.27]
    Fresh tunes, great arrangements.

Last edited: Jul 08, 2013 18:56:13

I've listened to this new cd about 10 times,
Gets better n better with each listen.
Get it now!


My CD arrived in the mail Wednesday night and I have listened to it a bunch already. It is super good and makes my head explode (in a good way).

Wow, wow, wow!

I was afraid that my expectations might be too high and that I would be disappointed, but I needn't have worried.

Can hardly wait to share a track with my listeners Saturday night.

Got mine today! Thumbs Up In the middle of the first listen and I can definitely say I love it already.

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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

We received ours, along with the ginchy Insect Surfers logo tshirt and original Arnson art note, yesterday. Like Cousin Mary and Brian (and a host of others), we are really digging it. Cranked it out on the deck, beers in hand. Well done guys!



A PHENOMENAL CD! Over an hour long, so it's taking a bit to familiarize with, but it's well worth it. Given that it's a completely different lineup than the other Insect CDs (except for Dave, of course), it's remarkable that it sounds 100% like the Insect Surfers. Jeff's drumming is great, the second guitarist is fantastic, but the real revelation to me was Jonpaul's bass playing which is freakin' amazing! Love this CD!

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IvanP wrote:

A PHENOMENAL CD! Over an hour long, so it's taking a bit to familiarize with, but it's well worth it. Given that it's a completely different lineup than the other Insect CDs (except for Dave, of course), it's remarkable that it sounds 100% like the Insect Surfers. Jeff's drumming is great, the second guitarist is fantastic, but the real revelation to me was Jonpaul's bass playing which is freakin' amazing! Love this CD!

I wish my copy would get here soon!

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

I just started listening to it but so far it does sound really great!
The first two tracks, Bay of Bengal and Delmarva especially sound a lot like the vintage DC Insects that I remember. Delmarva actually was a song that they played live back then, but I don't think they ever recorded?

Here's Delmarva from the early 80's from a local TV broadcast:

Atomic Mosquitos
Bug music for bug people is here!
Killers from Space

Last edited: Jul 09, 2013 11:06:52

I've only got to hear it once so far but it really sounds awesome and hit me pretty deep. I can't wait to spend some more time with it!

I overdosed on it at first,
Listening to it alot in a week or so.
And I had other stuff to listen to.
But I'm getting an itch to come back
To it.
The Insects are on tour in Europe right now,
See the tour schedule in the show announcements
Area. Maybe you can catch a show if they are in yer
Part of the world.

After they get back they have a gig at
the Echo in LA on Thurs. Aug. 1st
And at
The Purple Orchid in El Segundo Sat. Aug. 3rd

Can't wait to see them again,
And also catch up with them and hear all their
Euro tour stories.


Finally listening now. Thanks, Jonpaul & Dave for getting this to me! I have to confess, in spite of all the above and some tour videos, I didn't hear this coming. The musicianship is jaw-dropping. The production is tops. The writing? I believe this record is going to inspire a lot of great new music.

Cool T-shirt too!

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Last edited: Jul 29, 2013 14:14:06

The Insect Surfers,
Trad surf? No!
Rad modern surf? You betcha!


It's kind of ironic but I didn't know what a Vaquita is (an endangered porpoise) or what it meant until this album came out and some songs started getting airplay. Then a little while later, this article... came out in the Breeze which raised an awareness of its plight.

It's cool that Dave can write songs that evoke feelings and concern about life in the desert and the sea... and beyond. Dead Thread Cheers

Insect Surfers welcome back from Europe show,
Purple Orchid in El Segundo, Ca. This sat.
10 to 1 pm. With Acapulco Radio from Germany also
On the Bill.
Come welcome them back, and get the new cd if
You don't have it yet.


Think I might attend this, plus the CD release party on Thursday.

What's Acapulco Radio like? Guess I'll find out!

The cd release party for the insects this Thursday
Got cancelled!


Here is an instro song by Acapulco Radio

But they also sing, look em up.
Kinda country Hawaiian


Not cancelled...postponed! Until Aug 30, still at The Echo. And now, back to keeping the thread on track...Infra Green!!!
The guys that played on the album--Dave, Michael, Jeff and I, will be playing lots of Infra Green tunes live this Saturday night at The Purple Orchid! Hope to see some folks there!

Insect Surfers
The Tikiyaki Orchestra
The Scimitars
Lords Of Atlantis
Fiberglass Jungle - Surf Radio

Last edited: Jul 30, 2013 23:57:25

Sorry, my mistake.


I've been listening to this CD for about two weeks now and I'm really dig this CD. So far my favorite tracks are Bay of Bengal, Orion Canyon, Plankton Dance, Pineapple Skies & Vaquita. Orion Canyon is such a great tune, now my favorite Insect Surfers song. Well done guys!! Curious who plays the intense lead on the opening song Bay of Bengal? Reminds me a little of Freddie Jones band song "Day Dream". The lead is not typical surf but extremely cool.

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