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Permalink Smiths Tribute, Surf Style?

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Jake and I had discussed this shortly a while back, and the idea was dismissed pretty quickly.. I've been listening to a ton of smiths in the past few days, and realized how well a few songs could be surfed up, especially "heaven knows".. I started playing around, and simply changing the voicing of some chords can add a cool surfy dynamic.

The Stiffs - Louder than Waves? Big Grin

Yep. So who's up to do some internet collaboration? I haven't got anything good to show here yet, so perhaps I can finally make some music. I can play bass, rythm guitar, or both.. I figured I'd rather leave drums and lead guitar to those more talented.

Thanks! <3


I hate this idea! But I'm game. I'm working on one of my favorites and one of three Smiths songs without any guitar on it, 'A Rush a Push and the Land is Ours'

I just put rhythm down, gonna try to figure out Morrissey's part. Problem with him is that it isn't always the same...

Generally, I'm very anti-covering. And touching the Smiths... blech... But this seems like a bit of fun. Mostly... it gives me an opportunity to play my ES-355 to a Smiths song.


It's so challenging... I left Morrissey's parts alone for a reason. Wink I'm not quite sure yet either, whether it will end up sounding like surf or instro Smiths..

But thanks, I'm so glad you're on board. Now I don't have to use garage band. Big Grin

I'll work on bass for that one tomorrow, I'm too tired to do anything now. Zzzzz


I'll send you some tracks tonight, hopefully. So you can use those to guide what you do.

I can't get Morrissey's phrasing to sound interesting/right. I am going to take some liberty just with phrasing. Draw things out a bit more. It is really the only way to make it sound like an instrumental song and not like I'm copying a vocal part.

I noticed that playing descending intervals really add some flair to Morrissey's parts, just a thought.

Sounds like it's going well, then?

Thanks Jake!


It isn't going that well... The phrasing just sucks to memorize. I've played it all correct, just not all at the same time.

Anyways, bed time. Long week.

I've always wanted to cover a Smith's tune...the problem is deciding on which one and then there's the difficulty of arranging the vocal line for guitar (as you've already mentioned).

Well, after "a rush and a push", heaven knows should come easily. I remember hearing the opening to that the first time without knowing what it was, and I absolutely thought it was surf, if only for a few seconds.

Any drummers interested?


I've mined the entire Smiths catalog a few times over trying to find a cover that we could pull off. Still looking...

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Many of the Smiths songs serve well as instrumental, even when not interpreting the vocal parts. There is a bootleg disc of outtakes and such that includes a handful of instrumentals. However, the name is slipping my mind.

THE KBK ... This is the last known signal. We offer Sanctuary.


i love the Smiths..

the one that i've been thinking about trying is Panic. it could almost, kinda sorta work. i haven't tried yet but i hear something in my head that maybe could work

I think some Wronski style tricks could make this work, octaves, fun chords, etc... Using the full range of the instrument..


Rip Thrillby once told me Johnny Marr could've been the greatest surf guitarist ever if he was so inclined....

I say go for it.


JetPowers wrote:

Rip Thrillby once told me Johnny Marr could've been the greatest surf guitarist ever if he was so inclined....




Last edited: Jun 26, 2013 20:17:50

I've been sick since Saturday. Hope to get back to this on Friday!

JakeDobner wrote:

I've been sick since Saturday.

Blech. Get well, and don't worry about this, I still need to get the rig set up.


Yeah, I've been using Logic. I need to find time and/or a place to get my amp out and mic'd. I live in an apartment... so...

I've got my mics hooked up, just still working on setting everything up..


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