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Permalink Names for New Surf Bands

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I've had a LOT of time on my hands lately. So naturally I thought this would make an interesting topic. Various people have asked for help naming their new bands and maybe this thread can be a band name depository,

The Glissandos is a great name proposed by Jon a couple of days ago.

Here's mine.

The Tektites Tektites? Tektites (from Greek τεκτός tektos, molten) are natural glass rocks up to a few centimeters in size, which most scientists argue were formed by the impact of large meteorites on Earth's surface. Tektites are typically black or olive-green, and their shape varies from rounded to irregular. (Wikipedia)

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

I got so many floating around in my big empty head.
How about these:
The Dead Witch
The Boneless Combo
The Stylites
The Surfarabs
Arab Supply

Squink Out!

Los Mescaleros

Chupacabra Sunrise

Los Nalgas Grandes

Has there ever been a surf band called El Terremoto?

The Advance Directive
Omega Society

Squink Out!

The Chums

Sick Ducks

Ill-Favored Martians

Saltwater Slugs

... why not go to a site like "" and try for yourself - i really like our bandname, but if it would not already have been invented, i would immediately choose "Obese Surf Kitten" or "Eat the Sadistic Surf" ...


I have always loved band names that have a story behind them, no matter how trivial or simple it may be. The first substantial band that I had was called Stuck@Zero. The name came from a conversation we were having about our own status within the punk community in relation to a then joke about 'punk points'. Our friend Radek had recently gotten arrested for urinatig in an occupied police car. It was at that point when we realized in the grand scheme of handing out 'punk points', we would eternally be 'stuck@zero'.

Kill,Baby...Kill! comes from a Bava film that was the initial inspiration for the asthetic direction I wanted the band to take.

Up next for me is a just for fun project that will be called 'Model City Prisoners'. The nickname for Anniston, AL is 'The Model City'. If you know the current state of the area then the irony will not be lost on you. But the name comes from that and the general feeling that once you get stuck here, you are an eternal prisoner.

THE KBK ... This is the last known signal. We offer Sanctuary.

Last edited: Jun 12, 2013 09:56:38

I am having a hoot with the generator gizmo gizmo link here
Type in surf lingo for a laugh or two.

The Screaming Skeg
The Rail Pounds a Serpent
Pain Lies Beneath The Greenroom

I like Noah's concept of an idea or story behind a name, not just something that appeals to the Genre.
Some people think our name is related to the retro culture, poker, card game stuff, Aces High etc. or that it has relation to us thinking we're aces on our instruments (I wish) or at performing our music......but in the end we just named ourselves after my electric guitar loving, bad ass coon hound lab mix,
Yep, we're named after my dog.

Ned Schneebley's Gurl Yes

We're named after the occasional monster movie character Col. John "Hannibal" Smith plays in the A-Team... Smile

The Aquamaniacs on ReverbNation
The Aquamaniacs on Facebook
The Aquamaniacs on Twitter
The Aquamaniacs on Instagram

Milton Bradley & the Parker Bros.


Pahoehoe Milkshake

This might take some back story....In a geology class I had, we had a very picturesque textbook. Obviously, we covered lava. Someone pointed out that the picture of the pahoehoe lava looked like a fluffy chocolate milkshake, and the first thought I had was "woah....that'd be an epic band name." Big Grin

Sadly, I never used it for anything, so if anyone wants to use it, be my guest. I can picture the shtick being a mix of Hawaiian culture and a 50's malt shop. XD

Thinking about band names. As far as I know these are still available:

Beach Glass
Ding Repair Shop
Sunset Waves

Happy Sunsets!

Mystic Knights of the Sea...

'Model City Prisoners' has a great ring to it and a complexified meaning. Plus it sounds punk.
There has to be theory behind a name and irony to boot. Punk bands have left a good legacy of smarts that I think naming surf bands qua surf lingo doesn't measure up to. Topical, angry, political – no reason surf has to be 'safe'.
In the 80's I was in a band called Workfaire, referring to the Contract on America cooked up by the Speaker of the House (someone help me here – the short sweaty fat guy on the Red team). Another band was called Beatrice, after Dante's beloved but also the largest conglomerate purveyer of foodstuffs at the time – remember "We're Beatrice"? at the end of so many commercials in the mid-80s'?
Anyhow, keep em coming!

Anybody using The Waterboarders yet?
How about The Renditions?
.killbabykill34 wrote:

I have always loved band names that have a story behind them

Up next for me is a just for fun project that will be called 'Model City Prisoners'. The nickname for Anniston, AL is 'The Model City'. If you know the current state of the area then the irony will not be lost on you. But the name comes from that and the general feeling that once you get stuck here, you are an eternal prisoner.

Squink Out!

i think The Waterboarders are up in Portland OR...

dp wrote:

i think The Waterboarders are up in Portland OR...

I KNOW they are in Plymouth in the South West of England.

Los Fantasticos

In Belgium, we have a politician named "Bart De Wever" and with a bandmate, we had the idea to create a band called "Bart and the Wavers". Anyway we never did that because this politician is very controversed in Belgium (especially in the area we live).
A bit like a UK band named "Maggie and the Teachers" Smile

Monkey Ju

Pirato Ketchup

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