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Permalink timeslot or threadbased unread posts feature-can it be done?

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I was just wondering - the view posts since last visit option is really cool and very necessary!

except, one little problem. Once you visited the forums, the feature records that as you have seen ALL those posts, regardless of whether you actually visted the actual forum, thread, or post.
So what happens more often then not to me, is that I'll have say 10 or 15 minutes to check the site, get a friggin bunch of new posts which I can not read all, and then have to check out again fater reading a few. on my next visit, the posts/threads/forums I havent seen yet but where allready ther eon my former short visit have turned white on me. and Ill spend quite sometime sometimes to check by date/time what Ive missed, if I rember tehre where some cool topics I havent checkd out yet.

So, are there solutions to this? I can think of two options:
best: the 'new posts' icon (colorchange, rather) only happening when you actually visit the particular thread, instead of upon entering/leaving the site as a whole.
second best: a feature that shows you the new posts since

But perhaps Im the only one with this problem.... Not a clue whether it's possible at all, softwarewise, either.


Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

Wannes, maybe Brian can fix this, but for now, what I do when this happens is scan the dates on the right column.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Yeah I think that has happened to me too.
you know what the resolution is??

read every new post since your last visit every time you go on Shocked



Yeah. Thats not an easy thing for me to change.

You could use an RSS reader, it would give you all the posts by date very easily.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I'd be happy to see any kind of change to how this feature works. It just doesn't work for me at all when I'm at home. I've tried Safari, IE and Firefox on two Macs and a Windows machine, so I don't know what my problem is. It works fine when I'm at work.

I'll have to try the RSS reader idea.

Edit: That works!

I just noticed for the first time (8O Exclamation ), that at the bottom of every sub-forum is the text "Display topics from previous:" with a drop-down box. It defaults to "All Topics" but can also be changed to 1 day, 7 days, etc.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I guess this is the best place to pose this question.

I actively use the "show topics with unread posts" feature in the forums menu, and it works great. This is how I use the site. However, lately (in the week or two I'd say) toward the end of the listing of topics, I start getting results from a month ago... like to the day. It's not at all a big deal, but I thought I'd ask about it in case anyone else is having this issue or if it's evidence of a problem somewhere. Any idea about this Brian?

(So just FYI), this thread is from 2007 back when we were using different forum software, so nothing above Jamie's post applies anymore.)

Jamie, I have not seen that. At least I don't think I have. I will keep an eye out. Are you using the "Mark all forums read" button?

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Brian wrote:

Jamie, I have not seen that. At least I don't think I have. I will keep an eye out. Are you using the "Mark all forums read" button?

Actually, I don't use the "mark all forums read" button. Maybe I'll give that shot and see what happens. As I said, it's SO not a big deal. Just more of a curiosity than anything or worst case some evidence of a bug somewhere. Given I know NOTHING about websites (outside of the most basic use of DreamWeaver) it could be something on my end for all I know. Just thought I'd bring it to your attention. Smile

I know that I see old threads that I think I have read but when I check it turns out I haven't read them all.

There is also a button in each forum to mark just that forum read.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

So, just to be clear, so far you never used any "mark all topics" read button. But eventually you start seeing threads that are a month old that you know you have already read?

One possibility comes to mind. The list of unread topics can be paginated. So maybe as you read topics stuff from page 2 starts appearing on page 1 that you weren't expecting or saw before?

I dunno you may have to email me a screenshot. Thanks!

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Last edited: Jun 07, 2013 19:34:30

Brian wrote:

So, just to be clear, so far you never used any "mark all topics" read button. But eventually you start seeing threads that are a month old that you know you have already read?

One possibility comes to mind. The list of unread topics can be paginated. So maybe as you read topics stuff from page 2 starts appearing on page 1 that you weren't expecting or saw before?

I dunno you may have to email me a screenshot. Thanks!

Yeah, it's a really weird thing. Hasn't happened in a couple of days, but if it happens again, I'll certainly screen cap it for you.

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