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Permalink Yngwie Malmsteen friend or foe?

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Teiscofan wrote:

Surfaholic - Interesting feedback. I found the early stuff "Alcatrazz, Steeler" different then the "Rising Force" material. I found the middle albums "Oddesy, Fire and Ice etc... palatable albeit commercial too a degree.

I find them overly commercial, in the worst, over-produced, late-'80s hair-metal way. I gotta say I can't really listen to those albums at all.

Seventh sign is a staple in the deck.

Not familiar with that expression - what does it mean? I actually only discovered this album last year, and have grown to love it since then (as well as its follow-up, near twin Magnum Opus). Still quite a bit of commercial aspects left, but it all started getting considerably heavier and closer to the first two albums, I thought, which to me will always define Yngwie. Oh, I found them surprisingly melodic, too, with pretty good songwriting. Even his soloing was atypically melodic on those albums. They've really become recent favorites.

However the latest releases far more mature and heavier tonally.

Yep, agreed. I'm not too sure about his new album from December, I think it's a backwards step, but the four before that I think are really good.

The symphonic Concerto he released was mind-boggling IMHO.

Some great stuff on that one, no doubt.

This is what makes music so interesting. Only so many notes and we all hear them differently. Big Grin

Very true. As far as Yngwie not growing as a songwriter, I think that's probably mostly accurate. But that's simply his sound. Nobody faults AC/DC or Motorhead for this, do they? And did anybody really want to see the Rolling Stones change their sound in the '80s? It wasn't an improvement. How many here think that Dick's '90s albums are superior to his '60s output? Sometimes 'growth' is overrated.

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IvanP- Well said. I agree with the "Magnus Opus" likening to "Seventh Sign". I never thought of it as twin but it too is in heavy rotation AKA: "staple in the deck". I also agree that the first 2 albums with Jeff Scott Soto singing defines Yngwie.
I like the analogy of AC/DC and Motorhead. Oddly enough last week was Motorhead week for me and I thoroughly enjoyed the comfort and predictability of listening to their newer stuff ( Vol 1 and 2 The world is ours). Sometimes growth is overated and its like visiting an old friend. You can just relax knowing the music will be their for you. Cool

I am not obsolete, I am RETRO.... Cool

^+2...I find myself agreeing with Ivan on almost every point. Although my definition of excellent would be confined to the context of Yngwie's recordings only. They are for me just barely listenable. However, as I have very young children and almost no free time for listening, the fact that I listen at all is a testament of sorts.
This latest album was a big disappointment because I was beginning to get the feeling that Yngwie was on the verge of producing a great album with some evident growth. Now I get the feeling that it proved to difficult and he may indeed never make a relevant album again.
I admit that I think enough of his talent that this saddens me quite a bit...Yngwie has a tremendous gift and I would love to see it grow to more of it's obvious potential.

Who?? some metal guitarist?? don't do metal. swedish? cool! bad car wreck? just like jeff beck!! not surf i take it... hmmm. nothing relevant to add to this.
no, i wouldn't pull anyone's leg!!! Duh

Enjoying the surf,sun and sand!!

When it comes to being a good guy, Yngwie's ego trips him up sometimes... but his playing is always impressive.

To Boldly go where no Tiki has gone before...

Ivan, I hear a Malmsteen influence in your song "Tribal Fires." The slow melody sounds somewhat similar to Malmstein's early melodies. It's not derivative, there's just a resemblance. I enjoyed it.


Might be a good place to mention that Mr. Malmsteen has a new memoir out titled "Relentless"
Apologies if it was mentioned earlier or elsewhere.

Squid wrote:

Ivan, I hear a Malmsteen influence in your song "Tribal Fires." The slow melody sounds somewhat similar to Malmstein's early melodies. It's not derivative, there's just a resemblance. I enjoyed it.

Thanks very much, Squid. I certainly did not consciously go for that, but I do listen to Yngwie a fair amount (I listen to Blackmore a lot more than that!), so I have no doubt it sneaks in there subconciously. And big part of it is those harmonic-minor/phrygian/hungarian-minor scales, which were a big part of original surf music and which also play such a big role in the Blackmore/Malmsteen styles.

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My son had school tests the next day so we did not go to the show. I wish I had.

I'm sure he would have been entertaining. I appreciate him as he is a "thing" and far away from some sort of boring automaton, but I'm so far away from really digging that style of music, and always have been. He is obviously more driven and more focused than I will ever be about guitar, hence why this thread is not about me.
I'm not a fan of the style, clothes, hair, or attitude of "I shred the hardest" or whatever. But then I revel in my own mediocrity. Fashion is something I'm not so good at anymore and it's hard for me to leave my SoCal "That's not cool" mindset at times. I like steve stevens! I like that he put a raygun on his amp model. Good on Yngwie for having a guitar model.

On Ego's: my best friends dad went to see Chet Atkins and was completely brushed off in a rude way. My friends dad literally went home and it more or less shattered his illusions on idols. Oh well. I think now with the internet, it's easier than ever to see the failing's of those one might idolize.

I know famous people who are nice, and not famous peeps who are not. The best comments I have heard about money/fame etc.. is that they are amplifiers of what you already are.

Last edited: Aug 25, 2016 15:21:28

Choice_of_meat, I don't understand what you mean by "completely blown off", can you give more detail?

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

An aside - For those that are fans of Yngwie style music there are a plethora of bands. I would reccomend Joe Stump, Theodore Ziras to name a couple.
This might explain why I have a scalloped Strat and a scalloped Telecaster, ( I keep looking at the les Paul and wondering if it wants to be scalloped) ... Face Palm

I am not obsolete, I am RETRO.... Cool

Hi, I ws trying not to be too specific, as it's just hearsay from me. I think what it was, was CA just completely ignored my friends dad in a very rude way when they had a chance to meet. Maybe "brushed off" would have been a better choice of words so I changed my post (it was not sexual if that's what you were asking! lol!). But it was to the point as I remember the story that my friends dad literally was so bummed on it he sold his Chet guitar (not sure on the model) and bought a Les Paul.

I hope I was clear that I don't really like to put down anyone really, Y.M. or otherwise. It's often anecdotal evidence out there and I try to avoid (and fail, yeah) at not drawing large generalizations about people.

Last edited: Aug 25, 2016 15:28:12

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