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Permalink Bevel Emboss - Celluloid

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Bevel Emboss with 2 tracks on NPR today
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In an odd coincidence of events, I'm compelled to bump this post.

First and most importantly, I was listening to Celluloid this past week and did some digging to see what these guys are up to. Sounds like they are writing & recording new material for a follow up album this year. Woot! Woot!

The odd coincidence, today is the Super Bowl. And if the Seahawks or the Patriots aren't your bag, there's always the commercials (we're due for a strong year... last few haven't had a Terry Tate punch that I can recall), and of course The Halftime Show. The big news about this years halftime show was when word leaked that the NFL was soliciting performers to pay to play. Apparently it back fired and the NFL retreated the notion, so Katy Perry is neither paying nor being paid as Forbes is reporting it.

Any how, what the hell does Katy Perry's halftime show have to do with Bevel Emboss? Well, I was reminded when revisiting the album this week that there is a really catchy melody on the albums closer - In The Mirror. A while back, I figured out that it sounded familiar... you guessed it, a Katy Perry song. If you have Celluloid, check it out - track 15, otherwise you'll have to go to Spotify or the like to hear the full song. After you do, give this a listen. Wink

Katy inspiration or not, Celluloid stands up as a great album 2+ years later. Great songs, great playing, great recording. I'm really looking forward to hearing the follow up! And for anyone who missed this thread and band first time around, check out their debut release - you won't regret it. Thumbs Up


El Mirage @ ReverbNation

I was just listening to this again after a long break. It was just as good as I remembered.

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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

According to their facebook feed, looks like another one coming out in 2015. SO excited to hear that

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