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Permalink Instro Summit 2013, May 3rd-5th, Durham, NC

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I can tell you all that my personal experience of being in the room with everyone during the Penetrators tribute was spiritual. That was my thought then at the time and remains my main feeling about the event. I believe I saw the same reaction on the faces of every artist on stage during the show, and most of us in the audience. I can only imagine how it felt to play the music up on stage. It was transcendental to be there. Thank you all.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Last edited: May 09, 2013 15:48:53

I don't have a lot to add that hasn't been said but would like to do so anyway. This years Instro Summit was very special to me as it was basically my one year anniversary with the Mystery Men? and reintroduction to the surf community after having stepped away from it for a decade or so. Last year I was brought in the band as a temporary fill-in for Richard, but they kept me on and it has turned into so much more and provided me with so many great opportunities. I am so grateful to The Mystery Men? and love those guys.

The highlight for me, like so many others, was the Penetrators tribute. My first surf show was the Penetrators around 1996, I was around 15 years old. Later, my group would become friends with both them and the X-rays and we all shared many bills together. At that age, both of those groups were like gods to us and it seemed more than appropriate for Eddie to lead the tribute alongside my biggest surf guitar hero, Ivan. Starting off the set with my favorite tune "Checkpoint Echo", I looked down to see Rip's strat and Spanky's megaphone and was instantly transported back in time and my eyes began to well up. I had no idea it would have such an effect on me.

Other highlights of the Summit were Arrows Out and the High Fidelics. Arrows Out played beautiful, melancholy tunes. I've never before heard a drummer play so powerfully with brushes. I saw the High Fidelics at Surf Fest last year but they didn't impact me like they did this past weekend. Those guys do not steer away from adventurous material, and it couldn't work better for them.

I also met some new friends like Noel, which most of you know is an absolute pleasure, Matt Lenz, Chris (Aquasonics), and many others. Seeing Larry "Moondog" White was wonderful as well as I hadn't seen him in well over a decade. We reminisced of the time where we played at his pool (with Satan's Pilgrims!) and our bass player, Matt, decided it would be a good idea to put his feet in the pool while playing. Luckily said bass player is still alive and well.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to many more Instro Summits and Crispy, I hope you understand how much they mean to us all and thank you so much.

The Squares - 1995-2002
The Mystery Men? - 2012-
MOONBASE - 2012-2017
The KBK - 2017-2022
The Frigidaires 2021-
Southern Surf Stomp!

noel needs the 'biggest fan' award for this years summit

mom_surfing wrote:

noel needs the 'biggest fan' award for this years summit

I think we need to come up with a nick-name for Noel. The West Coast has Jeff Big Tiki Dude as biggest fan/surf officiando, and over here on the East Coast, we have Noel as such. Let's take a vote to give Noel an official code-name.

How about Noel the Nug, or Gnarly Noel?

Matt "tha Kat" Lentz
Skippy and the Skipjacks: 2018-2020
Otto and the Ottomans: 2014-2015
The Coconauts surf band: 2009-2014
Group Captain and the Mandrakes 2013
The Surfside IV: 2002-2005, 2008-2009
the Del-Vamps: 1992-1999, 2006-2007

Chadillac wrote:

I don't have a lot to add that hasn't been said but would like to do so anyway. This years Instro Summit was very special to me as it was basically my one year anniversary with the Mystery Men? and reintroduction to the surf community after having stepped away from it for a decade or so. Last year I was brought in the band as a temporary fill-in for Richard, but they kept me on and it has turned into so much more and provided me with so many great opportunities. I am so grateful to The Mystery Men? and love those guys.

The highlight for me, like so many others, was the Penetrators tribute. My first surf show was the Penetrators around 1996, I was around 15 years old. Later, my group would become friends with both them and the X-rays and we all shared many bills together. At that age, both of those groups were like gods to us and it seemed more than appropriate for Eddie to lead the tribute alongside my biggest surf guitar hero, Ivan. Starting off the set with my favorite tune "Checkpoint Echo", I looked down to see Rip's strat and Spanky's megaphone and was instantly transported back in time and my eyes began to well up. I had no idea it would have such an effect on me.

Other highlights of the Summit were Arrows Out and the High Fidelics. Arrows Out played beautiful, melancholy tunes. I've never before heard a drummer play so powerfully with brushes. I saw the High Fidelics at Surf Fest last year but they didn't impact me like they did this past weekend. Those guys do not steer away from adventurous material, and it couldn't work better for them.

I also met some new friends like Noel, which most of you know is an absolute pleasure, Matt Lenz, Chris (Aquasonics), and many others. Seeing Larry "Moondog" White was wonderful as well as I hadn't seen him in well over a decade. We reminisced of the time where we played at his pool (with Satan's Pilgrims!) and our bass player, Matt, decided it would be a good idea to put his feet in the pool while playing. Luckily said bass player is still alive and well.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to many more Instro Summits and Crispy, I hope you understand how much they mean to us all and thank you so much.

Very nice review of your thoughts/feelings on the summit, Chad. I wish I could have seen more but since I brought my whole family with me, my priorities were with them. I also had a great time hearing these bands live for the first time and meeting a bunch of great people. It's a whole new world for me out on the East Coast and I've really enjoyed what I saw. I have CDs and have seen lots of videos of the bands, but it's just so much better seeing them play live. I, too, will be in attendance next year.

Matt "tha Kat" Lentz
Skippy and the Skipjacks: 2018-2020
Otto and the Ottomans: 2014-2015
The Coconauts surf band: 2009-2014
Group Captain and the Mandrakes 2013
The Surfside IV: 2002-2005, 2008-2009
the Del-Vamps: 1992-1999, 2006-2007

Chadillac wrote:

I don't have a lot to add that hasn't been said but would like to do so anyway. This years Instro Summit was very special to me as it was basically my one year anniversary with the Mystery Men? and reintroduction to the surf community after having stepped away from it for a decade or so. Last year I was brought in the band as a temporary fill-in for Richard, but they kept me on and it has turned into so much more and provided me with so many great opportunities. I am so grateful to The Mystery Men? and love those guys.

Chad, your playing was inspired - and inspiring - last Friday! The Mystery Men in the three-guitar line-up are truly a force to be reckoned with, and your playing was just fantastic. As I wrote above, I truly loved seeing you guys play and hearing all the new songs. I'm really sorry we didn't get a chance to talk at all, though, I was really hoping we would. Well, I hope you'll be trekking to SoCal with the band in August, and that we get a chance to talk there.

Now, if we can just get you to extend that strap and lower than guitar a bit.... C'mon, it's rock'n'roll, not jazz!! Twisted Evil

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

Aw shucks, thanks Ivan. We'll definitely have to catch up at the convention. It may be rock, but it is a JAZZmaster after all. Smile

The Squares - 1995-2002
The Mystery Men? - 2012-
MOONBASE - 2012-2017
The KBK - 2017-2022
The Frigidaires 2021-
Southern Surf Stomp!

I've been working on this to put on the blogs, and only just now got it done.

Highs and Lows from Instro Summit 2013

  1. Massive pre-Summit anxiety, caused from a variety of reasons: a new, untested club and location that would take a higher percentage of the take regardless, communication difficulties with the Casbah folks, who seemed a bit skeptical of the concept to begin with (“three days of this? Really?”), Sponsors who offered forth significantly less money than last year, and a lot of other stuff (I’m not even mentioning my dire personal finances, or the fact that I also had to find a new place to live during this same time period, or that I had to work a full shift–starting at five am–the Friday that everything starts). Nearly every tense thought would be relieved by Summit’s end.

  2. A 3pm scramble to get everything set up in time for the first band, helped immensely by Robby Poore, the Stancills, Savannah Ford, Mouse Mock, Greg Bower, Dave Perry, Groves Willer, and Instro Summit superfan Noel Squitieri. I think the bigger room helped all of us here. Thanks everybody!

  3. The Glory of hearing the first band come out blazing through the Casbah’s stellar PA system. I’ve said that ‘Bah has the best sound in the Raleigh-Durham area, and I think a lot of people that night agreed with me. Plus, with their taller stage, everyone could finally see the band anywhere in the room.

  4. The Noseriders kicking things off in grand style. It’s sad that this could be their next to last show (a final show is planned at Carolina Beach later this summer), as their “Devo does surf” sound is utterly unique, catchy and a helluva fun time. At least they were happy: as the first band on, they got to relax and enjoy everyone else!

  5. Last minute substitute band El Mirage playing the surf classics in fine style. For a band that only plays out four to five times a year, they sounded spectacular. And Mike Brennan absolutely nailed Hank Marvin’s sound when they knocked out “Apache”.

  6. The Mystery Men! Oh. My. God. What an extraordinary set these boys pulled off! I’m always impressed at Jamie Galatas’ ever-growing prowess on the guitar, but this time he, Chad, Richard and everybody else just knocked it out of the park. I think the bigger stage and cooler temperatures helped, too, as for the first time Jamie’s clear plastic mask did NOT fog over and force him to play blind. The only bummer was that one of our DVD recorders conked out during the last few minutes of their set. At least we got most of it.

  7. The High Fidelics surprising us all with a set that not only rocked, but was loud as hell Killer Filler’s Greg Bower had hoped that someone would give his Pro Reverb (one of our house amps) “a good workout”, and man, did they deliver. Also cool was HF guitar guy Edwin using the Airline guitar strap he JUST WON a few minutes before during one of our between set giveaways: “That’s a good strap, Crispy!” He told me seconds after they were done. Mike at Eastwood will be proud.

  8. The arrival of the Liv’s food truck outside, which had steady business from Summit patrons and musicians all weekend, so much so that they ran out of french fries on multiple occasions. I have to say the Hummus wrap and the Steak Tip Souvlaki Sammich I had were top drawer.

  9. Tons of free swag this year: Free Vintage guitar magazines, stickers and buttons, guitar picks, wrist bands, beer coozies, shirts, postacards, even toothpaste–we had ‘it.

  10. First-time Summit band the Diamonheads playing a silky smooth set of songs that made you weep with joy. Every note they played was caressed with loving care. They sold a truckload of CD’s soon thereafter.

  11. The Madeira! What more can I say? Whatever glories I expounded on Ivan and the boys last year goes double this year. And the fact that they played a mess of new, as-of-yet unrecorded material sent many an Instro Summit fan into a tizzy.

  12. The Aqualads kicking ass as usual, but also keeping things fun and interesting by pulling out both new AND old material to show off. It was seriously appreciated.

  13. Trying to give away a National Bohemiam belt buckle between sets by having the first person say their slogan (“Oh Boy What a Beer ”) backwards, but everyone was too intoxicated to pull it off. Good thing the Duke Tower Hotel is in walking distances.

  14. Kill, Baby..Kill! Finally getting to set up their video rig, so’s we could watch the screaming girls and monsters along with the screaming guitars and monster sounds. If anyone was feeling sleepy by the time they started (1am) KBK woke ‘em riiiight up. KBK also sold their very first copies of their new CD at the Summit merch area, which were steady sellers the whole time they were there.

  15. Watching a cold and hungover Aqualads play for the comic book nerds at Free Comic Day Saturday morning. Finest moment? The ‘lads playing their beautiful original “Bon Voyage” while a guy to their left is beating on a Djembe like Art Blakey on acid, and a woman dressed as one of the Sand People from “Star Wars” is to their right, poking bass man Jimmy King in the butt with her spear. At least it paid well.

  16. A surprisingly low turnout for the Lunch jam and free afternoon shows. I think nearly everyone partied a little harder than usual Friday night, giddy over a first night in a great club with great bands, which can make for a slow recovery the day after (also a lot of them were practicing one last time for their tribute shows). Oddly enough, attendance only picked up after we started charging at the door again.

  17. Noel Squitieri bringing a couple of Quilter Amps for the Lunch Jam people to fool around with. These pint-sized beasts are smaller than a Fender Champ, but put out a MASSIVE amount of sound, enough to make a Marshall stack run crying home to its’ Momma. Plus they have great reverb and tremolo. Those who tried the boogers were blown away by their sound and features in such a tiny package–it’s everything a surf band with bad backs needs! I know I want one

  18. Numerous fun and frequently erratic Jams, that sometimes came out amazingly great, other times so awful you fell over laughing. Either way, it was a happy time.

  19. Jeremy from the Aqualads coming back from nearby Offbeat Records, holding an original 45 rpm record of the Chantay’s “Pipeline” he’d just bought, smiling like a kid wired on Pixie Sticks. I’d find out later that over 100 people involved in the Summit would pay this gem of a music store a visit during the weekend.

  20. Eddie Katcher’s massive backline of amps, which sounded great, but due to there being a ton of backline on the stage already, had to be taken on and off the stage three times that day–sorry for the extra workout, Eddie!

  21. A Great show by the Instro-Nauts, performing their Astronauts Tribute set, featuring Eddie from the Surge , Jamie from the Mystery Men, and a genuine surf man from Denver, Chris from the A-sonics. All would trade lead, rhythm, and “chunk chunk” duties the entire set, and they all sounded fabulous.

  22. An amazing, beautiful, and moving set by the Penetrators Tribute band. Ivan, Eddie, Robert, Trace, and Stix played each song with loving care, and it was hard not to cry along with Ivan as he told stories about Rip and Spanky. Quite possibly the Summit’s finest hour, or at least 40 minutes anyway.

  23. Stix and Trace from the Penetrators discovering the gluttonous joys of Torrero’s Mexican food, where the plates are the size of manhole covers. It’s one of the few places where even this Instigator can’t finish his meal.

  24. Speaking of food, our Special Guest Food Truck, CJ’s Street Food, delivered a spicy and tasty mix of Asian-inspired sandwiches that won over many, including yours truly. Personal issues meant they had to pack up and leave early, much to the distress of many a hungry Instro Summiteer.

  25. Finally, a real-live horse race during the “Can You Play as Wack’d as Link Wray?” contest, with Allen from Blood Red River, Brian from the Diamondheads, and Skip Lunch all dukin’ it out. Suitcase o’ Swag winner Brian might have had the upper hand, using one of Link’s preferred axes, a Danelectro Guitarlin.

  26. A small, (just seven guitars) but still potent Rumble Jam. It’s interesting to note that every year we’ve had a big number of people of participate, the following year we have If this patten continues, 2014 we’ll have guitar players spilling out the door.

  27. Durham’s Arrows Out starting up the paid portion of the evening with a post-modern set of melodies that were alternately original and catchy, or interwoven and dreamlike. Although Instro Den Mother Becky Stancill found their set “boring”, everyone else loved the change of pace from the non-stop surf-o-rama. When we found out they had nothing for sale, the “Awww ” of disappointment from the crowd was massive. Next year, folks!

  28. Eddie Katcher loading his giant amps on stage for the third and final time that night to knock out a set of original material by the Surge , which as usual, sounded great. And they FINALLY had an EP for sale at the merch table, which made everyone happy.

  29. The rotten news that the Intoxicators had wrecked their car–mere blocks away–after a driver behind them failed to notice they were trying to parallel park. I was sent to borrow somebody’s van so we could procure their gear before the wrecker hauled their car away, but before I could even get a set of keys, members of the Mystery Men? Kill, Baby, Kill, the Monterreys and others walked to their vehicle, grabbed their stuff and brought it back to the club on foot. Shortly thereafter I explained the situation to the crowd and was soon overwhelmed with financial donations to the band in a matter of minutes. These two moments made me realize what a close-knit, caring family we in the Instro world have, and I truly feel touched by everyone who stepped up here.

  30. And explosive set–their best yet –by 9th Wave, made all the more amazing due to Mike Rosado suffering from a slipped disc in his back the entire time. Having a full PA and soundman this year helped their set immensely; you could finally hear Sandy’s horn playing loud and clear, and when she took a flute solo (leading me to refer to them as “The Jethro Tull of Surf Music”), the crowd went absolutely bananas.

  31. 9th Wave providing me with my first batch of Yankee Rocket Fuel, aka Moxie. I swear by this stuff (along with Gatorade and sweet tea) as the magic elixir that keeps me going during these three grueling days.

  32. The Intoxicators ignoring the fate that just befell them and blasting out a Motorhead-worthy set o’ stompers that gave everyone the friendliest kick in the butt they’ve ever had. This was all the more impressive when you factor that their second guitarist, George Walker, couldn’t make the trip and they were playing as a trio. The love from the crowd that night hit them like a tidal wave, and they gave that love right back., only faster, louder, and more dance-able.

  33. Another great set by the Atomic Mosquitos, this time featuring a mess of soon to be recorded new material, In particular the Bali-wood song "Jaan Pehechaan Ho" which made normally easy-going co-instigator (and Indian music buff) Robby Poore wide-eyed with delight.

  34. The realization that many of the bands that had previously been silent during the sets (Aqualads, Atomic Mosquitos, and others) were actually talking to their crowds this time around, expounding on the origins of their songs, making jokes, etc. It’s great that our format allows these folks to come out of their shells a little and talk about their mutual love.

  35. Blood Red River’s “Punk-A Gogo” set of badassery, once again featuring twin go-go dancers, smoke and bubble machines, and a whole lot of Gibson-powered RAWK . Davie Allan should be this much fun.

  36. Last minute replacement band Beware the Dangers of a Ghost Scorpion blowing all of us away with their original ideas, amazing twin-guitar harmonies so accurate you’d think there were electronic devices involved (there weren’t ), and the fact that they were an incredibly nice bunch of fellers. I look forward to seeing these guys more again and getting to know them.

  37. The Coffin Daggers returning to the Instro Summit stage. They weren’t totally happy with their 1am slot, but people stayed up late to watch them, and for a change they got to play as long as they wanted, knocking out such classics as “Shark Attack”, “Spooky”, and their big closer, “Caravan”. It was a rewarding close to a great evening.

  38. Realizing when I got home around 4am that evening that my Summit fatigue had caught up with me–it took me a loooong time to get the strength of pull myself out of my car in crawl into bed. Once there, I slept hard. Very, very, hard.

  39. Discovering the following morning that the Intoxicators–not to mention the Mystery Men?, Monterreys, and others–had discovered the deep-fried joys of Honey’s, Durham’s favorite 24 hour diner. I’ve referred to the Intoxicators as “The Waffle House of Surf”, and knew that Honey’s, with it’s “Biscuits the size of a Cat’s head” was made for them.

  40. Hunting down change for our merch booth Sunday, when all the banks were closed. Merch sales were flat-out incredible this year, and we soon found ourselves with fistfulls of twenties–but no smaller bills–at the end of each night. I eventually found a sweet lady at the Durham Walmart who let me exchange a few of our big bills for some ones and fives.

  41. Finding out Sunday afternoon that we–for the first time–sold out of Instro Summit posters. Finally!

  42. Getting to show off Killer Filler’s new lineup (albeit at 4pm), featuring Greg Bower, drummer Paco Robles and Steve Eisenstadt along with Bryon and me. It’s been a real treat working with these guys, and we have become a very tight, well-oiled machine in very, very little time. It was also great to finally introduce the Summit crowd to our Chiche/Merengue version of “Miserlou”.

  43. Casbah and Liv’s owner Fergus cornering me several times to tell me how great he thought the Instro Summit was, and that he wanted us to return there the following year. I heard similar responses from most of the Casbah staff, save one of the bartenders who told me that the Instro folks, while really, really nice, were a bit light on tipping. This was soon rectified after I brought it up on stage.

  44. The most under-rated instrumental band in the Triangle, the 3rd Expression, playing a dazzling set of “redneck jazz”, taking on everything from Les Paul to the Chantays to Glen Campbell, all of it delivered with skill and good humor. Someday, Mike Krause and his band will the lauds they deserve around here (but until then, I’m getting to see a lot of awesome shows with excellent seating choices...)

  45. The complete opposite of the 3rd Expression, TEAM VOID, bashing out a butt-wigglin’ pile o’ surf punk. Guitar Nerds like myself were loving El Muerto’s Hagstrom/Crate setup (which I described as “A Swedish Meatball through a St. Louis Stack”), but many others were beguiled by the uber-curvy figure of El Infinity, TV’s bass player. The ‘Void folks said ‘goodbye’ to me several times that night, insisting they really had to get back to Dayton, but they ended up watching the whole Sunday night lineup, clearly loving every minute of it.

  46. The Meteor Men’s return to the Summit, playing a new mess of original material, and now showing off a TWIN Dipinto arsenal of guitars, which no doubt pleased our sponsor. These fellas get better every time I see them, and their generosity as both Summit Cheerleaders and givers of free swag is unparalleled. Hopefully, a CD will be around next time, so the fans can return the favor.

  47. Charlotte’s the Monterreys, who kicked royal arse at last year’s Summit, returning for a whole ‘nuther can of whoop ass this time around. At the Cave, this trio was skilled and badass; at the Casbah, they flat-out ruled the stage. Even the 3rd Expression’s Mike Krause–himself a phenominal player–was seen looking buggy-eyed and saying “wow” during the ‘Rey’s take on "Malagueña".

  48. Discovering a new wrinkle in Leon Daniel’s (bass for the Monterreys) playing: At the Cave, I sometimes wondered if he was accidentally hitting the wrong notes, but thanks to the Casbah’s superior sound, I figured out that HE figured out that more than one set if chords would compliment the melody lead guitar Johnny Stewart was playing, and was alternating between the two. Brilliant!

  49. Johnny Stewart revealing to me that he had been having a good time hanging out the somewhat shy Vivisectors, thanks to the power of his Soviet-style fur hat, and a general knowledge of the Russian language. This would pay off big time later in the evening.

  50. Dancing with the Great White Caps, who, after a playing a bouncy set of fun, leaped off the stage en masse during their last number to dance with the crowd, never missing a single beat or note the whole time. Summit Videographer Bill Stancill was so impressed by these guys that he got rid of two of the mounted cameras and busted out the hand held jobs, so he could better capture the GWC’s stellar moves.

  51. Blocking traffic to help move the Invisible Rays/Weisstronauts tour van/trailer ensemble out of the area reserved for Liv’s food truck and into the spot where they belonged. I was soon rewarded with another, even bigger case of Moxie for my efforts.

  52. The Weisstronauts back to triple guitar form. Well, sort of, since Pete Weiss busted his thumb a while back, he could only play his axe for a few songs, and played keys the remainder of the night. But all of it was great fun, and wholly different from the rest of the Summit lineup, which is what I dig most about these guys.

  53. Watching the Weisstronauts’ Jeff Norcross. In the many years I’ve known Jeff, I’ve seen him play guitar, bass, AND drums for the ‘Nauts, and he excels at all three. You’ve got my respect, brother. At least until...

  54. The Weisstronauts breaking the Cardinal Rule of the Instro Summit by singing along to the chorus of “Psychedelic Whiplash”. WHAT? Singing? Lyrics? Not at MY festival! They were promptly scolded by me doing my best Terry Jones imitation, shouting, “Oy! We’ll have NOON of that singin’ here!”

  55. The Invisble Rays psycho-delic light show and concert. Rafi Sofer and his band have been bugging me for years to let them be part of the Summit, and I resisted, finding them too prog-rock for my taste, but Pete Weiss insisted I give them a chance, and they put on not just a great show, but won over the crowd in a big way. They also made Robby Poore nostalgic for his days as a psychedelic light show engineer, and he watched their light and film man with envy.

  56. Drawing names for the raffle. It was interesting this year, because nearly everyone who won something was also in the crowd that night–a rare thing for a Sunday. Not rare at all was the fact that our grand prize–a Dipinto guitar–was won by a person from Connecticut, which is where all previous winners of guitars have been from! Something fishy goin’ on here...

  57. Making fun of the name on a raffle ticket (‘Dunder’ of Hillsborough’) in a cheezy Slavic accent, remembering after the fact that Mike Vivisector–a Russian giant of a man--was standing right behind me. At least he laughed when I told him it was really a Canadian accent.

  58. Final band of the night, Moscow’s the Vivisectors busting out a cranked pair of baritone guitars, rocking out a mess of surf songs that any metalhead would give a thumbs up to. At the end of their set, they announced “We are going to play a song with our new friend”, and invited Johnny Stewart of the Monterreys to join them in a giant shred-jam version of "Goddess of the Crossroads" that was glorious to behold. I’m pretty sure too that between the Viv’s and Johnny we set the Instro Summit record for the most beards on stage. It was a truly fine and fitting end.

  59. Robby, Noel, and DJ Bumpadelic trying to get a hold of the Casbah’s ladder at the end of the night so they could take down our banners, but the room it was in was full of Vivsectors who didn’t understand what they wanted. This led Robby to say (in his best Joe McCarthy voice) “The ladder is being controlled by COMMUNISTS!”, a line that put Bump on the floor, laughing.

  60. Noel, still wide-eyed and thrilled at 2am on Sunday just as much as he was when he first got there Friday afternoon. I wished I had the energy at that point to talk with him more, but I was delirious with fatigue, which caused me to regret many a sendoff I made that night, as I was too danged sleepy to give many people a proper goodbye. One of these days, I’ll actually get enough sleep during this event, but who knows when that’ll be? I later found out that me–and a mess of other people–left a lot of stuff behind that night, so I wasn’t the only one a few quarts low on sleepy sand.

  61. Unable to get a decent night’s sleep the following day, as I had to meet my new landlord with a cash deposit on my new place. She called to postpone till later in the day, which allowed me to go back to sleep, but I slept past my banks’ hours. D’oh! At least I was somewhat alert when I explained to her why I was an idiot.


Last edited: May 26, 2013 18:54:28

Wow! That was amazing!!!

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Thanks for the reports and videos and photos since we weren't able to make it. Hmmm, might start planning to return next year - Coz


Proof that music event organizers, especially the ones who are pretty much completely doing this out of love, are a superior breed of human. Many, many thanks for making this happen again, Crispy, and I hope the move and much-deserved recuperation go really well!

Re: #5- The Instro Summit has always been the highlight of my year since the beginning (it's very much like a family reunion), but El Mirage and I cannot even express what an honor it was to share the same stage as so many amazing bands that we've watched and admired in previous years, all of which are making more and more incredible original music every year. So inspiring!


Thanks to Crispy's intelligent and amusing commentary - the man is wasted on anything but music and writing - I now understand a little of what I was seeing. The show was amazing, though for some reason I was dead on my feet the first two days. I think day 2 had something to do with starting at 9:30 or so with the Aqualads at the comic store in Chapel Hill, and going to 2:00 AM with the Coffin Daggers. Everything I heard was amazing and two things I napped through were amazing during the intervals when I was groggily aware of them.

Some video for Instro Summit 2013, more or less organized.

The Astronauts Tribute Group (the Instro-Nauts)
Featuring the Great Wall of Katcher

Baja (Hazlewood)
As it should be played, and I apologize for that thing from the CMHF.

Firewater (Haskel & Dunham)

Surf Party (Beverly & Dunham)

Surfer's Stomp (Daughtry & Saraceno)

Thanks to SoniChris, for identifying it!

Batman (Hazlewood)

The Atomic Mosquitos
Featuring the Great Wall of DEET

Zombie Church Bells

The Great White Caps

The Valley of the Kaisers
Featuring some of their choreography.

(Apollonia/Love Theme from) the Godfather (Nino Rota)

The Monterreys


The Mystery Men?

(their set closer)

The Vivisectors
Mike Vivisector explained to me that that they use the B tuning as for baritone guitars.

Dark Territory
Sort of Black Sabbath like. That's Team Void grooving.

Russki Psycho

9th Wave

Time Tunnel

Last edited: May 13, 2013 12:38:38

Thanks for posting these. Good times!

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

A bit late to the party... Cry I liked North Carolina so much I stayed for three more days. Big Grin

I have most of my pics done and want to start off with a link to highlights of Friday night. I should have Saturday night and Sunday night up real soon.

I am also going to provide a link to my Photobucket account for anyone/everyone to see all the pics and download them without my logo as well.

I had a great time and agree wholeheartedly with Tuck - Crispy is a fantastic MC. He kept the show moving along quite well.






Friday night highlights - photo blog

All Friday images without logos on at Photobucket


Last edited: May 13, 2013 19:02:07

These are some great photographs!

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Don't know why I bother to take a camera. The photos were garbage as usual. Now I can see the groups that were too late for my bed time. Thanks for the great photos Stacy.

Still enjoying the CDs and records from the weekend. Now it's 9th Wave-Time Tunnel. Next up, The Surge! I know that is going to be good.

Thanks for the compliments guys! I do my best to take good pics for us fans to see and for bands to use in order to support the surf community.

Saturday night highlights - photo blog

All images from Saturday night without logos - photobucket


Wow man, those are some great pics! That's some outstanding photography!

METEOR IV on reverbnation

Last edited: May 14, 2013 08:06:28

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