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Permalink open letter from a bar owner to musicians

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I'm not a gigging player (yet) but thought this an interesting perspective. I'd be curious what the resident pros think.

I have read this recently, as well as a similar one from a few years ago. It is painful to read, but can hardly be argued. He speaks the truth.

THE KBK ... This is the last known signal. We offer Sanctuary.

Years ago, when I just started playing out, I was about 14 or 15 years old, an older musician told me this while we were on a gig and it remains true to this day. Sure there are some exceptions but in general this is the golden rule of working in bars.
About ten years ago a dear friend of mine started a tribute band, the band they were emulating was largely regional, had a few hits, I was dubious about them getting a draw BUT their tribute band packs bars, people drink a lot, they are pro in their demeanor and actions and so the bar owners love them and look forward. to having them back

It is a double edged sword. Sure, I get irritated that cover bands can draw such crowds, and thusly get paid for such, who so many of us travel, create, and make squat. But one of two things happen when we do draw a crowd. The patrons either spend their extra money on merch(which we depend on to really make money), or they drink until they are spent and then have no money for merch, which leaves us with the small amount made on the door or paid off the bar.

THE KBK ... This is the last known signal. We offer Sanctuary.

I'm sorry guys, but I strongly disagree with this. It's not my job as a musician to sell drinks for a bar, never was, never will be. That's the owners problem. I'm there to entertain the patrons and sell my music.
Regardless of whether they buy drinks or not. If I bring in a hundred paying customers, that are there to hear my music, I'm providing the bar the oportunity to sell alcohol on the back of our popularity to our crowd. A crowd that just as easily could be at another venue if we were playing there instead. On top of everything else musicians have to go through to even play in the first place, they shouldn't be expected to sell the booze for a bar, that's both disrespectful to the musician and offensive on several levels. Again, that's the owners problem, the same way I don't expect them to maintain my gear. Should I also make sure the bartenders get tipped too, to make up for the owners refusal to pay a living wage to the barstaff? Or how about the coat check girl? should I make sure people check thier coats, or maybe they're not selling enough beer nuts and I should be pushing those as well.
Also the idea that if someone offers me a drink and I should order the most expensive shot even if I don't want it is really messed up. If someone is kindly offering me a drink I'm not about to fleece them and try to upsell them as this guy suggests, that's just really f'd up and shows where he's really coming from.

In most cases musicians aren't really being paid a fair wage anyway, and they're are expected to bring the crowd and advertise. nine times out of ten are expected to cram into a corner by a bathroom or pool table through a crummy sound system with a sound guy that hasn't a clue.
Quite frankly a lot of "music venues" treat music like an after thought and treat musicians like they should feel privilaged to be allowed to play while being treated like pee-ons. I won't stand for that and neither should anyone else that takes thier music seriously.
My 2 cents.

Last edited: May 10, 2013 15:12:08

^ I agree with this - more than the article. I don't work for the bar and I am not there to push their top shelf liquor.

To Boldly go where no Tiki has gone before...

Last edited: May 10, 2013 15:14:30

I don't disagree with Victor. Actually, those are my personal feelings. Now my feelings vs. the reality of most active businesses is a different story. But we have been doing this long enough now that we know the places to play where we will be treated fairly. But there are always those nights trying out a new venue where it is a risk.

The important thing is to go by word of mouth with other bands. The venues that treat bands well are known and will treat you with the same respect you treat them. The only thing in this article I would never disagree with is acting professional, as you should be if you think enough of your music to take it to the public.

The funny thing here is that there are a few venues that take no cover and pay off the bar. These are 'band friendly' venues and you are almost always guaranteed to make more from the bar than you ever would from door. Even more, we have played there enough that we aren't penalized for an 'off night'. They always make sure we are well paid and never question how many free drinks we get. Even more, if we request it, they will have pizza and a cheap hotel waiting for us. Mind you, these venues hold a grand total of 65-75 people...They are holes in the wall....Now, what is the excuse of larger venues?

THE KBK ... This is the last known signal. We offer Sanctuary.

Noah, I dig what you're saying. We play a few places here in Nashville where the band plays for tips. Now you'd think that in Music City USA people would be supportive and understand how this works but as you say, folks come in, spend all their money on food and beer tips for the band, no money to buy our CD. This coincides a little too much with the "music should be free" mentality for my tastes. If you can't afford to tip servers or a band then stay home. You can't afford to go out.

psychonaut, I never indicated that I thought a band should peddle beer or drinks for a bar or bar owner, all I'm saying is that if the bar sells the least drinks the night your band plays because you don't have a following or draw you probably won't be asked back.
Bar owners typically aren't in business to sell music, they're in business to sell drinks.

CrazyAces wrote:

psychonaut, I never indicated that I thought a band should peddle beer or drinks for a bar or bar owner, all I'm saying is that if the bar sells the least drinks the night your band plays because you don't have a following or draw you probably won't be asked back.

I didn't say you said it, that's what the bar owner in the article said.

Bar owners typically aren't in business to sell music, they're in business to sell drinks.

Correct, but it's thier business, not mine. I'm there to sell music not drinks. I don't expect the bar staff to sell my albums, they shouldn't expect bands to sell drinks

psychonaut, O.K., I just read the article again and read (slower this time) the part about the top shelf liquor and band encouraging drink sales as bribes for songs etc.
I dig where you're coming from now.

Indeed! There were some parts of the open letter that I disagreed with. But the top shelf liquor whoring part was outright offensive.

THE KBK ... This is the last known signal. We offer Sanctuary.

CrazyAces wrote:

psychonaut, O.K., I just read the article again and read (slower this time) the part about the top shelf liquor and band encouraging drink sales as bribes for songs etc.
I dig where you're coming from now.

Yeah sorry, I see that how I worded my post you thought I meant you. Not at all.
When I read that article I got really irritated. It's so indicative of the general disrespect bands get from so many venues. I think a lot of us here can relate to that

Yes, many of us can relate. But I also have a feeling the calibur of band this guy deals with is a crap in most circumstances. I see a lot of Ed Hardy clothing and a lot of 'underbite singing'.

THE KBK ... This is the last known signal. We offer Sanctuary.

killbabykill34 wrote:

Yes, many of us can relate. But I also have a feeling the calibur of band this guy deals with is a crap in most circumstances. I see a lot of Ed Hardy clothing and a lot of 'underbite singing'.



THE KBK ... This is the last known signal. We offer Sanctuary.

I'm don't agree with everything in the open letter, especially the part about ordering an expensive drink if someone offers to buy one for you. BUT, the simple reality is that if having a band doesn't increase the bar owners bottom line (net profit) after all is said and done, and the bar owner is in business to make a profit (which they are), there isn't much incentive for them to have live music. And since their goal is to maximize their profit, they will select bands that help them do so. That is reality - if may not be what we musicians would like to be reality, but it is. If you don't care for the way bar owners approach live music, you can not play bars, or try to open one and use a different approach. Personally, I've pretty much given up on playing in there and try to focus on other types of venues for our band, 3rd Wave.

Last edited: May 10, 2013 22:06:41

This barman's open letter reeks of entitlement. My bet his wife left him and his employees can't stand his 'what's mine is mine and what's yours is mine' attitude. Music purely as liquor sales. Dark.

Squink Out!

To sell more drinks we have to consider what makes people thirsty. And that's slow dances and conversation with the opposite sex. Gazing at rock stars or constant dancing keep people away from the bar.
What has happened? Bar owners tried to keep up with the times and stopped hiring professional musicians in favor of garage bands or later disc jockeys.

The Exotic Guitar of Kahuna Kawentzmann

You can get the boy out of the Keynes era, but you can’t get the Keynes era out of the boy.

It does seem that in the past the owners of venues having live music looked at it as something more than just a way to sell a few more alcoholic drinks. They could hire good bands, pay them fairly well, and still make a profit.

This is an enlightening thread for me. I ofter go to bars to see bands, but since I don't drink much (anymore!) I probably haven't been as supportive as I could be. From now on I'll find out how they are paid and contribute accordingly. I suspect patrons often don't know how the band is compensated.

All I wish I knew what they were talking about

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