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Permalink REVISED SURF CD SALE LIST-March 2007

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Well, I had a successful surgery (recovering slowly but surely) and a very successful sale of my cds. I'm posting the remaining cds that are still available. I've added a couple of titles, and a few prices have changed.
Thanks for all your best wishes and purchases, it helped me alot both financially and spiritually.
Email me privately at <stretch> if interested.

I'm selling off another chunk of my personal cd/record collection. This list is for Instrumental Rock, Surf, and Vocal Surf used cd's. I've
been collecting these for over 20 years. Most are in excellent or like-new
condition. A few are missing either the front or back cover. Some are
and might be cdr's. All were purchased from the bands or from commercial
stores. Some are imports, and I'm sure some of these are out of print and hard to find.
A few of them are downright collectable. The price will indicate that! All prices are set sale (no auctions here) but doesn't include mailing costs. . I'm accepting payment thru PayPal. Sorry, No Personal Checks. Get 'em while you can! First to respond gets first selection.

If you need more information on a specific title, either use <www> or go to Phil Dirt’s excellent website for reviews <www> or ask me. I’ll do my best to explain something.

Sorry, no bulk discounts. I think the prices are more than fair! But if you want to make an offer go ahead.

This is a great chance to find a lot of hard-to-find surf related music all at once. And while you can’t download them for free, you can own an original for less than most stores charge!
And you’re also helping out a musician…

Jeff "Stretch" Riedle

--- CDs for sale ---

The Dragsters $20
BEACH BOYS-Lost And Found (1961-1962) $4
BEACH BOYS-Shut Down Volume 2 $6
BEACH BOYS-Shut Down Volume 2
BRUCE JOHNSTON-Tough Themes:The Del-Fi/Donna Years $25
CHALLENGERS-Killer Surf! Best Of $7
CHALLENGERS-On The Move:Surfing Around The World $7
CHAMPS-Tequila:Golden Classics $5
CHAMPS-25 All-Time Greatest Recordings $7
DICK DALE-Calling Up Spirits $5
FANTASTIC BAGGYS-Tell 'Em I'm Surfin' $10
FENDERMEN-Mule Skinner Blues $15
GARY USHER-Hot Rod U.S.A. $10
LAWNDALE-Sasquatch Rock $6
PASTEL SIX-Cinnamon Cinder $7
SHIG & BUZZ-Double Diamonds $10
TORNADOES-Bustin’ Surfboards ’97 $10

V.A.-BIG SOUNDS OF THE DRAGS 2001 (36 tracks about car racing and
lots of sounds of cars; instro music included as a bed; not sure who is
on this, but I know at least the Neptunas are!) $5
V.A.-HOT SONGS FROM MOTION PICTURES (4 rock tracks including Mike
Curb Congregation, Ricky Nelson, Righteous Brothers, plus one instro by
Davie Allan & The Arrows, "Star Trek:The Next Generation") $2
V.A.-FIBERGLASS JUNGLE (24 tracks of surf instros by a lot of
independent groups including Surf Kings, Torpedoes, Los Mel-Tones,
Berzerkers, Squid Vicious, Surf Report, Woodies, Sub-Mersians, Kelp,
and others) {4 copies available} $6
V.A.-NO APPROVAL NEEDED VOL.4 (22 tracks; some rock, some
surf/instro; includes Squid Vicious, Sub-Mersians, Mystery Men, Monsters
From The Surf, Mill Valley Taters, and others) {4 copies
available} $5
V.A.-REEF MADNESS! (24 tracks; including Kelp, Hollow Grinders, Squid
Vicious, Torpedoes, Surf Kings, Slacktone, Pollo Del Mar, Brazil 2001,
Sub-Mersians, Aquamen, Los Mel-Tones, Berzerkers, Space Cossacks,
and others) {5 copies available} $6
V.A.-SURF MONSTERS (1999 Del-Fi comp with 17 bands past and present,;
includes Man Or Astroman, Bomboras, ,Satan’s Pilgrims, Cocktail
Preachers, Tiki Tones, Sub-Mersians, and several others)
{6 copies available} $9


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