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Permalink Yngwie Malmsteen friend or foe?

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Yngwie Malmsteen



Not my cup of tea.

As long as you accept that he's Yngwie Malmsteen, and he does that Yngwie Malmsteen thing, then he's fine. In small doses. Three or four songs, max. If only his creativity matched his technical ability.

I do, however, like the fact that he's as nutty as a fruitcake, and I do admire the fact that after his car accident he had to learn to play again pretty much from scratch.

Just don't ever look for videos of him playing "blues", or doing Hendrix covers.

I'd really be unable to stand him if he played blues.

No, and not just because of this video...

'65 Fender Tremolux, '74 Princeton; 77 Vibrolux Reverb; '81 Princeton Reverb
'65-66 Hilgen Basso Grande
Dr. Z MAZ 18 Jr. + 1x12 Cab
Various Telecasters and noise-making pedals
Farfisa Compact Duo

JakeDobner wrote:

I'd really be unable to stand him if he played blues.

You can rest assured that his interpretation of "blues" is a long way from yours and mine.

Love him. I've got 12 CDs by him (plus the Alcatrazz LP). (That's not complete - I'm missing at least 4 or 5...) Loved him since '84-'85. Even used to know how to play large chunks of Black Star.

Nope, none of the above is sarcastic. I understand all the reasons why people would hate him, especially people on this forum. I totally get it. But there are times when I'll get an itch that only 45 minutes of nearly continuous harmonic minor, Phrygian and diminished arpeggios with dungeons and dragons Dio-lite vocals above it will scratch. Am I proud of it? Nope, not at all. It's definitely a guilty pleasure! But nonetheless a deep (occasional) pleasure.

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Yes Ivan! His first solo album really was brilliant and beautiful. I love his wild woody tone and complete abandon. I respect that he has stayed true to his vision. Like Ivan, I still need a fix every now and then, but though he has a few flashes here and there I really wish he would go back to his very first compositions and relearn the art of foreplay.
Yngwie's tunes used to tease you a bit before he splashed you with the money shot, I guess all that fine cocainia has left him a 3 pump chump.
You gotta wonder how much of that bravado is put on? Seems to me he's mellowed a bit of late.

he's great

IvanP wrote:

Love him. I've got 12 CDs by him (plus the Alcatrazz LP). (That's not complete - I'm missing at least 4 or 5...) Loved him since '84-'85. Even used to know how to play large chunks of Black Star.

In 1989 Yngwie reawakened my love of guitar playing after a doze of 14 years. At the time I had borrowed a VHS videotape of a live concert of what was identified as "Yngwie Malmsteen's Rising Force" with Jeff Scott Soto as the singer. I admit I copied the audio track onto an audio cassette tape I was so struck with the gorgeous music and magnificent guitar playing. This recording is not available on DVD or CD and does not appear in any Malmsteen discographies I could find. Since then I've bought about ten Malmsteen CDs (and one videodisc before DVDs were available) and while they were good none were as thrilling or gorgeous as the audio from that VHS tape.




I'm on the fence here. He is doing a show in Homestead PA at the Carnegie Library Music Hall. A room built for sound and not hockey or basketball. I read Mike Varneys blurb on him eons ago, and have watched from afar ever since. He has to be a bit of a kook to just play like that, and I find that attractiveYour text to link here.... Plus it gives me an excuse to visit the town my great Grandfather came to from the old country in order to work at the steel mill.

Squid wrote:

In 1989 Yngwie reawakened my love of guitar playing after a doze of 14 years. At the time I had borrowed a VHS videotape of a live concert of what was identified as "Yngwie Malmsteen's Rising Force" with Jeff Scott Soto as the singer. I admit I copied the audio track onto an audio cassette tape I was so struck with the gorgeous music and magnificent guitar playing. This recording is not available on DVD or CD and does not appear in any Malmsteen discographies I could find.

Squid, almost certainly that was the Live in Japan 1985 show. It IS available on DVD - Far Beyond the Sun Unfortunately, it's not the complete show, as they cut out a couple of songs, but it's the majority of it at least. That's still the best of his live videos. This DVD contains that show, plus the Live in Leningrad '89 show, which is not nearly as good.

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I admire Malmsteen's ability and his mastery of arpeggios, but his poofy hair metal image and douchebag attitude I find really off-puting and irritating. placing him in the foe category. I also don't like the femme vocals on his stuff. His playing is impressive though. For that sort of thing I'd much rather listen to Ulrich Roth, (whoose playing is much more tasteful, with better phrasing) or Blackmore of course, from whom YM has taken quite a bit.

Last edited: Apr 22, 2013 08:03:39

Just checked, there are balcony seats so close that you could hit him with a spitball, for 30.00 bucks a pop. Leaning to the go side of the fence. Headbang

I simply can't deal with any of the vocals. They are just unlistenable IMO. The instros on Rising Force are awesome. Some of the Alcatraz stuff is pretty cool. His phrasing is pretty crazy and he does play quite emotively between all those notes. There's certainly no arguing his technical skill on the guitar. I can't imagine the hours it would take to achieve that sort of accuracy/speed. But, those goddamned vocals!

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Last edited: Jul 31, 2013 23:03:14

IvanP wrote:

Squid, almost certainly that was the Live in Japan 1985 show. It IS available on DVD - [Far Beyond the Sun]

Thanks for the update, Ivan. On further listening, some tracks on "Guitar God 1" seem to have been from that same performance. Those recordings seem his best, and as I recall they are all instrumental. You can hear them on Spotify. Another shredder I enjoy is Vinnie Moore (e.g., "The Maze").

Many of his recordings (on other CDs) are marred by extremely loud percussion and rasping vocals. At the same time his guitar notes are often indistinct, between heavy harmonic distortion and reverberations (whether natural or electrical).

As Viktor says, Yngwie's gigantic vanity is no fun. It is not clear which is greater, Yngwie's self-opinion or his skill.


Last edited: Apr 22, 2013 11:49:28

I think he dedicates a note per song to each one of his guitars.


El Mirage @ ReverbNation

In the 80`s I liked the Rising Force album a lot!

Meanwhile I cannot listen to it...

What I always liked a bit more was this:

Twang cheers!

Ralf Kilauea

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