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Permalink Surf-Age Nuggets: Trash & Twang Instrumentals: 1959-1966

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I'm so confused... Big Grin
Can't we all just go back to vinyl?
I miss putting needle to groove....

knucklesnuclear wrote:

I'm so confused... Big Grin
Can't we all just go back to vinyl?
I miss putting needle to groove....

I actually bought more vinyl last year than in the previous 30. If this keeps up, I'm gonna have to upgrade my turntable.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Despite the vinyl "come back" most of the country and public doesn't give a shit. It's a niche any way you slice it. People want to download (and/or) get it for free. I would be surprised if they sold even 500 or 1000 of these discs.

BOSS FINK "R.P.M." available now from DOUBLE CROWN RECORDS!

True....I just miss the whole experience...the cool album covers, the headphones, & playing killer tunes with black lights on...God, I'm old, lol!

True. The only kids I know personally who actually like vinyl are musicians. But I'm having fun spinning it and enjoy mixing my old records with the new ones. And I'm back to buying old records again too, not just new ones. But then, I'm old, too.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

I agree, I think that the whole digitalization of music has really
Taken a lot away from the music listening expirence.

That being said, I understand why companies or bands make cds and not vinyl.
But when buying said cd. I kinda like all the songs to not be MP3s.

Poor way to run a business.
And bad way to treat yer buying customers.
(If) he doesn't know the difference between
Wave files or mp3s. Then shame on him even more.
I'm done. Carry on.

Oh,and buy this box set anyways.
The book alone is really good.


Last edited: Jul 30, 2013 12:33:02

Noel wrote:

True. The only kids I know personally who actually like vinyl are musicians.

True. And too be totally honest, the only people who might like new surf releases are other surf musicians. It's a sad fact that I feel might be true.

BOSS FINK "R.P.M." available now from DOUBLE CROWN RECORDS!

Last edited: Apr 07, 2013 20:56:11

...And that's why I appreciate it so much when bands like The Ghastly Ones or Kill, Baby...Kill! go the extra mile to make the packaging as interesting as the music...yes, it's on a smaller scale, but the visceral excitement is there, and I'm carried on a different trip than if I downloaded a single MP3...

I've downloaded some Dick Dale tracks from in higher definition audio, those are pretty cool. However, like many here I am old and never have warmed up the sound of digital. When/if I have quality time to devote to listening I'll be collecting vinyl again.

The issue here isn't about great sounding primitive recordings but about the use of bad sounding inferior source material. Not every track I listened to sounded like shit but way too many to be acceptable.

Most of the 1st wave surf comps that came out in the late 80's and early 90's set a great standard regarding both sound quality and artwork. The tracks sounded very close to the original 45s and the artwork/layout was almost always inspired and boss looking.


T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

A lot of the tracks on the Surf Creature series were taken from the original singles, you can hear the occasional click and pop. They were obviously compiled and mastered by someone who really cared about the sound quality and since vinyl is as close to the master tape as you can get, the end result is great. Going slightly off-topic:
Digital sucks. It's ruined music on so many levels, and just sounds thin, brittle, and sterile. Most of the vital psycho-acoustic properties get lost. MP3's are about as bad as you can get.
I don't get it. Is everyone such a slave to convinience that we're willing to accept bad sounding music as the norm? Mp3 players are great in that you can have an enourmous catalog of music at your fingertips, but at home I would much rather listen to the vinyl version
I believe that if I'm going to put all that effort into composing and arranging songs, and spending all that time and money and practice into getting a good tone, why would I accept anything but an analog recording of such? Having had ample oportunity to compare master tape to vinyl, cd, and mp3, I can asure you all that people have been sold a bad bill of goods where digital is concerned to the point where most people can't even tell it sounds bad anymore

Surf-Age Nuggets: Trash & Twang Instrumentals: 1959-1966 is a very good intro to Surf/Instro music of the first wave, a true 101 of Surf Guitar recordings. A catylist that a newbie can hear and say "I can do that" and go out a do it.

True the use of MP3 format is an audible let down, but the spirit of songs like Nautloid Reef (disc 2 song 24) is not really harmed by the lo-fi production on this disc. The thing is out of tune on the master tape anyhoo. And that is what makes it great. Not the format.

I had a gift card in my pocket ready to be used, but I'm glad I read the thread. I can take the sound of a rough record, the Strummin Mental comps had a ton of pops and clicks etc, but that's an entirely different animal than the squelch of a compressed cymbal on MP3 to me. I don't expect to stop collecting vinyl anytime soon, I'll hang in there and see what I dig up on wax, especially since a lot of these were comped already.

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

I honestly can't believe someone who digs this stuff would pass up getting this great collection because there might be too much compression "on some" of the tracks. It's really not as bad as some are making it out to be.

There's also a touch of "looking back with rose tinted glasses" going on. I own most (if not all) of the original surf comps and the sound quality is hit and miss on many of the tracks too.

And wanna talk about Mp3 compression? How about cassette tape compression? I used to make my own mixed cassettes back then to listen in my car and that also lowered the quality ever further. Didn't effect my enjoyment back then either.

BOSS FINK "R.P.M." available now from DOUBLE CROWN RECORDS!

There are a few tracks on this comp that I tend to skip, but absolutely no buyer's remorse for any reason. I ripped my CD's after hearing them once or twice and stuck it on the shelf; for me, the trade-off between portability and quality is almost negligible at 256K. Digital does sound better if you isolate the sound card from the computer (internal interference may be part of the perceived issue, not just the compression), but I think you're golden if you get a USB preamp and a decent pair of speakers or headphones.

And yeah Norm, I used to walk EVERYWHERE in the 80's listening to my mix tapes, and was just glad for the escape! My compressed MP3's sound a hell of a lot better.


shivers13 wrote:

Noel wrote:

True. The only kids I know personally who actually like vinyl are musicians.

True. And too be totally honest, the only people who might like new surf releases are other surf musicians. It's a sad fact that I feel might be true.

It is not true, I assure you. I have no musical talent it inclination whatsoever, and I love hearing it all old, new and in between. Now, release another record for me!

What's an MP3? I have the records I bought in the '50's and '60's. A box load of 45's that Jeff discovered 16+ years ago. All top 10 Hits from the 1957-1967 time frame. I listen to the Radio, and used my turntable for 35 years before getting some CD's. I don't own or use anything that is MP3.

Lighten up guys...listen to the, you're alive and kickin'

Craig the Keg

Hodad makin' the scene with a six pack.

I've been digging this comp. a lot lately. I've only listened to it on Rdio and haven't purchased it yet. The sound quality doesn't bother me.

The Secret Samurai Website
The Secret Samurai on Facebook

I got it for Christmas and loaded all 4 disks in the dash and its been on rotation since . I know most of the songs, but not by name Wink The recording doesn't bother me either as all my albums were used as a kid and in high school I would make tapes of all my Surf vinyl ,cram it into the deck and drive . The solution to bad audio quality was to just CRANK IT. Cool

I love this comp!! Especially 'Echo' by cool! Pink Dominoes is a cool track too, I haven't read while listening so I'm unfamiliar with the who's who on this but really enjoying it

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