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Mine has a major-malfunction thst's for sure you're not alone Ivan!

Reverb, It's A Way Of Life!

I'm a little surprised not more people here were already familiar with more of the tracks in the box set. As I've mentioned earlier, about 80 of the 100 tracks have been reissued before. Anyway, I recently had the chance to check out the box set myself and wasn't impressed at all. I totally agree with Jeff regarding the sound quality. Many tracks sounded less good compared to what they do on earlier reissue comps. A few of the songs even sounded like heavily compressed mp3s!?! Also, I found the layout in many cases to feel uninspired and too modern looking for a set devoted to early surf music. And did anyone else being annoyed by the home made totally out of place graphic of a flushing toilet taking up half a side "illustrating" the effect used on "Jet Stream"? Did they run out of images or what? The guitar volume knob graphic idea for the four discs was cool but why use a crappy looking low-res image they found on the internet? Considering all of the above, together with that I already have a vast majority of the tracks as well as many of the images appearing in the book part, I'm glad I never bought the box set myself.

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

I'm not bothered by the low-fi sound quality on some of the tracks at all. I'm surprised that you say that, Klas. Most, if not all of these come from old 45's. They did there best to clean them up, I'm sure. That's like complaining about an old rare blues record sounding bad.

Also, I think the layout is really cool considering I'm surprised if anyone nowadays get's it all. And most importantly, I also have most of these on other comps but the newcomer I'm sure doesn't, and its rather cool to have all this on one boxed collection.

BOSS FINK "R.P.M." available now from DOUBLE CROWN RECORDS!

Last edited: Apr 07, 2013 13:49:05

I personally love this box set...layout, sound quality....honestly, I enjoy a little lo-fi sound when listening to first wave instrumentals...and nothing beats the pop and hiss of vinyl...I dunno, beauty is in the 'ears' of the beholder...
Just my opinion, but I'm diggin' it! Cool

I disagree Norman about the sound quality. I think there's a baseline for this sort of thing and this falls below. I have a buddy who is responsible for many of the Ace Records reissues and comps, especially the surf ones, and he's appalled by the poor quality. He says there are already better quality versions of these songs out there, and is mystified that they didn't use them.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

I compared a few songs from this comp that I already had on other releases, such as Crash and Unknown, both released not too long ago on the two Birth of the Surf comps on Ace, and they did sound better there. But I don't know... Most of the tracks on Surf Nuggets are clearly lo-fi to start with, so does it really matter? I personally don't really think so. It doesn't bother me.

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

As someone who hasn't before heard nearly all of these tracks and is unlikely to acquire them any other way, I'm delighted. I'd rather have them, lo-fi and all, than not at all. And, they sound better than my old (and often-played on poor-quality turntables) original records from 50 years ago, by a lot. IMHO. FWIW. YMMV. I like it.

But I can't say Id have the same opinion if I already owned most of these and they sounded better too.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Last edited: Apr 07, 2013 15:23:35

Since this is being discussed now.
I feel a little less afraid to discuss it.

Half the songs are in MP3 format.
Sounds like being played thru a transistor radio
As opposed to a home stereo.
I know that most people now days listen to
Music on iPods or computers with bad speakers.
I always listen to music on LP or cd on the home stereo first.
And never transfer anything to a mp3.

A friend looked at the file size of the songs
On this box set. He said I had very good ears.
And that I was correct in saying half the songs were mp3s.

I'm just taking a guess here, but I think that the guy that put this out.
Didn't have all of these songs, and had somebody email the songs to him.
Unfortunately as MP3s.

I find that releasing this box set with this poor quality sound
Is just unacceptable.

I think that it is still a must have release.
But he should have done anything possible to not
Have these songs sound so crappy.

Just a note, I am not talking about them being from vinyl.
I'm talking about a compressed, digital squashing of the music.
Especially noticeable on the cymbals and hi-hats.


Last edited: Apr 07, 2013 14:53:09

Okay it sucks. Don't buy it! These old surf 45's are unacceptable!! Somebody pass the Grey Poupon! Big Grin

Honestly, what's the big fuss? I guess I've listened to so much low fi surf and garage records that it really doesn't matter to me or seem any worse than others of its type. Either that or my sound system is better than yours, haha. Seriously. it's really not as bad as you are describing, Jeff.

IvanP wrote:
Most of the tracks on Surf Nuggets are clearly lo-fi to start with, so does it really matter? I personally don't really think so. It doesn't bother me.


BOSS FINK "R.P.M." available now from DOUBLE CROWN RECORDS!

Last edited: Apr 07, 2013 17:59:19

what baron shivers much of this stuff was lo-fi in the first place. i think this collection is GOLD and i am SO stoked to have it!
one of the best surf comps EVER!

I guess where these are the only versions I have for most of the songs, I am also pleased that this was released.


Canadian Surf

First off, I already bought it.
Would buy it again, and think that everybody
That is a surf fan should buy it.
I was reluctant to talk about this at first,
As it could hurt sales. But I feel strongly about it,
And since it came up, I'm not going to bite my tongue
Secondly, I knew you would mis-understand what
I was referring to regarding the sound.
I'm not referring to the quality of the vinyl the music is on.
Nor am I talking about the quality of the original recording
Of the song, Weather is Lo-FI or not.
I'm saying that it seems like the guy that put this out,
Got half of these songs in MP3 format.
And mastered and pressed the cds from what he had.
Sad, and unacceptable.
But as I am learning,
Many people can't tell the difference between
Regular wave audio files, and MP3s.
First off a cd is only 1/2 to 5/8ths the quality
Of a song on vinyl. A MP3 is only half of that of a cd.
So that's about 1/4 of what you should be hearing.

My Audio system at home is far from top o the line.
But it's not a boom box either.
I've grown up playing records on a fairly nice system.
And am not a fan of cutting corners when it comes to sound.

Keep any and all mustard, American or foo foo
French stuff away from my food please.
I'm a ketchup guy.


Last edited: Apr 07, 2013 19:25:30

Still don't hear what you're referring to.

To some it up, Jeff.... If you want steak, listen to Emerson Lake & Palmer (I'll pass) If you want a hot dog and fries... listen to this disc. Big Grin

BOSS FINK "R.P.M." available now from DOUBLE CROWN RECORDS!

I want hot dog n fries.
But I want it to sound like
Fresh hot dog n fries.
Not left overs that got thrown in the dumpster
At the end of the shift.

Listen to the wishy washy sound of the cymbals n hi hat
On the songs on disc one.
Also listen to the soundstage drastically
go from wide to narrow on the mp3 songs


Last edited: Apr 07, 2013 19:36:19

I like hot dogs & long as they're lo-fi! Seriously, digging the audiophile discussion...I think everyone 'hears' differently...besides, it's the space between the notes that really matters, right?

I've been listening to this on my phone and they all sound like mp3's:-€

bigtikidude wrote:

I want hot dog n fries.
But I want it to sound like
Fresh hot dog n fries.
Not left overs that got thrown in the dumpster
At the end of the shift.

I ain't got a problem with that either. I'll dig me some heart burn inducing hot dogs and stale fries anytime as long as I can get my rocks off to it.

BOSS FINK "R.P.M." available now from DOUBLE CROWN RECORDS!

Last edited: Apr 07, 2013 19:45:06

blueruins wrote:

I've been listening to this on my phone and they all sound like mp3's:-€

Woohaa! Seriously! That's the modern age for ya!

BOSS FINK "R.P.M." available now from DOUBLE CROWN RECORDS!

shivers13 wrote:

bigtikidude wrote:

I want hot dog n fries.
But I want it to sound like
Fresh hot dog n fries.
Not left overs that got thrown in the dumpster
At the end of the shift.

I ain't got a problem with that either. I'll dig me some heart burn inducing hot dogs and stale fries anytime as long as I can get my rocks off to it.

Since we're on the Hot Dog thing again.
I just like my hot dogs to be beef or pork.
Not turkey or tofu.
Aka real audio files, not MP3s.


I like turkey and chicken dogs too! YUMMMMMM.

BOSS FINK "R.P.M." available now from DOUBLE CROWN RECORDS!

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