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sysmalakian: TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY!
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dp: dude
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244 days ago

BillyBlastOff: See you kiddies at the Convention!
228 days ago

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179 days ago

Emilien03: https://losg...
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Funny, I mistook the sledge hammer for a "fine alignment tool" Big Grin

Noel wrote:

When I started in IT, the first computer I programmed bootstrapped off a punched-paper tape. I programmed in a symbolic machine language and connected to Arpanet over a 110 baud acoustic coupler.

To say we had no idea what was coming is an understatement. I know this is off-topic, but I really wonder what the next really big change is going to be like, and what it will bring?

Microchips in our foreheads we can use at the gas pump, checkout line & ATM is my guess. Perhaps two-way wrist radios.


Radio Free Bakersfield--60 Minutes of TWANG, CRUNCH, OOMPH.

Brian, I hope you'll find the links attached in this post useful, please check them. Some are examples (resize browser win to see effect), some are reading material.

First I just want to say, this site works and looks great for desktops. Old fashioned, yes, same as we... Nothing needs be changed, I love it.

For mobile viewing and posting however, it is lacking. Hard to be specific, it's just not comfortable enough, too much zooming and panning needed (even with my immense Galaxy Note2) to comfortably use buttons, and read, hard to post since the text box doesn't auto-fit the screen width, scrolling hard to handle in text box, forget about editing posts, sluggish and heavy feel overall, java stuff not working sometimes... The long long sidebar is just in the way. stuff like that.
I simply refrain from accessing this site from my mobile since I want to enjoy it fully once I get on to read and comment. RSS reader is not fun enough. On my PC it makes sense to have the full view of all the site's functions on one page. On mobile it doesn't.

BTW, this is not a rant in any way (see how I carefully wrapped it between compliments. Big Grin )... Brian, you designed this site beautifully and we thankfully salute you for your continuous efforts. But as you already hinted, times change, and the next step of this platform can begin to be conceptualized.

There are already existing solutions in the marketplace, some open source, some not, to either port part of the site (mainly: forums) to a mobile version, or to build from scratch. I see no need for an app, it will complicate things. Many many advantages to having just one site, one platform, one flexible front end.

I will gladly contribute money and my graphic skills for this project, others too, I'm pretty positive that we can collectively cover all costs of this overhaul, with change, this community is as tight as I've ever seen.

Now for the content:

The trend nowadays is "Responsive Design" 1 2 3.
Everything should be flexible, dynamically optimizes all texts, columns and graphics to any resolution (very necessary, as there are millions of devices with thousands of formats out there), clean, clear, lost of space, smart use of HTML5 functions, intelligent and logical grid, adhering to the latest WEB standards.
If investing time sweat and money anyway, then IMHO a modular, easily maintainable platform like this will likely be the most future proof.

At least until the real Eye-Phone comes out...

Last edited: Mar 21, 2013 18:23:37

BTW, I just noticed the fascinating and obvious difference between the pic I posted and the one above. Comics oftentimes have the most accurate observations.
In the lower Futurama pic, (almost) nobody's smiling. Shocked
The future was supposed to be fun...

Last edited: Mar 21, 2013 18:32:43

Yes. I don't think an app is the way to go at the moment, especially given the resources we have. A site that can tailor its content to a mobile device would be best, I think. This is why I want to hire a professional front end person.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Most of the pages do pass the validator by the way. It's only when I add these new fangled social media widgets and user supplied content (news stories) do things break a bit. However I am using XHTML which is out of style now. I did use the blueprints CSS grid and framework. But you are right, there are all these new frameworks now that are responsive and scale better. I don't know how to use those, and to be honest I'm not sure I want to. Hence outsourcing it.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I am working on finding a new server host for SG101 and related assets. Once that is done, I'd be glad to work with a crew of interested SG101 folks on improving the SG101 design, especially with an eye towards mobile devices. PM or email me if interested. I'm probably looking at a few months before I could start this. If I don't get any interest I'll probably look for a professional designer, assuming I can afford it.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I'm enjoying the links Ariel, thanks.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

XHTML works on mobile, don't worry about it Smile It can be liquid, or flexible, or anything. So, maybe you don't have to change the templates, in the first round - anyway, if you want to make a developer team from sg101 members, i'm on it (front-end, css(3)/html(5), javascript /native, or jQuery/, little PHP if needed, and some UX/graphic design experience, but it isn't part of my daily job)

original compositions (low-level demo stuff /out of tune, etc) myStuff not my best, but i don't like to be in a musician community without anything to show

20m CSS hacking on the main page Smile


original compositions (low-level demo stuff /out of tune, etc) myStuff not my best, but i don't like to be in a musician community without anything to show

Just an update. I'm looking into this as the next big project for SG101. I've been reading about "responsive design" as posted in the links by Ariel. Now that I have a tablet and smart phone I want SG101 to stay up to date. Smile Again, if anyone with a background in web design wants to help, I will need it!

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Yes! Responsive design is the only way to go. I hope it kills the 'app' eco-system that has been a blight on web design/content/evolution.

Hi Brian, my Mar 22 2013 11:55 AM post is your site w responsive css Smile
so (as i see), it's possible, you don't need to rebuild, the html

original compositions (low-level demo stuff /out of tune, etc) myStuff not my best, but i don't like to be in a musician community without anything to show

Anything you need, graphic-wise.
Togergo's said it - Redesigning the front-end CSS, plus some key elements (menus, some graphics, etc.) will do the deed.

Look for and make a note of any site that successfully implements responsive design elements to your liking. Take notice of the little things, as well as the overall content strategy.

Plenty to learn and go through I know, I'm in the process of learning this myself...

Menus should be condensed to less categories, and resize to icons at low res.
You'll need to think breakpoints. Start by outlining content boxes for different screen sizes, most common being 480, 640, 720, 960 px. CONTENT first, per your statistics on user interaction.

Here are 2 mobile simulators:
1, 2.
A bunch of more responsive headache :-D

Last edited: Sep 29, 2013 08:15:29

Interesting stuff on responsive design. I am using this framework for two new site designs this month. Digging it the most.


Cool Trey. I'm probably going to start playing with Boostrap. I used an earlier version on another site before.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

redacted: too pedantic


Last edited: Oct 03, 2013 00:53:39

Brian, life is too short for devloping a SG101 app. Go listen to music and revel in what you've achieved here, the site works really well.

The question shouldn't be can we do it? Because 'we' probably can. The question should be - who wants it? I doubt I would bother using a SG101 app. I have an iPhone and i have an app for sat nav, an app to tune my guitar and an app for tides and an app for messaging and that's about all I've downloaded.

I'm not techphobic, but I'm not keen on tech-for-the-sake-of-it!

da-ron, this thread started out as a question about a SG101 app, but if you read the whole thing you'll see I am not planning on writing an app. As you noted, no one wants to download an app to browse a website. What I am thinking about doing is tweaking the design of the current site to make it more responsive to the wide range of devices (desktops, tablets, & phones) that are available now. The site is surprisingly usable on phones or tablets, but it has a few rough edges I hope to smooth over.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

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