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Permalink So where the heck is the surfguitar101 iPhone App?

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Just jokin Brian... don't go all hyper.

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My Country EP ... Florida Dirt Fire

My French Love Songs ... I really needed a change...

What would such an app do?

If you want a nice mobile solution for reading the forums, try an RSS reader, it works great.

If you want a nice app to let you post to the forums from your phone, please fund me so I can quit my day job.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Haha... Youre the best dude. Although my son could probably write it. Thanks for what you do.

Shoot the Pier on Bandcamp
Shoot the Pier on Reverb Nation
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We are on Instagram under "@shootthepiersurfband"

My Country EP ... Florida Dirt Fire

My French Love Songs ... I really needed a change...

I think you and your son seriously underestimate what is involved.

But again, what would you want to see in a mobile app that you can't get out of the current browser interface? I'm genuinely curious because some day I might try to write such an app.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

See also:

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Hey, if you need a mobile/tablet, etc optimized front-end, I am willing to help you, just send a pm, I am a front-end developer (since 2007) - maybe It could be a mobile app later (w phoneGap), but it's not necessary - i think - so if you want to make stg like that, you don't need to make it alone Smile

original compositions (low-level demo stuff /out of tune, etc) myStuff not my best, but i don't like to be in a musician community without anything to show

Ok, seriously. And I really was joking. (BTW I am a proud dad to say my 17 year old son was accepted to MIT for fall 2013, although it now appears he is staying in FL.). Creating an app would require much planning. Whats most important to mobile users etc. I spend 90 percent of my time on SG101 in Forums. I assume that is common. Maybe just straight to forum headlines. Right now I have to widen the screen and maneuver significantly to comment. But, understand this site is so valuable to us all,it doesnt matter.

Shoot the Pier on Bandcamp
Shoot the Pier on Reverb Nation
Shoot The Pier on Facebook
We are on Instagram under "@shootthepiersurfband"

My Country EP ... Florida Dirt Fire

My French Love Songs ... I really needed a change...

Thanks togergo! I also think a mobile optimized version of the site would be much more useful and easier to develop than an app.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I was using app and mobile optimization synonymously, which I understand are two different beasts.

Shoot the Pier on Bandcamp
Shoot the Pier on Reverb Nation
Shoot The Pier on Facebook
We are on Instagram under "@shootthepiersurfband"

My Country EP ... Florida Dirt Fire

My French Love Songs ... I really needed a change...

Understood. It's a common confusion.

I really dislike sites that try to strong arm you to download their app to browser their site. Their apps are usually quite crappy and expose less functionality than the website does.

XKCD sums it up quite nicely:


Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Let me get the server moved to another host and I'll start to think about a mobile optimized version. I want to try to enlist a professional designer to refresh the site design anyway, and doing a mobile version would then would make sense.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I found it!


Radio Free Bakersfield--60 Minutes of TWANG, CRUNCH, OOMPH.

Brian wrote:

Thanks togergo! I also think a mobile optimized version of the site would be much more useful and easier to develop than an app.

You're Welcome Smile sometimes you need an app, when you want to use the other functions of the phone (camera, etc), but a mobile website is enough for a forum.

I don't think this site needs a redesign, if you don't want new features - more complicated personal page, or something.

It's good. Some little details could be better - but it's really good (for me). I'm on some other musician forum (fender, gretsch, etc) and this is the best, I guess.

Anyway, if it's free: redesign. If it's expensive: It's not necessary, the site is well done, easy to use. There are some IT, and visual artist guys here, I think, we can solve the little problems. Maybe if there's a thread 'feature ideas' or stg like that, you can reopen it, and maybe somebody will have some good ideas

Mobile version: If we are lucky, a new tricky CSS is enough, and everybody will be happy Smile If I'll have a little bit more freetime, I'll take a look for it.

original compositions (low-level demo stuff /out of tune, etc) myStuff not my best, but i don't like to be in a musician community without anything to show

Sounds good togergo.

I'm afraid I don't get the sledgehammer reference. Help

Am I too hyper? Uh-Oh

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
Need help with the site? SG101 FAQ - Send me a private message - Email me

"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Brian wrote:

Sounds good togergo.

I'm afraid I don't get the sledgehammer reference. Help

Am I too hyper? Uh-Oh

Well, I posted the photo of a sledgehammer in response to the post question:

So where the heck is the surfguitar101 iPhone App?

And I thought...What result would most people get if they applied a sledgehammer to an iPhone?

Radio Free Bakersfield--60 Minutes of TWANG, CRUNCH, OOMPH.

Last edited: Mar 20, 2013 17:50:59

Brian wrote:

But again, what would you want to see in a mobile app that you can't get out of the current browser interface? I'm genuinely curious because some day I might try to write such an app.

In large measure, the what people would want would be the presence of the service in the additional mobile context. Those of us who sit at a computer all day forget most people still don't, or, rather, that their computer is apt to have the form factor and controls of a mobile phone.

The generic "browser over mobile" interface for a class of browser-based environments tends to be less acceptable than the environment-specific tool. Hence people use the FB app, not FB over the Safari app, and so on. The FB-specific app makes better use of the form factor and controls. In the case of SG101 it might not be an SG101 app so much as a Forum-F app, that works with a variety of forums based on the F forum environment for browsers. It would probably be something of a cross between a browser environment and a texting environment or a threaded email environment. It would probably throw you into other things to look at images or listen to music or message people privately. Forum x Twitter = Futter? Now there's a metaphor. Or Fritter? We could all fritter away our time using it. (Sorry.)

What would it be basically, as an interface, but a bunch of threads in a view or a set of views, with text entry and searching and links. And of course, little avatar icons. Maybe with the ability to export addresses to contacts and dates to calendar. You'd be interacting with a remote textbase, which already really you are with a forum in a browser.

Commercially you could sell the information you gleaned about us in impersonal form to control what advertisements we saw between interesting things.

I'm not saying we do need an SG101 app or a Forum (whatever it is, basically) app, or that it would be a good idea I'm saying people would probably use it if it existed. Knowing you, Brian, I'd say you might find it expedient to write for all kinds of reasons and hate it afterward as a fact of life.

Brian wrote:

I'm afraid I don't get the sledgehammer reference. Help

Something to mash it down to fit in a small format?

When you only have a mobile phone, everything looks like a text message?

Hyper? Take the hyper test. Your teenaged daughter informs you that she is pregnant. You answer:

a) "That's nice dear! Don't do it again, OK?"
b) "Jesus H Christ! What were you thinking?! We must fix this immediately and take preventive measures to prevent future recurrences!" And then you sort of riff on that theme for a while.

If you answered (a) you are not hyper. Most of us answer (b), of course.

Can-O-worms ...sorry Brian. And will contribute soon.

Shoot the Pier on Bandcamp
Shoot the Pier on Reverb Nation
Shoot The Pier on Facebook
We are on Instagram under "@shootthepiersurfband"

My Country EP ... Florida Dirt Fire

My French Love Songs ... I really needed a change...

When I started in IT, the first computer I programmed bootstrapped off a punched-paper tape. I programmed in a symbolic machine language and connected to Arpanet over a 110 baud acoustic coupler.

To say we had no idea what was coming is an understatement. I know this is off-topic, but I really wonder what the next really big change is going to be like, and what it will bring?

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

I think, if the mobile version of the website is OK, it's not too hard to make an app w. phoneGap. Ok, lot of worj, but you can make it for android, or other phones too, and you don't have to learn a new language, you can use the good old html/css/js combo. And later, If you want, you can make some 'mobile type' feature, use geolocation, or something.

original compositions (low-level demo stuff /out of tune, etc) myStuff not my best, but i don't like to be in a musician community without anything to show

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