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Permalink ever get stage fright?

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Had a hell of a time several years back. There is a local club that hosts a holiday shindig for bands that played in the 1980s. People come home for family and get the ol bands together to play. I had put the guitar down for about 10yrs to focus on bieng a corporate stooge and only picked up bass once in a while because I figgured I could drink to excess and play just fine. I lied to myself. Back to the Holiday shows. I had panic attacks thinking about doing this. I was an angry young thin man when I played those songs, I was no longer thin or young. Who was I?? Thicker in girth, and still angry! I decided to just have fun and let it rip.

I still get the shakes (we play out about once a month ) but no more panic. Surf/Instro suits my mindset now much better than the punk scene of bygone days.

A wise man once said to me, F-em what are they gonna do, kill you and eat you?

Play it like you own it.

The best advice I've read 1) commit everything to muscle-memory and 2) have a brewski or shot for the nerves. For my first gig I've had in 20 years last Summer, I thought I'd better do 3-4 beers just before going on, just to be extra loose... oh boy. Better not do that.


if i drank 3-4 beers before playing i'd be out in the crowd hugging everyone Kiss

I just do a couple lines of coke then....kidding. Not much fright, but sometimes I just can't get in the mood until a few songs in due to some gear frustrations (keep going out of tune, tone issues, dead silent crowd that doesn't dance, etc) and I just don't play as good during the first couple songs. Funny because I can play and sing in front of many people and love it, but reading a speech will have me shaking in my boots Uh-Oh

Last edited: Dec 04, 2012 04:47:06

I'll be playing in front of people for the first time ever with my 12 year-old son at our Christmas eve church service (I'll be playing the Eastwood I won at the convention). We've got the finale when everyone holds candles and my son and I play Joy to the World. I've also committed to playing a minute or so of some solo jazzy reverb laden candle lighting noodling as a prelude to the song.

I'm troubled because this past summer I met and jammed with a guitar mentor of mine while on vacation. We set up, and my hands got clammy and wouldn't slide on the neck and my picking arm got uncooperative and stiff. Then my brain just shut down and I couldn't remember parts of songs I'd played hundreds of times in the weeks leading up to our meeting.

I've gained some comfort and a few tips from this thread. Thanks for sharing your experiences.!/rich.derksen.7

I'm another one who can feel right at home in front of the largest crowds as long as I have a guitar in my hands, but stick me in front of a classroom full of kids, or ask me to give a toast at a party, and I feel like a babbling idiot.
I don't like playing solo, and I've never focused on learning solo guitar pieces, but I suppose I could pull it off if I knew it well enough. I just don't get nervous when I have my bandmates around me and I'm just responsible for doing my job as part of a team.


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