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Yeah, the vinyl stickers are a bit more expensive to produce but you can sell them for a bit more and they look dang cool on a car window. We even had laser cut licence plates made with the band logo. The cut out piece mounts over a solid color plate and then on the car. Now that is way sweet too!!

Ron (ToneBoy)
The Mariners (1964 to Present)
Lonzo & Oscar (1999 to Present)
Billy Henson & Summerstorm (2001 to Present)

I own a plotter and have the capabilities to make vinyl decals. Depending on the complexity of the art I usually ask around $1.75 - $2.00 each (not including vectorizing or tweaking art so that it cuts right) I usually like to have a minimum of 50 pieces to make it worth the time getting it all set up. I can cut them in all kinds of colors too.

The same goes for drum heads. I did a one a while back for Stretch when the Sub-mersians were still together. Of course the larger decal would cost a little more. If interested shoot me a PM or a email and we can talk it over.


Coconut Wired Podcast
Barefoot bloggin'

Something along the lines of this. Maybe change the font and scale it up a little. Red or Green vinyl of a bright variety to set it off on tinted glass.

If the circle creates a problem, it could be deleted or even cut into quarters.

Let me know what you think and if it looks realistic, we could move forward.


My band(Bluez Incorporated) has been using cafepress for a while, they are pretty good. You can find cheaper sites out there tho, but we have stuck with them. We do what chongolio suggested, buy the shirts yourself and sell them. For bumper stickers, we use For patches we use Hope this helps.... Later, BlueSurf

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