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I've been using Moshay picks. The pick with the hole. Blue medium sized teardrop. They seem to last forever - I use the same one for about 3 - 6 months playing daily. I found the grey Dunlops rapidly develop a rough edge which sort of 'scrapes' when playing the plain strings. Soon got on my nerves. The Moshays don't seem to wear and stay nice and smooth...

The Tortex are good, but ping out of my fingers all the time. Local guitarists come to see me play just to get free picks...

I really rate the Moshays, so does anyone I introduce to them.

My favorite is Jim Dunlop Stubby Triangle 1,5 mm. Actually this is 3-in-one picks. Plus perfect for tremolo in my opinion...

Jim Dunlop Big Stubby, the thickest kind.


Or...make your own ;)


My favorite right now are the GraphTech Tusk picks, but I also like the Cool Picks (Juratex,Stealth,Beta-Carbonate,Pure-Cell) for different things too.

That pick maker is cool, I need to get one of those!

I have a bunch of different picks in a bowl from super thin to super thick, and I use them all depending on what I'm playing. I don't know who makes what, I just know the colors, the way they feel, and their tone. I actually use thin picks a lot.

crumble wrote:

tubesNtweed wrote:

Dunlop Tortex .73mm (the yellow ones). The green ones aren't bad either, a little stiffer. I used to use Fender medium shell brown celluloid picks but they got too slippery, where the Dunlops have almost a chalky feel. Although the tortoise shell ones look cooler. For acoustic I use the Dunlop gray ones with the grip.

I use to have problems with slippery picks. Tried everything i could think of including anti-perspirant on my fingers and various makes with gripy surfaces, all to no avail. The remedy which works well for me is, choose a slippery type and lightly sand the sheen off with some fine wet & dry. Works 100%.

An other solution to slippery picks/fingers is carving an X or a # or something on each side of the pick using a sharp/pointy object. Don't overdo it because the pick may break along these lines while playing.

I just visited here the other day, it's really close by my house:

They had a display of old pick die cutters. I learned that to this day,
regardless of if they say Fender or whatever on them, all classic tortise style picks are made by La Bella -- who've been stamping out guitar picks in NY since the early 1900's

Dunlop Jazz III - the red ones. Every now and then I run through the alternatives but end up going back to the JIII's. I am thinking about trying John McLaughlin's trick of scoring the grip part to reduce slippage.


Now I use Jim Dunlop 0.38 mm. Works great for surf. I'm looking to go even thinner than this.

Donald77 wrote:

Now I use Jim Dunlop 0.38 mm. Works great for surf. I'm looking to go even thinner than this.

I used these for my first several years of playing. Stopped using them when I started playing live, no good live. My thumb got eaten alive.

I really dig the Dunlop Jazz III, feel and play great. I go back to a normal pick and they feel big and sloppy. The Dunlop Jazz III help me play accurate, clean and with more control. Plus they are warm sounding to my ears.

I have only one pick and I've used it now for years. (At least three now). It's a traditional style 1.5mm Brazilian agate stone pick from and I would recommend it to anyone. They are truly amazing.

I'm with a lot of you folks on the red Jazz III's (really strange to me how much I hate the sound of the black ones). I recently switched to the Ultex Jazz III'S because they are indestructible and seem almost frictionless against the strings...great silky feel.

Last edited: Apr 15, 2013 03:31:59

No one I know likes the picks I use (which is nice, never have to lend them to bandmates). Clayton acetal rounded triangles, 1mm on bass and 1.26mm on guitar. They don't slip and they have three points so when one is worn out, which in and of itself takes forever, you just switch to the next so the pick lasts three times longer than a traditional pick of the same material.

.60mm Jim Dunlop Nylons


.50 Dunlop Tortex pitch black or Planet Waves Duralyn

I too have used Jim Dunlop nylons for years and loved them. But I've recently discovered a new nylon that is just awesome.
Snarlin' Dog Brain Picks 60mm purples.
They have a great feel and attack, and have a super grippy emboss on them. They DO NOT spin around in my hot dog fingers.

Fin Doctors


Don't use it much but for slippery picks there is a product called Gorilla Snot - it works but many may not like the residue on your fingers.

^ I prefer picks with a textured surface over "snot." I am using Cool Picks "Juratex" at the moment and they are pretty darn good.

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