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Tim Ferrill just brought by the late Eddie Bertrand's 1965 Fender Jaguar (pots read 6530), which, thanks to Eddie's family, will be on display at Winter Surf Fest 2013, to be held this Sunday afternoon at the Starting Gate in Los Alamitos. I was beyond stoked to plug it into my '61 Showman 1X12. Absolutely godlike surf tone, super low action (no heavy flatwounds for Eddie!), best Jag I've ever played! This guitar has everything going for it, weight, neck profile, and......TONE (sounds just as good unplugged)! Got to play it for about an hour, doing nothing but Eddie's music. Tons of vibe and mojo, very spiritual! So grateful for a chance to play it! Come by the big show this Sunday---it will feature a celebration of Eddie's music, performed by an all-star band featuring Paul Johnson, Dick Dodd, and Jim Roberts, three of Eddie's original mates.


Wow Smile

Shawn Martin


Eddie's Jag. There is something, well, sort of mystic about it. Like is should be on display in a museum somewhere. I suspect, Eddie would prefer to see it played and not hung on a wall. Just the same, even seeing it in the photo gives me the chills. One of the holy grails of surf.

Talk to you later,

So grateful I got to hear it played by Eddie in person!

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Cool story!

What a great experience!
Sounds like it happened to the right person as well.


Matt "tha Kat" Lentz
Skippy and the Skipjacks: 2018-2020
Otto and the Ottomans: 2014-2015
The Coconauts surf band: 2009-2014
Group Captain and the Mandrakes 2013
The Surfside IV: 2002-2005, 2008-2009
the Del-Vamps: 1992-1999, 2006-2007

Can anybody fill in Eddie's guitar history? When did Eddie and the Showmen stop playing? I know they didn't record after '64.

I've seen him with a Strat, Ice Blueish Jag, CAR Jag, and a Black one.

There's a picture of both Paul and Eddie playing Jaguars (Eddie's is white) in my "The Belairs and the Origins of Surf Music" CD

Matt "tha Kat" Lentz
Skippy and the Skipjacks: 2018-2020
Otto and the Ottomans: 2014-2015
The Coconauts surf band: 2009-2014
Group Captain and the Mandrakes 2013
The Surfside IV: 2002-2005, 2008-2009
the Del-Vamps: 1992-1999, 2006-2007



I can't remember if I heard it in the radio interview, or read it elsewhere but Eddie said that Jaguar was the best he ever played (and I assume he's played many). There is something special about that one, aside from Eddie owning it, so congrats Tim. I'm glad it went to you.

Just to add to Eddie's guitars that Jake started, there was that custom silver flake/ black burst edged Stratocaster Fender made for him in the Showmen days.

Eddies Jag is just on loan to me from Eddies estate for the show Sunday. The custom silver flake/ black burst edged Stratocaster Fender made for him in the Showmen days was sold by Eddie many many years ago. Eddie deeply regretted selling that Strat. Kathy Marshall has an identical Strat which she still owns. Most of Eddies gear will soon be for sale. When it is provided to me, I will post an inventory of gear that is for sale. Eddies brother John is the executor of Eddie's estate. Johns desire is that the surf community get first shot at Eddie gear.

What gauge strings did Eddie favour?

I think in the neighborhood of 10-52. That may seem thin, but it feels right!


ChazSurf wrote:

What gauge strings did Eddie favour?

Can't say what he played in '63, but the guitar was still strung up with Eddie's current set-up, Ernie Ball Regular Slinky's. No flatwounds, no cables. The action was as low as I've ever seen, with some minor buzzing despite a Mustang bridge, but the thing played like butter. Hot, hot, HOT set of pick-ups---the guitar just screams.

Can I smell it?

I get goosebumps just looking at it and feeling Eddie's vibes just resonating. Still watch those videos that are posted of him playing squad car, lanky bones, Mr. rebel, etc. That guitar just sounded so awesome, what tone.

I remember Eddie once saying that he used to repaint his guitars a lot back in the '60s, so it's really hard to tell how many he actually had. Certainly he started in the Belairs with a sunburst Strat with a rosewood fretboard, and at some point switched to a white Jag while still with the Belairs. In E&TS he seemed to feature multiple Jags and at least one Strat (I do wonder if that sparkle blackurst Strat was simply his repainted original sunburst Strat). I think that the blue Jag on the cover of the E&TS CD is not actually blue - it looks like the photo was colored in the post, and they made the Jag blue. It was probably white.

Eddie bought the above Jag only once he got serious about returning to surf music, definitely in the past ten years at most, and probably more recently than that. We may even be able to find something about it in the SG101 archives, if anyone's willing to go diggin'... (Vaya con Dios to you!)

Maybe Paul Johnson would know some of this stuff?

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Yes I remember Eddie saying he got that Jag after he decided to return to surf music.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

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