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Permalink What if the sax player does not show up ?

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There were attemts at making sax free utopian societys, for example Economy Villiage in West PA near Pittsburgh.

They were very sucessful in generating income and peaceful living. But each one died out due to lack of SAX.

caddady wrote:

There were attemts at making sax free utopian societys, for example Economy Villiage in West PA near Pittsburgh.

They were very sucessful in generating income and peaceful living. But each one died out due to lack of SAX.

I grew up near Old Economy. Visited it several times before I moved away. Thanks for the reminder, Greg.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Last edited: Jan 18, 2013 08:09:37

SURFmole wrote:

Well, I'm sorry if I offended anyone (especially sax players) by contributing my 2 cents...FWIW though, it doesn't matter...just a personal opinion. Also, with my post (and I'm guessing Jake's as well) I was being somewhat sarcastic.

A certain amount of sarcastic humor is part and parcel of the debate. Anyone who likes the Cosmonauts can't be all bad. And Portland surf rocks. It took me a while to get used to trumpet in surf. I'm still not always happy with it.

There are different ways to use sax in surf music. There's lead sax and rhythm sax. And there are different styles of the lead approach at least, including at least some sort of genteel subordinate co-leads. I kind of like a wide variety of approaches including some that really annoy people who don't like saxophone much, but I definitely like sax-less surf music too. I don't mind people not liking sax so much as I dislike them suggesting that nobody should. I think anybody who likes surf music is going to eventually realize, maybe with a shock, that part of what they like about some song is the sax part. They may immediately wonder how to replace it with a guitar or keyboard version, either from necessity or from personal taste and inclination, but that's fine.

So, maybe we can return to the actual point of this thread, which is precisely what to do with songs that have prominent sax parts when you actually don't have a sax player. It doesn't really matter if you are replacing the sax part or doing without it out of necessity, or taste, and it doesn't really matter if you like the sax part or not either. The technical problem is what to replace it with. Because a song can be too short, or two repetitive, or to thin, or whatever, when you simply leave a part out or replace it with what a guitar can easily do.

In some cases you can use a keyboard. But I think the question was really the general one of what to do when you have a guitar-bass-drums combo and you have to handle a song that originally had more kinds of voices. If you are leaving out rhythm parts you have the general problem of how to augment a lead, hopefully not a busy one, with additional rhythm bits to fill the places where the rhythm carried things. This happens all the time in three piece approaches to four piece songs, or two guitar approaches to three guitar songs.

I've had the pleasure recently of listening to some Denver musicians trying to uncombine the parts in Astronauts songs as they are played now to play them with larger, more traditional (completely sax-less) ensembles.

If you are replacing a lead part, then you have to come up with something that fills the space without just being repetitive. Sometimes you can adapt the sax part. You may be hetter off trying to come up with something new. I think modern bands tend to be more nervous about that than the original bands were. It feels sacrilegious, perhaps, when you see the original song as a classic or canonical item.

People often suggest substituting a guitar with a different tonality - more distorted usually - but I think this tends not to work. Maybe the problem is that the sax parts are less distinguished by the tonal qualities of the instrument than by the phrasings that are natural and characteristic. For example, I believe you can slur smoothly across a series of notes that would be very awkward for a guitarist, but you can't generate guitar like glissandos easily, and the equivalent of double picking isn't easy either. And, of course, there are no real chords without multiple saxes.

Are there examples of bands using a distorted guitar in lieu of a sax? Could Planet Seven be seen as a case of this?

Number9 wrote:

caddady wrote:

Guitar players have been attempting to emulate sax players for quite some time.
1: Sustain
2: Distortion
3: Bending notes including whammy bar dips.
4: Phrasing (not to be confused with Phase Shifting)
All are things guitarists do to mimic the sax.
A Roland synth gizmo and sax patch will allow you to sound like a horn if you really want to.

That's the kind of answer i was expecting.
Did'nt mean to open a debate about the usefulness of a sax in a surf band, or whether you like the instrument or not.
I think I may have given a wrong title to the topic.
To clarify things up: How do you play this classic tune when you do not have a saxophonist available or do not wish to have one ?

It's been mentioned here, but fuzz.

Radio Free Bakersfield--60 Minutes of TWANG, CRUNCH, OOMPH.


Last edited: Mar 01, 2020 09:27:14

No Sax player? Breath a sigh of relief and recalculate the pay for the band members who showed up. Wink

WhorehayRFB wrote:

It's been mentioned here, but fuzz.

YES!! The Boardwalker's do a real fine job with that in this clip. But of course if you can find a cat that can play sax, get him!

BOSS FINK "R.P.M." available now from DOUBLE CROWN RECORDS!

hi. i really did not think another sax thread would show up here but nevertheless.

i agree with jake. in my mind it would prove the existence of God.

but history shows us that sax was an interal part of surf music, just one of many ifluences that came into surf music. so sax has a place in surf music. that can't be denied. it was there and the proof won't go away.

now the originial question was what to do if the band's sax player doesn't show for the gig. depends on his place in the band's soloist heiarchy. if he's great, the band is screwed. if he's a tooter than forget about it, play the gig with less sax material and split the money among the guy's that show up. that' what we did!!

since we are suppossed to be instrument neutral here, i will no go into my usual tirade about saxophones--in general. OK?? Agree LMAO

Enjoying the surf,sun and sand!!

shivers13 wrote:

YES!! The Boardwalker's do a real fine job with that in this clip. But of course if you can find a cat that can play sax, get him!

Pretty good example of what to do when the rhythm guitarist doesn't show up either.

Number9 wrote:

Tuck: Thank a lot for your help on this topic.

You're welcome, and I liked the ironic title even if not everyone else got it. I think the summary answer is "You're going to need (to be) a more imaginative guitarist."


Last edited: Mar 01, 2020 09:26:35

You hire me to play the sax parts on harmonica. Smile

The Krektones w/ Apache & Besame Mucho

This answers the question from the other direction. Here a band with a sax/trumpet player tackles two songs which don't have sax/trumpet in the original. So they have to adapt the songs to the instruments they have. I think it works.

^ I think it works to a degree, but it would work better if the horns were used more sparingly or in a more supportive role, like to compliment the guitars rather than being out front.

imafunkyman wrote:

Kazoo solo!

That's what immediately came to my mind, too!

I'd download the iKaossilator for iPhone/pad which should cost only a few bucks. Dial in the scale pattern, select sax and wiggle ya finger. Almost impossible to make a bum note.

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