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Permalink I Don't Have a Band Yet But

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Thanks again, everyone. I am having fun. Lots of fun. But I have to remind everyone I'm still just a guy who has learned to play some simple things on a guitar. I'm far from a guitar player. And, on top of it, now I have to get hold of some recording gear. Smile I actually don't have any.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Last edited: Jan 15, 2013 08:30:19

Suggest you use computer software for recording, it's quick, cheap and relatively easy. It's also compact. Good luck on getting better on guitar and practice as much as you can. I don't have a band yet either but I do have a contact at the north of the state that's promising.


It's funny how things turn out. My weekly guitar lessons have gone from learning the parts to arranging the songs for the set. Very cool. Unbelievably, I'm teaching the other guitarist his parts. Scary, huh?

The funny thing is, I find out on Monday if I have to switch to bass for the performance. Our bass player keeps getting too busy to practice the songs. We'll find out then if this is going to continue until it's too late. I always knew my Squier VM J-Bass would turn out useful one day. Big Grin

And oh yeah, guitar or bass, this is fun.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Last edited: Jun 20, 2013 20:58:41

Way to go Noel Cool Cool Cool

kenposurf wrote:

Way to go Noel Cool Cool Cool

None of this would ever have happened without all the enthusiasm, support and encouragement of everyone here, for which I am deeply and eternally grateful.

If this keeps up, I hope one day to be able to play my way out of a paper bag. Big Grin

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Last edited: Jun 20, 2013 23:55:00

I still think this thread's name needs to be changed,
You DO have a band, Noel!
When is the performance?

Congrats, Noel.

THE KBK ... This is the last known signal. We offer Sanctuary.

YAY NOEL!!!!!!


CrazyAces wrote:

I still think this thread's name needs to be changed,
You DO have a band, Noel!
When is the performance?

Big Grin We don't have a name yet. Right now we're practicing in pairs at my house or during guitar lessons. Three of us will be getting together at my house before the end of this month to accelerate the process. Our bass player will finally join us here in July, he hopes. Then we'll all be playing together.

The "performance" is the second weekend in October. We're playing eight carefully selected Ventures songs arranged into a twenty-minute medley at the 2013 East Coast Ventures Fan Fest. Click here. No drummer at all yet. We'll have to borrow one for the performance but the drummers there are used to this sort of thing.

The careful song selection is to ensure they're not so technically difficult I can't play them. One source of joy to me is I'm FINALLY playing Beatles songs. (Which The Ventures recorded for the Japanese market.) I waited 49 years to be able to play Beatles songs, and I'm playing Ventures versions of them. It's been a lot of fun finding common ground between Don Wilson's and John Lennon's rhythm guitar playing in these songs.

After this, I'm switching focus to Ventures-style early Beach Boys songs for the 2014 Fan Fest. The Ventures never recorded an album of early Beach Boys hits, but I want us to sound like if they had. My long-term goal is to put together a group that plays a mix of pre-surf instro, all kinds of surf music, and vocal surf/hotrod from the early days.

So that's it. Not a band, yet. But a lot closer than I ever dreamed before I joined SG101.

Thanks, everyone!

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Last edited: Jun 21, 2013 12:02:28

Noel, Congratulations ! (I know I'm a little late w/this post) but I'm here "now & then". (Library computer). I think you'll do Great ! Enthusiasm & will is "half the deal" & if you rememeber "The Versatones" (Don Wilson & Bob Bogle), started out that way first playing coffeehouses & later "bars" with 2 guitars & amps (remember to "use tremelo") !. Then "The Ventures" followed. Just the two of them with guitars & an "amp", then "2 amps" & they got lot's of work because people really liked them. I remember in 1965-66 doing about 10 of those type gigs w/"just Jon (me, rhythm) & Bob (lead)" & people dug us ! We were 15 & 16 years old & had one of those "fake books" & even though I'd been playing only a year, Bob had played since he was 7. (This made him the natural choice for lead guitar & I just read the "chord blocks"). This way we could play "Pipeline" & "WDR" then offer up "requests" ("Fly Me to the Moon" "Stranger in Paradise" etc.) from the Mom's & Dad's (Aunts & Uncles) that were there. (Not just "our" families either), people liked us around town (Sayville, NY) cos' we "tried our best" & it somehow worked....we did our best & smiled a bit.....otherwise we were concentrating on "being accurate". We then added drums & another guitar !
I really think this should go well for you because your HEART is in it & believe me, People Notice ! Best of Blessings & Luck to you !

Last edited: Jun 21, 2013 11:00:03

Awesome Noel, glad you got some other folks to catch the instro bug too!


Hip hip hooray for Noel!

Matt "tha Kat" Lentz
Skippy and the Skipjacks: 2018-2020
Otto and the Ottomans: 2014-2015
The Coconauts surf band: 2009-2014
Group Captain and the Mandrakes 2013
The Surfside IV: 2002-2005, 2008-2009
the Del-Vamps: 1992-1999, 2006-2007

Looks like you're going to need a new axe to keep up. This will do:

Big Grin


Thanks, Preston! That Jag is almost as worn looking as the '67 that Jeff saw at Gruhn's a while ago. Letting that go was very tough. My own Jag is plenty good enough, though someday it may get a more vintage-feel neck. But with the Lollars and other improvements, I'd be hard-pressed to find a better-sounding Jag anywhere. It's my playing that really needs the upgrade. Big Grin

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Vintage mustang neck...

They are really amazing.. Big Razz

In all seriousness, congrats. There is nothing as cool as learning from fellow musicians, except perhaps teaching them a trick or two. Good job!


Great job Noel! Very nice to read of you enthusiasm and break into the business! This tune might come in handy for your BB instrumental project:

The Astronauts - Surfer Girl

Last edited: Jun 22, 2013 01:44:30

Yep! Thanks a lot. This is just what I'm looking for.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Thumbs Up get it!!!!!

glad you have something going!! you are gonna love it!!

Enjoying the surf,sun and sand!!

I've decide on a band name. All Summer Long. It's a wonderful Beach Boys song and conveys the mood of the music we'll be playing.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Sure you don't want to be cliche?

The All Summer Longs? Wink

Congrats, I can't wait to here some of your music!


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