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Permalink Band tryout - wish me luck!

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My patience has paid off, maybe. I'm just getting back into playing guitar after a 10 year layoff. I've always wanted to do instrumental music, especially surf related. I quit my last band 10 years ago to focus on family and career. All along though, I knew that I would get into playing again. I'm a newbie again! Anyhoo I placed an ad for a surf/garage/spy-fi/spaghetti western group. Salt Lake City usually doesn't have much to offer in eclectic tastes, so I was completely taken by surprise when I got a response from an established band that is heavily influenced by spaghetti western stuff. I'm really stoked about it. I've talked to them a few times, but haven't played yet. I'm nervous as hell, needless to say because I'm still a bit rusty and have never been a virtuoso in the first place! I'm going in with the bare minimum. Guitar and amp. No effects. Just the reverb on my Hotrod Deville dimed and my Dipinto Galaxie. Any words of encouragement or advice?

Either you surf, or you fight.

Just encouragement. All the best. You'll do fine. Don't forget to breathe.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Go, play, enjoy yourself, relax. If it clicks, then so be it. If it doesn't...just the same...

THE KBK ... This is the last known signal. We offer Sanctuary.

Your time has come. Take the bull by the horns and enjoy the ride!! Guitar

Ask for a list of songs (e.g. 3-5) you think you're going to audition on so you can prepare before hand. Don't be afraid to bring notes, shows you've put your work in and you feel they are worth the effort. Have a good time !

Is the band Rifamos? They're great! In any case good luck with your tryout.

Thumbs Up

Why yes it is the Rifamos Fritz! I'm a fan of their music, so that's why I'm nervous!

Either you surf, or you fight.

Here's a link to their tunes for those who like spaghetti Yes

like Noel said: "breathe" ...I say "drink water"...

first and foremost have fun, you'll actually play better and second; Best of luck, I hope it goes well!

Try to show off your best stuff. Use techniques they wouldn't expect, like slide and tapping, if you know any cool tricks. Be showy, dress well, smile. Look up Marco Minneman and imitate his faces. Have fun, be showy, the atmosphere makes the show.


FritzCat wrote:

Here's a link to their tunes for those who like spaghetti Yes

Wow! What an awesome tune!

My advice for the audition is to relax, have fun, be yourself, and keep it simple. I like Derek's recommendation to get a list of tunes to prep. Good luck!


Hey Mike, Congrats on the opportunity! There's a few tried and true general philosophies that will definitely help ease the nervousness of the situation. Be honest. Be yourself. Have a sense of humor and don't be too serious. Engage with the other guys like they're your friends, not like people you're trying to impress. Since you're sincerely into instro, Surf, Spaghetti, etc., there should be no lack of common discussion. Above all else, just remember that whatever's meant to be, is meant to be--that even if nothing ever becomes of the meeting, it's still OK. You having the cojones to walk into that situation with your gear and wear your passion on your sleeve is an extremely admirable, remarkable and impressive thing in and of itself!

Oh, and a couple more not under any circumstances, contrary to previous suggestion, try to show off. This is the biggest turn off at any first meeting. Being "showy" might be just what the American Idol judges want, but will close doors left and right in the instro world upon just meeting. Leave the tapping and other tricks for Eddie and simply play from the heart. Concentration on your tone and being musical will take you places. One more thing...bring a tank!! Wink Seriously, just have fun!

Insect Surfers
The Tikiyaki Orchestra
The Scimitars
Lords Of Atlantis
Fiberglass Jungle - Surf Radio

+1 to Jon Paul's comments. Good luck!

The Mystery Men?
El Capitan and The Reluctant Sadists
SSS Agent #31

I did not mean to be a show off, or to try things you're not used to. But if you know any tricks or unique techniques, show them. And by "showy", I mean to be annoying or to be a show off, or to brag. But show off your best playing and have good stage presence. Don't look bored or tired. Sorry for not clarifying.


1.) Don't wear shorts.

2.) Don't nervously laugh.

3.) Don't sweat.

Unrelated, but I am going to start stabbing people in the eyes for referring to things as Spagetti Western. This isn't directed towards anyone or anything specific, just a thought that has been in my mind for the past several years.

Thanks for the encouragement guys! I'll try by best to be relaxed and have fun. I'll keep you posted and let you know how it goes.

Either you surf, or you fight.

JakeDobner wrote:

1.) Don't wear shorts.

2.) Don't nervously laugh.

3.) Don't sweat.

Unrelated, but I am going to start stabbing people in the eyes for referring to things as Spagetti Western. This isn't directed towards anyone or anything specific, just a thought that has been in my mind for the past several years.

Why? It's a fairly innocuous term.

Because it rarely sounds nor has the spirit of the original scores.

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