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bigtikidude wrote:

anybody else get this?
or is Santa bringing it for x-mas?

I'm in the Santa camp, and really stoked about it!

DaveF wrote:

Thanks Tuck, but I could not figure how to send my typed info to Gracenote.

The only way you can send to Gracenote with iTunes is to enter the stuff in the original import dialog, essentially before you have imported it, but with the disc in the reader. Once you have imported something it is too late. Dumb? Why, yes.

Really what they want is to have the import process read the information from the disc itself and the upload that. Discs that lack this built in information, as Surf-Age seemingly does - or maybe it's just in a format iTunes doesn't read? - where the buyer of the disc is willing to do the entry, have to simulate this process. Warning: Simulating it can mean that you lose everything you entered, if there is some glitch in the import process.

I got this and am very pleased. There is a ton of rare hard to find songs, and I'm pleased. If anyone has any questions let me know. I grabbed mine from itunes.

Peace to you, not on you

Brian wrote:

So when is this thing going to hit the Gracenote media database? LOL, I won't rip it until I can avoid typing in all the names.

The database that VLC media player uses already has it.

Why not rip the discs and then use the open source TagScanner to update the ID3 metadata?


LHR wrote:

Why not rip the discs and then use the open source TagScanner to update the ID3 metadata?

Where does TagScanner get the metadata from?

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I shoved the track names down the throat of Gracenote. Hopefully they will have the grace to pass it on ... Yes

Noticed a few anomalies in the compilation in the process.

Received this collection as a Christmas gift.
Really enjoying it. It is interesting to me though that the majority of these songs don't sound like they were played through Showmans.
I hear a myriad of other amps used. Very cool.

CrazyAces wrote:

Received this collection as a Christmas gift.
Really enjoying it. It is interesting to me though that the majority of these songs don't sound like they were played through Showmans.
I hear a myriad of other amps used. Very cool.

Not many could afford one..or a Jag for that matter!

Good point kenposurf.

LHR wrote:

Brian wrote:

So when is this thing going to hit the Gracenote media database? LOL, I won't rip it until I can avoid typing in all the names.

The database that VLC media player uses already has it.

Why not rip the discs and then use the open source TagScanner to update the ID3 metadata?

you just made my life much better

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

ElMonstroPorFavor wrote:

The database that VLC media player uses already has it.

Why not rip the discs and then use the open source TagScanner to update the ID3 metadata?

you just made my life much better

It does seem to be the case that the album lacks metadata, while many others have it. Was this a deliberate design decision? Anyone have a pointer on the general subject?

iTunes seems to have the metadata now, but only for discs 1 & 2?

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Last edited: Jan 16, 2013 19:44:34

Interesting, Brian. I definitely uploaded all four disks worth of material to the GraceNote service that iTunes uses. Using iTunes. But I did it in order, so perhaps there is some sort of a verifying process still playing out for 3 and 4. I did 1 and then a week or two later 2-4. If it were me the verifying process would involve comparing multiple uploads and taking into account whether the stuff came from the CD itself or had been hand entered, which mine was.

I am convinced there are CDs with the information built in and this set seems to lack that. iTunes seems to generate disks with the information in if you burn something. My belief that the information is sometimes already there comes from Real Player (which I think used to ask if you wanted it included in burns) and from the fact that GraceNote sometimes recognizes all the songs but wants to have you agree to submit the data when you first import the CD. Maybe I am wrong or confused.

My process for manually annotating and uploading is to indicate, when asked, that I don't want to import. Then I hand enter the data (pain in the butt) by selecting Get Info to assign the repeated parts and using tab or, better, clicking to move from field to field for the rest. Then I indicate manually that I want to submit CD track names (under Options) and then import.

They insist on some kind of genre information, but don't like many of the available options in the application, especially any you have added yourself. They don't seem to offer any at all that are reasonable for surf music. This is the point at which surf music gets coded as World or Religious or something else amusing by frustrated uploaders.

You can also annotate after importing, but at that point you can't submit the data any more.

All that said, I found this reference:

The artist FAQ is especially useful.

It does not mention metadata on the actual CD and seemingly implies there is none. However:

I thank you for your data entry efforts. I hope to reap the benefits of your work on discs 3 & 4 soon.

If you pop a CD into a computer drive you typically see a bunch of .wav files. I don't know if the .wav specification allows for track & artist metadata. Edit: Just checked, doesn't appear to allow that

I suspect there may be some disc formats that do have the meta data on them, because I remember a few years ago some car stereos were advertising that they could display such info if present on the disc. I get the impression most commercial music discs do not come with this information.

Gracenote makes it seem like they take your information in 2-3 days. But I can't help but wonder if they wait till they get at least X submissions and then maybe wait until enough submissions agree with each other. I'm just making that up. That's what I would do. Smile

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Last edited: Jan 16, 2013 21:17:36

I think this post by Ted was meant for this thread:

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The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
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The Madeira Channel on YouTube

spskins wrote:

Free rip has it for all 4 discs.
My disc 3 won't boot in 3 different computers, but plays fine in CD player...

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Brian wrote:

I thank you for your data entry efforts. I hope to reap the benefits of your work on discs 3 & 4 soon.

If you pop a CD into a computer drive you typically see a bunch of .wav files. I don't know if the .wav specification allows for track & artist metadata. Edit: Just checked, doesn't appear to allow that

I suspect there may be some disc formats that do have the meta data on them, because I remember a few years ago some car stereos were advertising that they could display such info if present on the disc. I get the impression most commercial music discs do not come with this information.

Gracenote makes it seem like they take your information in 2-3 days. But I can't help but wonder if they wait till they get at least X submissions and then maybe wait until enough submissions agree with each other. I'm just making that up. That's what I would do. Smile

CD Text is not really metadata, since it is not attached to the files themselves, unlike the data attached to an MP3 for example, but is written into one of two other locations on the disc. This link explains it better:

The main problem is that most CD players cannot actually read CD Text.

Los Fantasticos

Ah, very interesting. See also

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea


The WAV format does indeed allow for metadata, as it's a RIFF derivative. It's typically stored in an INFO chunk. But since most applications don't handle that, it gets ignored most of the time. This means that nearly all wave file don't contain metadata, even though the format can handle it.

As far as CD Text goes, I use Audiograbber, which uses it if present. It is not present. If it were, it would just show up when the disc is initially read. However, Audiograbber also uses freedb, and the disc information is there.

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