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Permalink The Official 2012 Member Mp3 Compilation Thread

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I too can't get the Retronauts tune to play either.
I must the 2012 comp is very impressive and quite possibly the most consistent to my listening ears.My goal this year is to actually contribute with my new band Stunt Double.We have the songs,but need to focus on actually recording.

Reverb, It's A Way Of Life!

Yes, the version is corrupt. But can you play the one here? Forensic analysis from ozboomer reveals the version here looks like an .m4a file instead of an .mp3, but at least most people can play it. Can someone provide a conversion to an mp3?

Local version:

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Last edited: Dec 26, 2012 11:46:41

I converted the track to mp3 and re-uploaded it to It may be several minutes before it shows up there.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Cheers for fixing that up Brian Smile

Took the opportunity to load the SG101 mp3 comps 2005 through to 2012 onto the ipod and am looking forward to hearing what everyone submitted for each comp.

beachbreak a.k.a Sean Cool
Turn up the Reverb!!

Thanks mucho for getting the "Besame Mucho" track issue resolved. Big Grin

Last edited: Jan 02, 2013 23:55:18

I've played all songs. Congrats for everyone.

My favorites:
.Jimmy "Adios Mi Amigos" - nice playing
.Reverb Ranch "Deep Black Sea" - great tone (ugh, i need a baritone)
.The Quiet Surfers "The Lonely Guitarist" - 2 acoustics, aaah, cool, and very good contrast after 24 (and before 9) reverbed electric
.Gimlet "The Astronaut From Narrabeen" - calmness and peace - and under the sea, the dumb and unknown darkness
.AGENT TWANG! "Out At The Track" - great song, playing, tone
.norcalhodad "California Gothic" - bad sound quality, but what a killer mood!

But everyone is great, there aren't awkward moments - great job! It's a honor to be here

I hope I'will able to do something really good for the 2013 comp!

PS: Besa Mi Mucho doesn't work for me

original compositions (low-level demo stuff /out of tune, etc) myStuff not my best, but i don't like to be in a musician community without anything to show

ohm, if you want a cd cover yet, send me the parameters, i can make something (if nobody does)

original compositions (low-level demo stuff /out of tune, etc) myStuff not my best, but i don't like to be in a musician community without anything to show

PS: Besa Mi Mucho doesn't work for me

The version at should "work". The version here is just an .m4a renamed to .mp3. At you can download a zip file of the entire collection or download/stream individual tracks.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Just for the record, "Besa Mi Mucho" is incorrect. The proper way in spanish (which this is) is "Besame Mucho". "Besame" is one word not two, and it's an "e" not an "I".

psychonaut wrote:

Just for the record, "Besa Mi Mucho" is incorrect. The proper way in spanish (which this is) is "Besame Mucho". "Besame" is one word not two, and it's an "e" not an "I".

Smile yes, you're right. i had to write it 2 times, because the first time i wrote 'besame' Smile Smile

original compositions (low-level demo stuff /out of tune, etc) myStuff not my best, but i don't like to be in a musician community without anything to show

Last edited: Jan 02, 2013 17:50:35

Brian wrote:

PS: Besa Mi Mucho doesn't work for me

The version at should "work". The version here is just an .m4a renamed to .mp3. At you can download a zip file of the entire collection or download/stream individual tracks.

At the player doesn't play the track - i didn't try to download - i wasn't home

original compositions (low-level demo stuff /out of tune, etc) myStuff not my best, but i don't like to be in a musician community without anything to show

Suicide I give up. It worked for me in Chrome on Linux and Windows, but not Firefox. I uploaded yet another version and I still had trouble playing it in all combinations. So I don't know what's going on with that file. If you click below the player on and choose the old flash player it does work.

If you download it and play it it seems to work fine.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea


I'm emailing you another file. There must be some sort of corruption in the first one sent. Sorry for all of the trouble - hopefully this new file will work better.

Brian wrote:

Suicide I give up. It worked for me in Chrome on Linux and Windows, but not Firefox. I uploaded yet another version and I still had trouble playing it in all combinations. So I don't know what's going on with that file. If you click below the player on and choose the old flash player it does work.

If you download it and play it it seems to work fine.

Ok, I tried with Ffox Smile CD cover? Do I make sthing?

original compositions (low-level demo stuff /out of tune, etc) myStuff not my best, but i don't like to be in a musician community without anything to show

Thanks Rob! I'll upload it later tonight.

Togergo, if you want to do a CD cover that's fine with me. In the past people have made covers for full size physical CD cases and people have also made small images for itunes, etc. I don't know anything about that so do you own research. Smile

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Hey Folks! I downloaded the 2012 Compilation and it is great! There is only one problem... no cover art! When I asked Brian he said no one came up with art work for it! Please someone with artistic ability please make a cover so my iTunes look good! Also soon I am going to do a radio show (Rockin' & Surfin' Show) and play the entire compilation! I try to use these comps to introduce people to surf music! It is really a great resource, free music!
Thanks to everyone involved in making these! They rock!

I'll do one if you want. I do not have the time to do anything too fancy, mind you. Are there examples of previous year's art?


Hi, I've made one, Just waiting for a user (00Diablo) from here, because i used one of his gear photos from here. I think, it's okay, but..does anyone know him?

original compositions (low-level demo stuff /out of tune, etc) myStuff not my best, but i don't like to be in a musician community without anything to show

So, If you need, I can post it, what format do you prefer? Just a Front (12x12cm) or front/back, every part of a real cd cover?

original compositions (low-level demo stuff /out of tune, etc) myStuff not my best, but i don't like to be in a musician community without anything to show

togergo wrote:

Hi, I've made one, Just waiting for a user (00Diablo) from here, because i used one of his gear photos from here. I think, it's okay, but..does anyone know him?

I know him personally, he's from the Bay Area, he's not active here anymore. I say go ahead and use it.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

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