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Permalink Dick Dale Then, and Now...

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Check out these two youtube clips.... Then.... Now....

the "then" clip is the closest thing I've ever seen to "Live" vintage D.D. the "now" clip is the closet I've ever seen him play miserlou in the modern age.

there isn't that much difference in his guitar tone - Sure, the "now" clip is much louder, but....still pretty much the same root sound, I think.

I bet he scared the hell out of people in 1961....


"You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"

dick is f*cking incredible: then or now!

thanks for the vids.

I was 11 when the "now" happened.

The now version of Misirlou was really fantastic. I haven't heard it played like that in awhile. More Misirlou Twist and I like that.

Of course I love that Ed Sullivan footage. His volume seems very low and as a result he sounds a little sterile.

i like in the then clip when dick motions for someone to turn up his guitar. it sounds like they cranked the dwell switch.

Have any of you heard the hip hop version with Black Eyed Peas Monkey Business Album called Pump It?....Pump It which is Misirlou from the 60's remastered by master Dick himself got a Platinum Award last year. That's definately a now version of Misirlou...It's on you tube also and was filmed aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln by Naval Personnel but I don't have the url...sorry...Dick just got back from another tour and another one is in the making...51 years playing and still going strong....What a bithchin guy.... Guitar

I'm a lover not a fighter, a hugger not a handshaker and I take friendships very seriously...Love the life you live, live the life you love. Cool

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