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SurfGuitar101 Forums » Surf Music General Discussion »

Permalink ATTN: member dp

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Sup man, first off I got the Surf Trem, and dig it. Thanks for the reccomendation.

2nd, I checked out your my space page, the songs were pretty dope. do your band members post here as well?

stigger108 your band members post here as well?

...that's funny!

I am "my band members" other words, I am a one-man band right now. guitars, bass, drums, drum machine, synth, organ, engineer...all that stuff. that makes me happy though, that it sounds like a "band"...that's what I was going for, soundwise...

hit me up with your myspace address so i can add you as a new mspace reverb pal...


ps: i'm glad to hear that the surf trem works for you. i really dig it...

heh, thats cool, i didnt think you were a one man band. My myspace name is Stigger2 although i didnt even start my page yet. But you can add me.

That song Latinia2, is that an original? I really dig that tune, it has a such a sweet grove to it.

"Latini'a 2006" is not an original tune...just an updated old tune.

it's my version of the Sentinals' song "Latinia"...(from their album "Big Surf")

I've always loved the sound of the Sentinals' version...had to cover it!

the drums on my version took some work...'cause I can't drum for shit...I did it all one piece at a time: claves, ride cymbal, snare/tom rolls, bass four drum tracks...and the drums still sound crappy!


dp i downloaded the original, and i have to say you do it great justice. I actually like yours more, because I'd rather here guitars than saxaphone.

well, I'm glad you like it...(I was happiest with the bass part, it came out rippin' cool...)

now it's your turn to get out there and start doing the stigger versions of some classic surf...


dp i downloaded the original, and i have to say you do it great justice. I actually like yours more, because I'd rather here guitars than saxaphone.

Not to take anything away from DP, but that is BLASPHEMY! The original Latin'ia is a stunning thing of beauty that stands of the true gems of the 1st wave. Very Happy

You should also check out the great, tortured version by The Bambi Molesters. The Mermen do a great cover too.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

...The original Latin'ia is a stunning thing of beauty that stands of the true gems of the 1st wave...

that's exactly what I always thought...

"Latin'ia" along with "Sleepwalk"(by Santo and Johnny) were two all-time gems...

btw: I was thinking about doing a version "Sleepwalk" with saxaphone instead of the hawaiian slide guitar...

just kidding,
-dp Wink

dp i downloaded the original, and i have to say you do it great justice. I actually like yours more, because I'd rather here guitars than saxaphone.

Question There's no sax in the original Latinia... Not by the Sentinals, maybe some other bands that covered it later...

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dp, i sent you a private message.

Brian he does do it justice! I have to make sure I have the original version, i got it off limewire so its hard to say. IMO Sleepwalkers can never sound that great again. The original is too special. I don't even think The Ventures do it any justice.

Brian he does do it justice! I have to make sure I have the original version, i got it off limewire so its hard to say.

Well it sounds like you haven't heard the original. You might have picked up The Original Surfaris version, which has sax...but so did a lot of the other covers from the 60's.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea


you are right on target: the Sentinal's version has no sax!

but, I have heard a version with sax, like stigger says...probably was the Surfaris...or maybe, The Lively Ones?

Wink learn something new every day


I just double checked, it is the Surfairs, still looking for the original. I may need someone to email me the mp3

This CD has both their albums:

"Latin'ia" is also on this weird-ass comp, which is really cheap:


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

cool captain, i'll buy the double CD, that seems like a good deal.

This one has the same songs as the one Warren listed (plus one more!) and it's four bucks cheaper:

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