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Permalink Bevel Emboss - Celluloid

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Rare Footage of Bevel Emboss Live in Amsterdam

1 copy left!

Double-Crown-Records wrote:

I have 4 copies of their CD that I haven't had a chance to add to the website yet. If anyone here needs a copy, the price is $16.75. With our current free shipping offer, it'd be $16.75 anywhere in the world. Just send a Paypal payment to: for $16.75 and include a note saying it's for the Bevel Emboss - Celluloid CD. If they don't sell, I'll add them to the website for general sale in a week or so.

Double Crown Records

Surf CD's / Vinyl / Fanzines / DVD's
Aloha Screwdriver - Lunar Wobble CD
The Nebulas - Euphorion LP / CD
Supertubos - The Fourth Drive CD
Continental Magazine - Issue #38 w/17 Song CD


sent you a e-mail,
if you still have it,
I'd like to buy it.


Yesterday some amazing tracks at Radio 3 Spain

Session very much instrumental surf music. In the program you can listen to The Coronas (Hang five, tuning), The Tikiyaki Orchestra (La Hula Rhumba, Aloha baby and Konos revenge), Los Straitjackets (Mr Pink), The Martian Denny Orchestra (The 2000 pound bee part 2) Man or Astro Man? (All systems to go), Bevel Emboss (I like movies) and a selection of surf compilation cuts accompanying the magazine's 20th Continental Magazine. From here we click to Martin Cilia (Futurama), The Ramblin Ambassadors (Calfrobe bridge), The Atomic Blast (The amazing hypno bear), The Dead Rocks (The Curse of Tutankhamun), Los Kahunas (Goofin around you), Ding Dong Devils (The lonely Bultaco), The Surfaders (Dragstrip murder mystery) and Y Niwl (Dauddegpump).

Funny Review from KZSU Stanford:

Your Imaginary Friend
Reviewed 2013-01-07

Searing big guitar south of the border, minor keyed surf twang. Not trite or cute surf. So much of the genre falls into cookie cutter clichés but this veers into the heavy side, avoiding that. Anyone remember The Mermen? This reminds me of them (and they were epic, space-surf, super LOUD). All instrumental, all upbeat, with a certain south of the border feel, or a flamenco upbeat backbeat. Picture Clint Eastwood showing up on the beach, guns down all of Annette Funicello’s doofus friends and carries her off over his shoulder. The best part: This shit is Dutch (!?!), about as far away from the Southwest or SoCal as you can get.

1) (2:07) rhumba rockin!
2) (4:00) driving, crazy trumpet appears, entitled “Arabic” but sounds Spanish, may very well showcase the influence that Arabic immigrants had on mexico, Mexican Spanish, cooking, horsemanship, etc
3) (3:33) ramping up the south of the border tone
4) (3:22) slow, peaceful meander
5) (3:17) funny 60’s rock sitar plays lead, mid paced
6) (3:42) Spanish flare with acoustic guitar
7) (3:29) slower tom tom beat, mindful twangy and pretty
Cool (3:19) upbeat and Mexican sounding with trumpet
9) (3:08) backbeat surf, twang, grab your board
10) (2:23) mellower, guitar melody carries it
11) (3:18) lovely soaring surfing guitar melody, trumpet appears later, spaghetti western boiling over, phone rings in middle and every listener will grope for their cell
12) (3:17) rhumba surf, dark trumpet figures in
13) (3:23) mellower, acoustic guitar strumming, soaring leads, minimal drums, no bass
14) (2:32) upbeat, bouncy fun
15) (3:27) very pretty feel, almost soundtrack’y, pleasant

Just got my copy in the mail today. Certainly deserves the attention it is getting and the praise. No one ever said it was surf, so no missed expectations here.

The opening 2 tracks, Rumba Nova and Arabic, really grabbed me. They force you to sit up, pay attention and get sucked in. Willing participant here! The rest of the album isn't a rinse/repeat model of those. Solid diversity from start to finish - yet a cohesive (not schizophrenic) body of work.

As commented previously in this thread and the College Charts thread, it's clear these are all choice musicians - it's a top shelf recording and the musicianship & playing may be the bands debut album but clearly not the players first rodeo.

I can't put my finger on what it is... there are just some albums you really like at first listen and wind up loving even more with time. Not sure how or why, but my first impression is this is one of those kind of records. Maybe it is just the diversity and richness to the recording start to finish. 15 quality tracks is a lot to take in with just a few listens.

Looking forward to more "QT" (quality time) with Celluloid.


El Mirage @ ReverbNation

Last edited: Jan 25, 2013 16:16:38

I was definitely impressed at first, but it grows on you really well. There are days when one of the melodies pops in my head and I have to put it on.

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

I just heard a few seconds of Arabic on NPR (National Public Radio) this morning!

I really dig this CD!

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Last edited: Mar 05, 2013 08:01:39

Brian, i am very curious !
At what time did you here that ?

ldw wrote:

Brian, i am very curious !
At what time did you here that ?

It was on my way to work, so maybe 07:45 my time (GMT-6).

You can see it on the "rundown" here:

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
Need help with the site? SG101 FAQ - Send me a private message - Email me

"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Wow, it says the next song was by The Atomic Mosquitos! I definitely did not hear that. Our local station must have cut in over that.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
Need help with the site? SG101 FAQ - Send me a private message - Email me

"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Onslow_Beach wrote:

Just got my copy in the mail today. Certainly deserves the attention it is getting and the praise. No one ever said it was surf, so no missed expectations here.

The opening 2 tracks, Rumba Nova and Arabic, really grabbed me. They force you to sit up, pay attention and get sucked in. Willing participant here! The rest of the album isn't a rinse/repeat model of those. Solid diversity from start to finish - yet a cohesive (not schizophrenic) body of work.

As commented previously in this thread and the College Charts thread, it's clear these are all choice musicians - it's a top shelf recording and the musicianship & playing may be the bands debut album but clearly not the players first rodeo.

I can't put my finger on what it is... there are just some albums you really like at first listen and wind up loving even more with time. Not sure how or why, but my first impression is this is one of those kind of records. Maybe it is just the diversity and richness to the recording start to finish. 15 quality tracks is a lot to take in with just a few listens.

Looking forward to more "QT" (quality time) with Celluloid.

I agree with all of this. Great record.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

A review KFJC's Cousin Mary
She picks the most exotic ones as favourites:

2 tracks on NPR Morning Edition today, how great is that, ouch

It's wonderful and awesome!

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

I've been playing this CD a LOT for many months now. Many times with my wife around, too, and I generally try not to play too much music around her since she can't quite take as much of it as I can. But on Saturday she asked me to put this CD on her iPod!!! Well, I honestly can't remember the last time that's happened, it's probably been years. So, Bevel Emboss, you get my wife's highly selective thumbs up! NICELY DONE!

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

I have to agree!! A little while back, I went on a tear grabbing a bunch of music on my "get list" and this was among the releases I bought. It is just magnificent! Really incredible musicianship, nice song choice (with "Rocky Miller" being the sole and consistent skip track for me) with a whole variety of great sounds and approaches to the concept. I really love it, and I'm so glad that Danny posted about it and turned me on to it.

MadScientist wrote:

I have to agree!! A little while back, I went on a tear grabbing a bunch of music on my "get list" and this was among the releases I bought. It is just magnificent! Really incredible musicianship, nice song choice (with "Rocky Miller" being the sole and consistent skip track for me) with a whole variety of great sounds and approaches to the concept. I really love it, and I'm so glad that Danny posted about it and turned me on to it.

That's fun, Rocky Miller is the skiptrack here as well

The Alternate Root Magazine posted a review online a couple of hours ago:

"this is guitar instrumental heaven" Smile
story here:

ldw wrote:

The Alternate Root Magazine posted a review online a couple of hours ago:

"this is guitar instrumental heaven" Smile
story here:

That is a great review.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

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