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Permalink Surf-Age Nuggets: Trash & Twang Instrumentals: 1959-1966

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Yeah... the first thread started as a heads-up "look at what I found is thing is coming out" from Tom, which lasted for a few months before actually being released. Then when Jonpaul got his hands on an early copy (about 2 weeks before publicly available), he started this one - a proper review thread.


El Mirage @ ReverbNation

Onslow_Beach wrote:

Caught a good bit of disc 1 on this morning's run. The Scouts / Mr. Custer Stomp came on, got me thinking... you know the early days of hip-hop are often credited with the liberal use of sampling in music. The Scouts had 'em beat by nearly 20 years! Uh-Oh Wink

There's a similar - and seriously cool - track called "Firewater" by Bucky & the Dales on the "Beach Party: Garpax Surf 'N' Drag" CD, which also incorporates clearly authentic recordings of native American music like this one. I tried to find it on YouTube, but it's not there.

Edit: Check it out here!

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Last edited: Nov 20, 2012 12:30:10

Been going through the discs kinda randomly. Was just listening to disc 4, and had to comment on these two things: 1) isn't Birds by the Motivations one of the craziest and sickest 1st wave surf songs EVER??? It's completely insane! Listen to that guitar sound - it's just SAVAGE! And the heavy reverb in the second part of the verse is to die for. A totally unique arrangement, such cool bird effects, it all adds up to one of the most amazing surf songs ever, IMHO. It's been a favorite of mine for many years, and I really hope it gets more attention with the release of this comp. 2) El Tecolote by Calvin Cool - are you kidding me?? Never heard this song before this collection, but damn, it's hitting me SO RIGHT! Again, listen to that guitar tone - anybody want to say again that surf guitar is all about a clean tone?? HA!! The bent notes in the main verse are just too cool, and the solo in the outro gives me the chills. Who is playing lead guitar on this? One of the studio guys? Tedesco, Cole? Anybody know??

Everything's been already said about this whole collection, and I can't add anything than that it's simply outta sight! Reading the liners, I noticed something I never knew - the lead guitar player and the bass player of Dave & the Customs, whose most famous song was the glorious Ali Baba (on this collection), were Croats! Croats in first-wave surf - yes! Smile And with such an amazingly cool track, too. (Though I must say that I think the ultimate version of that song is by Fifty Foot Combo on their Evil a Go-Go album. Simply stunning.)

So many other incredible tracks on disc four, and by bands from Michigan and Indiana, too! Love it! Some other faves: Sophia by the Charades Band (beautiful), Harem Bells by Jim Head and His Del Rays (surf meets exotica!!), The Other Side by the Torquays (simple but highly effective), The Rise by St. John & the Cardinals (pure energy, love the groove! possibly the first Southern Surf Syndicate Band ever, originating from Georgia!), and it just goes on and on and on... it's all almost overwhelming....

God bless all the people behind this project! We are forever in your debt! Worship

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can't wait to get my copy!!

the stuff written in this thread is really building excitement for me

thx everyone for the great comments


i'm lovin' this cd

OK, got my head wrapped around the rest of disc 4 - highlights, IMO: On the Run by the Mosriters - another proto-Southern Surf Syndicate band, originating from Alabama! Such a cool, bouncy tune, and, befitting their name, very mid-'60s-Ventures-influenced; Pulsebeat by the Buddies - a brooding, organ-AND-reverb-heavy track that could easily have been covered by the Bomboras or the Boss Martians, it definitely shares their DNA; Dragon Walk by the Dantes is clearly influenced by Bo Diddley and Dick Dale's Surfin' Drums - a ripping surf guitar over the Bo-Diddley beat, too cool; Strange Worlds by the Decades is an excellent dark and creepy horror-surf track; Earthquake by Marlow Stewart and the Illusions (of the Jezebel fame) - pure classic surf, reverb-heavy with another brooding and dark melody, accompanied very tastefully by an electric piano and sax; Morpheus by the Toads is of course already a classic track, and rightly so, just fantastic.

Is there no end to incredible surf tracks from the '60s?? This is really like finding a lost treasure. I'm still blown away by it all....

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Last edited: Nov 25, 2012 12:47:03

I wonder how many copies they made. May be best to buy two copies and then sell one for $200 in 3 years when they're all gone and people are wishing they could get it. Definitely one of those that you burn copies on CD-R and put the originals in a secure, climate controlled storage area.

I look forward to getting mine this week.

Gee thanks! Once again this place cost me money! Big Grin I just ordered a copy from Amazon.

My copy came in yesterday, but the wife saw it first and now I gotta wait for xmas. Glad I got it though! Big Grin


Morphball typed:

My copy came in yesterday, but the wife saw it first and now I gotta wait for xmas. Glad I got it though

Morphball, remove the cds before she wraps it. Big Grin

I listened to the 1st cd so far.
My 2 fave songs are the Scouts Custer Stomp & the Vaqueros 80 foot wave.

Tried to play cd #2 for the first time. It won't load in my player, like it has trouble finding the table of contents. From the earlier thread, Ivan & Sean of Double Crown also have problems with cd 2.

I suggest everyone who has this try to see if cd 2 plays. The set may have to be returned.

does it play in your computer?

cd 2 does play in my pc & my blu ray player. My cd player is an old pioneer player/recorder.

Hey I guess I will have to add this one to my Christmas list!
Sounds great!

My copy arrived today.I'm listening to disc 2 on my puter as I type. I have read through some of the book. I'm well pleased with this. Every surf fan should have a copy.

"Every surf fan should have a copy"

yes sir!

iTuners should check to see if GraceNote now knows something about volumes 1 or volumes 2-4. I keyed in vol. 1 and Dave did all four.

I have not had any problems with 2 on two different computers or in my car, which is usually as picky ass as they come.

Last edited: Dec 06, 2012 02:39:18

Well apart from hearing Cream advertising Falstaff in the unlisted track 28 of disk 4, ...

The Squires: Batmobile, 1:00-1:30 compare with
The Yardbirds: The Train Kept a Rollin' (cover, of course) 2:00-

Who's quoting who from where?


With a little help from Boulder Bob:

The Squires:
Yardbirds & The Train Kept a-Rollin:

Batmobile came out in 1966 or so. The Yardbirds record came out in 1965, so it was probably being quoted here. Talk about the interleaving of surf and the British Invasion.

Last edited: Dec 06, 2012 17:29:26

JONPAUL wrote:

While The Blue Stingrays' Mike Campbell does have some nice, descriptive, first-hand expressions of why Surf Music strikes a chord in so many, citing "Pipeline by The Surfaris" seems a bit inexcusable.

Um, isn't this why they pay compiling editors the big bucks? Well, OK, I found the remark about the missing comma after writing this.

Last edited: Dec 06, 2012 15:34:26

Tuck wrote:

iTuners should check to see if GraceNote now knows something about volumes 1 or volumes 2-4. I keyed in vol. 1 and Dave did all four.

I haven't tried Itunes, but Windows Media Player recognizes all 4 discs

The Storm Surfers

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