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Des Moines, Iowa, USA

Posted on Nov 17 2012 12:03 PM
And needless to say, this is a "Featured Video". Should appear on the front page shortly.
Share the link!
— Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea
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San Francisco

Posted on Nov 17 2012 01:51 PM
Rip used to post "High Speed Weekend" reports, I did some poking around, but in '96 the Cowabunga group was still hosted at Netapp and those archives are long gone. so you get my fuzzy memories. There were a couple other SG101ers who were there, maybe they have something to ad- Trace, Sticks, Outsides... Who else?
July 1996, Pollo del Mar was playing a lot, and Phil Dirt asked if I could set up a show for The Penetrators, who wanted to come out for a weekend full of shows. The (now gone) Paradise Lounge was surf friendly, so we set up a night with The Aquamen, The Woodies, The Penetrators and PDM on a Sunday night, July 28. At that time, I had a 1 and 2 year old kids, and couldn't gig all the time, so The Torpedoes (or whoever else was on the bill) set up a show for them at The Purple Onion on Saturday night. A live radio show was set up at KFJC for Sunday afternoon.
At that time, KFJC could use a lecture hall on campus for shows, so The Penetrators and PDM did the live broadcast in front an audience under bright fluorescent lights. I think there was a third band on the bill, but they cancelled, so both bands played extra long sets. The Penetrators set was printed out on tabloid size paper, and I think they ran through most of the songs on it. It was the first time I had seen a lot of standards like Baja, Squad Car, Our Favorite Martian performed live as the San Francisco surf scene was focused on originals. I seem to remember some really cool covers like The Model and (as mentioned before) The Chariots of Fire theme. Did Spanky have his megaphone, or did he just have the loudest voice ever? The guys were really nice and polite, and seemed to be having a great time in SF. I remember Dirt commenting that Rip bared a passing resemblance to Newt Gingrich, and rip saying he'd heard it before; I'm sure the Southern accent had something to do with it. The only conversation I remember having with Rip was about the conspiracy behind Bobby Fuller's murder. We took a group shot of both bands and the KFJC crew with Rips (non-digital) camera, I'm sure it's in a box somewhere.
The Paradise Lounge show was more raucous. I think friend-of-all-things-surf Gregory Fleeman was here and took the guys to sample local beers (?). I may be way off with that one... PDM opened on the big stage, The Aquamen played a set in the lounge, then The Woodies on the big stage (their set is also on the VHS, so I'll upload that one day), then another set by The Aquamen, and finally the Penetrators on the big stage. You can see what happens in the videos, but it's funny to note that the guys are smoking on stage, which California outlawed soon after that time. I remember it being a full house, despite a late Sunday. Eddie Ugata, from Japan's El Caminos was there, and shot video as well. I don't know if the first CD was out yet, though it's interesting that they opened with "Redlined" a song from the second CD.
I hope this helps put the show in context. The surf scene in S.F. was great during the 90s, and a medium size club like the Paradise was happy to book an all surf show.
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Joined: Feb 25, 2006
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Des Moines, Iowa, USA

Posted on Nov 17 2012 03:40 PM
Thanks for the back story Ferenc! I hope that group photo turns up, that would be priceless.
I think in the video they mention their album coming out in a few weeks, so that must have been Kings of the High Speed Weekend. Locked & Loaded was a bit later, as they had grandiose plans for a video game tie-in and other things. But yes, it is very interesting Redlined was in the set back then. Another reason to get started on that wiki. All these dates are starting to get fuzzy already.
— Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea
Joined: Aug 20, 2009
Posts: 2

Posted on Nov 18 2012 03:27 AM
Thank you for uploading the videos. It's so great to see new footage of my late cousins!
Joined: Aug 01, 2006
Posts: 65
Springville, AL

Posted on Nov 19 2012 11:31 PM
Seeing these videos bring back a lot of great memories! Thanks again Ferenc!
I just wish I could remember what went on exactly. It was definitely one of our finest "High Speed Weekends." We began the After Action Reports as a way to chronicle our adventures, before the booze and sleep deprivation sanitized our synapses. I will attempt to locate some of these AAR's for future posting. What I do remember, is mere generalities.
It began on a Friday. We were playing a gig at our favorite bar in Tuscaloosa called Egan's. Half way through a rocking set, mid-song, we noticed that the once dancing and jubilant crowd had all of a sudden turned 90 degrees toward the TV sets above the bar. We stopped and peered over to them ourselves to see what was going on. The Olympic Bombing just happened in Atlanta, so we decided it would be best to pack up and get ready for our early flight to San Francisco. If memory serves me correctly, Rip and I decided to just break on through to Saturday morning with scotch and sodas. The next thing I do remember is all of us walking through Atlanta's airport dressed in matching Syndicate issued black suits, with the S3 Logo on the front pocket, and carrying our guitars onto the plane like we were in a Quentin Tarantino movie. Rip and I continued to partake in the inflight bar offerings while annoying Sticks and Spanky as they attempted to sleep. Luckily, upon arrival to SF, a high school buddy of mine was there to corral the four of us home to his place in San Mateo. The Scotch finally got the best of me and I tapped out. The others went to the KFJC show that afternoon. When I awoke that evening, the guy's were back raving about the show, the people, and what a loser I was for wussing out on them. But then it was off to the Purple Onion for the first gig with the Torpedos. Much fun was had by all! Late night was pretty much a blur after that. On Sunday we had the honor of meeting Phil Dirt and performing live over his airwaves. I think there is a recording of the show in a vault somewhere in Phil's dungeon of coolness. We met a lot of cool people there, but finally moved on to the Paradise Lounge. So many social engagements, so little time. The Paradise Lounge show was a fantastic night with so many great bands. We, as The Penetrators, had more fun watching the other bands than performing ourselves! After that, much more of the blur. Monday we rented a car and spent the entire day sight-seeing in and around San Francisco. Then on Tuesday limped home to Alabama for some much needed rest. Good Times!!
The image that Ferenc was talking about is located on our website....
Your text to link here...
— Fender Bass, Small Firearms
Last edited: Nov 19, 2012 23:34:50
Joined: Feb 27, 2006
Posts: 25647

Posted on Nov 19 2012 11:45 PM
did Rip stay out in Ca. and head down to So. Cal. after the weekend?
or did I see him at the Surf Museum a few years later?
— Jeff(bigtikidude)
Joined: Aug 01, 2006
Posts: 65
Springville, AL

Posted on Nov 19 2012 11:58 PM
A few years later. He bragged to us about seeing all of you guy's and learning how to surf!
— Fender Bass, Small Firearms
Joined: Feb 27, 2006
Posts: 25647

Posted on Nov 20 2012 12:11 AM
thanks Trace,
now that I think about it, that makes sense.
As I didn't start going to surf museum shows till spring of 97.
— Jeff(bigtikidude)