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Permalink The Penetrators 7/28/1996 Paradise Lounge, SF

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A few weeks ago I found a VHS tape with a complete Penetrators set from their 1996 gig in San Francisco at the Paradise Lounge!! What a find!!!

I had it converted to DVD (Costco!) and am now processing the tracks for YouTube. It's kind of time consuming, so I'll let you know whenever I post another song. Here's the first one, their set opener, "Redlined".

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You rock Ferenc...this is great!

Thumbs Up Thumbs Up Thumbs Up Very Happy

Wow, 16 years ago.... It's hard to believe.... The first time the Space Cossacks played with the Penetrators was exactly two months after this, down in Tuscaloosa, AL. And Redlined ended up being released for the first time on a split EP with our two bands the following year. What a thrill it was for our first official release to be a split EP with the Penetrators! (Especially with that bitchin' Rip Thrillby artwork!) What a great time that was.... Thanks so much for the memories, Ferenc, really looking forward to the rest of the videos.


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Worship Thanks Ferenc!

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Thank you, Ferenc.

I have always wanted a copy of that 7" but only think to look periodically. Ivan, do you remember how many were pressed? I think the only copy I've ever seen is Sticks'.

The Mystery Men?
El Capitan and The Reluctant Sadists
SSS Agent #31

WOW!!! Yesssss!!! Thanks so much, Ferenc!
And, that 7" is a major must-have! Seek it out by any means necessary! Headbang

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Richard wrote:

Thank you, Ferenc.

I have always wanted a copy of that 7" but only think to look periodically. Ivan, do you remember how many were pressed? I think the only copy I've ever seen is Sticks'.

I think it was 500, but you know, it was 15 years ago, not so easy to remember. I believe I'm down to 1, maybe 2 copies myself. I've had so many people ask me for it through the years, and I always had a hard time saying no! I think you should be able to get it on eBay, just put in a saved search, and I bet you it'll pop up and alert you in the next 6-12 months.

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The second song of the set was "Cruel Sea"

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The third video is a run of four songs. Starts out with "Night of the Drunken Cheerleaders", a version of The Scarlets' "Stampede" (TOTH to Brian!), a cover of The VyDells "Unknown", and ends with an epic "Melodie's Dilemma".
I remember when we played with them at the KFJC show I was so impressed with how many songs they had on their set list, so many cool covers that I wasn't even familiar with. I hope their version of the "Theme from Chariots of Fire" is on this tape. We'll find out.

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Brian wrote:

Worship Thanks Ferenc!

What he said Yes

What a treat! Really appreciate you jumping through the hoops to make this footage available, Ferenc.


El Mirage @ ReverbNation

Great stuff thanks Ferenc I forgot how much I really dug these guys. Good pop sensibilty to there music.

This is so great Ferenc- us peeps who missed the bus in the 90's thank you!


Very cool, thanks Ferenc.
I remember hearing about them coming out and playing up there.
and being bummed that they weren't coming down here.


Good Times, Thanks Ferenc for the hard work loading these video's!!
Hope everyone enjoys them as much as I am!!


Fender Bass, Small Firearms

Last edited: Nov 15, 2012 21:46:10

I created a playlist of what Ferenc has loaded in so far. Watch them all in order!

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Hey Guys,
I'll try to get more of the videos uploaded this weekend. Brian thanks for making a playlist.
I am digging the hell out this show!!!
Oh, it should be mentioned that I did not do the recording or camera work. Someone, I have no idea who, gave me this tape.


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Chariots of "Foam." Great tracks for sure. Sticks has shared some really great "stories of the road" from the early tour days of those guys.

My understanding is that the Youtube vid of their playing at Moon Dawg's backyard pool party was the last time Rip performed with the group prior to his unfortunate passing.

Spanky's "Declassified" video is a work of art.

eddie k

Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

eddiekatcher wrote:

Spanky's "Declassified" video is a work of art.

This cannot be stated enough... That DVD is one of my treasures!

OK, here's the rest of the set. No "Chariots of Fire" but, way cool, 2/3 of the unfinished "High Plains Surfer Trilogy". Wow, enjoy!

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DJ Frankie Pool Boy on North Sea Surf Radio

I've updated the playlist to contain the entire set:

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

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