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Permalink SG101 University: lessons and curicula

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I am still a big supporter of this idea, but I recognize that for this to work it will take one or more of the established players to put in a lot of time and effort. It's a lot to ask of someone, so I think some sort of compensation would be in order. But even with willing students with cash in hand, someone will still have to have the time and desire to take on this workload.

The immediate challenge I see is how do you tailor a lesson to people with a huge range of knowlege and ability? What's good for a complete beginner will be boring for an intermediate player.

Maybe if we hash out some of the details of what this would look like in this thread, we can focus the scope to the point where someone would feel comfortable taking on the challenge of developing some lessons.

If we managed to get this off the ground, this website would be the ultimate surf guitar authority.!/rich.derksen.7

Greetings from Philly Pa
I have been reading the forums for about a month, then decided to join.
I am a novice player, picked up a guitar the first time 18 months ago.
I came across this site looking for surf style lessons, and ideas for equipment upgrades.
An SG101 university would be right up my alley.
Hope something can come out of this suggestion.

"if a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, then I am superfly TNT"

Reverb...... Putting some drip on your hip since 1951

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