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Permalink Exotics ep Release Party

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Hi Everybody,
Many of you good folks already picked up our new ep when we were in California a couple of weeks ago. Our official local release is next week. We are having a release show at Kochanski's next Friday, September 7.


The Exotics 1994-Current
The Chickenshack -

Thumbs Up

Radio Free Bakersfield--60 Minutes of TWANG, CRUNCH, OOMPH.

Picked it up at tiki oasis. Hell of an EP.

Any way we can get a physical copy of the EP? I forgot to get one during SG101 weekend and would like to pick one up. I see the digital download is available, but I would prefer the vinyl if possible.

I believe that Lee Joseph at Dionysus has a bunch. Otherwise PM me and I can get one to you.


The Exotics 1994-Current
The Chickenshack -

Thanks JP. Just checked out Dionysus and found where to purchase a physical copy.

Here is the link!


I am going to try very hard to be there. Anyone else?

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

If JP experiences any flatulence on stage, I am there in spirit.

Radio Free Bakersfield--60 Minutes of TWANG, CRUNCH, OOMPH.

WhorehayRFB wrote:

If JP experiences any flatulence on stage, I am there in spirit.

What do you mean "if"?!?!

The Exotics 1994-Current
The Chickenshack -




Radio Free Bakersfield--60 Minutes of TWANG, CRUNCH, OOMPH.

Rock out with yer Depends on.


Have a rockin' show tonight!! Wish I could be there!

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The Madeira Channel on YouTube

Holy cow was that fun! The Exotics played 3 sets to a packed house. Lots of dancing and great music! These guys rule! JP will literally give you the shirt off his back (ok, the spare shirt in his bag). Thanks so much guys for the great evening. It was well worth the long drive.

ski shot

Here venue owner Andy (another awesome fellow and surf music fan/supporter) gives the Exotics a "SHOTSKI". 4 shots embedded in a "ski" (another tie-in with the Polish theme).

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Last edited: Sep 09, 2012 18:39:12

Brian wrote:

Holy cow was that fun! The Exotics played 3 sets to a packed house. Lots of dancing and great music! These guys rule! JP will literally give you the shirt off his back (ok, the spare shirt in his bag). Thanks so much guys for the great evening. It was well worth the long drive.

Here venue owner Andy (another awesome fellow and surf music fan/supporter) gives the Exotics a "SHOTSKI". 4 shots embedded in a "ski" (another tie-in with the Polish theme).

Nice! So glad you went and reported, Brian. Great guys, great band. Brandt, I hope the grass stain from the HB Pier show came out of those white Levis! Smile And to make up for being short on cash during SG101 week, all available Exotics materiel ordered from Dionysus last night. Cheers!



i was lucky enough to see them three times in august at the convention and i'm still bummed i missed this Cool

and the beat goes on.......

Last edited: Sep 09, 2012 20:39:41

I should also say that since they played 3 sets, they played damn near every song from their 2 albums plus all 3 songs from the new EP (which is awesome). The new EP is in vinyl format, but they also include a card with a download code. They also played great cover versions of my favorites Exotic, Casbah (Sandy Nelson / Podolor), and Link's Jack the Ripper.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

It was a fun show, and especially good for a Friday night. I was a bit dogged after working all day, and then I had to be back at work at 7 am the next morning, so I wasn't able to get too crazy. It was great seeing you again Brian. I hope that you had a good time at Fong fest on Saturday.

The Exotics 1994-Current
The Chickenshack -

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