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Permalink How do you keep a surf band together?

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Tips on this subject welcome and wanted!

How's your digestion now?

  1. Pay them
  2. Stockholm Syndrome
  3. Make rehearsals fun, and find ways to bond with each other

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

$$$ pure and simple, loyalty & respect are key as well that comes with trust but finding those guy who will stick it out is the real changeling part of keeping a band together, it is the hardest part of playing music in a group no matter how good you are or what kind of music you play...but $$$ make a big difference

Facebook pages theSupertones
or @ Timothy C Sullivan

I randomly bring a crate of beer to the rehearsal room. That makes my bandmates not firing me (works for half a year now) Big Grin


To quote the great Del Paxton: "Ain't no way to keep a band together. Bands come and go. You just gotta keep playing, no matter with who."

I've found there is a "That thing you do" quote for every situation. Cool

But Danny is right for sure. Money talks.

The Techtonics reverb nation page

Soundcloud page

Last edited: Sep 03, 2012 10:37:44

Gotta agree with our San Antonio friend, Mr. Stern. Additionally, handling the money a band makes through performances and CD / merchandise sales has to be done in a way in which all band members agree is fair and above board. Frequent accounting to band members of band income and expenses helps everyone involved feel they are in the loop and treated fairly on the financial side of things.

Ron (ToneBoy)
The Mariners (1964 to Present)
Lonzo & Oscar (1999 to Present)
Billy Henson & Summerstorm (2001 to Present)

The background, maturity level and goals of the band members is important. My particular band is made up of older guys, and we are more calm, settled and stable in our lives, and have none of the ego and attitude issues that I experienced for years in my previous (younger) bands. Also, having just a trio has been very helpful, with fewer people to organize, which makes band logistics, rehearsals, etc, easier to arrange. Finally, we all have the same goal of wanting to have fun and play extensively on a local/regional level, with no one saying "Yeah, but to really make, we have to...."

The band I'm in is very similar to fenderfan's band. We are all "baby boomers" and have a good handle on where we are in the performing world with no delusions of glory. It hasn't always been that way though and we've had our share of members who couldn't get along with each other for a variety of reasons. Keeping a band together can be a lot like herding cats.

I agree with the beer and $ points, yes, keep everybody happy.

But, to specifically address your question about how to keep a surf band together– make sure the players, from the outset, are interested in and love the surf and instrumental genre. It get's frustrating playing for few fans, low pay, shitty clubs, having people ask you outright to sing. Your band members must LOVE surf music for them to keep at it.

Buy Speed of Dark @ Bandcamp
Buy Spin the Bottle @ Bandcamp
My Blog- Euro Tour Blog
Pool Boys on Spotify
Frankie & The Pool Boys on FB
Pollo Del Mar on FB
DJ Frankie Pool Boy on North Sea Surf Radio

PolloGuitar nails it.

All the band really needs to be committed to the genre from the get-go. Most any "sub-genre" makes for a tougher row to hoe imho (Surf, Rockabilly, Fusion, etc.)

Spreading The Gospel of Reverb ain't no walk in the park.

METEOR IV on reverbnation

Last edited: Sep 03, 2012 12:49:08

JStern wrote:

To quote the great Del Paxton: "Ain't no way to keep a band together. Bands come and go. You just gotta keep playing, no matter with who."

I've found there is a "That thing you do" quote for every situation. Cool

^ This. Also, I know in my case it's getting rid of (or not accepting) problems just because they "like" the genre. Don't be so focused on getting guys to play that you choose to ignore personalities.


"You're done, once you're a surfer you're done. You're in. It's like the mob or something. You're not getting out." - Kelly Slater

The Luau Cinders

Anyone out there have members of bands with controlling wives, young kids, new boy/girfriends, etc.?

How's your digestion now?

Surfbones wrote:

Anyone out there have members of bands with controlling wives, young kids, new boy/girfriends, etc.?

I have in the past, but I learned to cut them loose and send them on their way. All those things create obstacles for bands

I heard about jealous girlfriends associated with band members from one band I know. they finally succeded and managed to move very far away from where the band was to have their boyfriends all for themselves. this is a very negative view and opinion but I somehow believe that it really is a little bit true besides other reasons. Or it is completely wrong and the only jealous person is the one with such thoughts?


Last edited: Sep 04, 2012 00:18:33

Duct tape.

I came. I saw. I left.

Surfbones wrote:

Anyone out there have members of bands with controlling wives, young kids, new boy/girfriends, etc.?

I am not in a band, but know a lot of bands.
I will not mention band, or member names.... Wink
But I know of a few guys that have GFs/wives that are very jealous of their band time(gigs,rehearsals,recording etc).
Especially if the shows are for little or no pay(which happens in surf)
(The GF/Wife must have their hand out when the guy walks in from the gig)

Here is one of the worst stories.
So this guitar player I know, says he can't get a hold of his drummer about possible gigs coming up.
I asked him, how was he trying to contact him.
He said e-mail, and Phone calls to his house.
The drummer was in construction, and his wife was his secretary.
I said, only call his cell phone.
It turns out she would delete the emails and phone messages left on the home phone recorder about gigs.

So that fixed things for a bit, and they started playing a bit more.
But then the axe came down, and we think that is was too much, and the wife made the guy quit the band.



HA! I had a GF who used to bang me before band practice because she thought...well, I guess she thought I wasn't really going to to band practice. But I was! HA!

Radio Free Bakersfield--60 Minutes of TWANG, CRUNCH, OOMPH.

but that´s not bad at all, is it?


but you didn't see his ex girlfriend
Picard Face Palm


My advice would be to keep the number of guitar players to a minimum. Nobody can go on an ego trip like guitar players competing for the spotlight. But at least there is no singer in surf bands Mr. Green

But yeah, on a more serious note, I think Fenderfan hit the nail on the head. You really have to make sure everyone has the same goals and ambitions. Some people play in bands aiming to produce a significant contribution to music history. Others are in just to enjoy themselves and have a good time with their bandmates. Some want the exposure (these are possibly the most difficult to manage). Some are hoping it will help pay the bills (the fools!). Some have great ambitions and others are happy to stay at an amateur level.

Also, beware of long exhausting tours. I was an amateur concert promoter and occasional tour driver for a few years and these are often a make-or-break experience. I've seen plenty of bands split up mainly because of sleep deprivation, being cramped in a tiny van for hours on the road, getting up on each other's nerves, drinking too much, going on an ego trip, accumulating frustration, getting jealous and ultimately being unable to deal with setbacks as a band. And yes, most of the time it was because of the singer or guitar player Rolling Eyes

Old punks never die... They just become surf rockers.

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