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Permalink 2012, Surf Guitar 101 Convention #5, Sat. Aug. 11th. reviews start on pg 14, pics n vids on pg 15, lots of pics by Tuck on page 20

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Nice Twang.

El Firetone,
El Ray

Good show old bean!

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

any more videos from the convention?


Here are a bunch of pics from SG101 con, and other shows before and after,
from Anne( Lorenzo's pretty lady)


Here are a TON of photos from the entire convention weekend!

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

ColtsSurf wrote:

The Madeira were really on their game. The new material from the recent CD sounded great played live! How about Intruder Jeff!?

I must have missed this, sorry Paul,
Intruder at the Convention by the Madeira was the icing on the cake.
I got up after they played it, and said it was for people who don't like their Peanut butter mixed with chocolate.


Last edited: Aug 29, 2012 21:15:47

IvanP wrote:

Here are a TON of photos from the entire convention weekend!

are you sure Ivan?
I see this,
There are no albums in this set.


Link works for me.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

must be a logged in member to see it or something.


Sorry you can't see it, Jeff. There are way too many photos for me to repost them all, but maybe John Koontz, whose photos they are, will see this and post them where they're accessible by non-FB people.

Here's one of my favorites - El Firetone doing his impression of a spider!


Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

Here's a great one showing what a great time Danny had!!


Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

El Firetone during one of his more subdued moments:


And below - what a cutie (and Tine ain't too bad, either! Smile J/K!!!)... And one HELL of a bass player!


Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

One thing I love about John's photos is that you can see every band getting progressively more soaked in their own sweat as the photos progress. By the end, all our shirts were dripping wet. It was HOT in there! Dusty probably wins, though - he looked he went for a swim, not a dry spot on him anywhere...


Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

Last edited: Aug 30, 2012 11:22:45

IvanP wrote:

Here's a great one showing what a great time Danny had!!

True! I couldn't sit still, all the bands were so good.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

I know I keep saying it, but AWESOME,
thanks for posting a few of those Ivan.


Here's a shot I took of El Ray.... Great Set! Great Vibe! Great people!

~ dave


Here are 3 videos I took of 9th Wave.
Thanks to TikiSurfin Mike of 9th Wave for giving me permission to post.

The problem some folks are having with Ivan's link (thanks for posting it Ivan!) is that it's for a Facebook internal index page of my albums. If you have a Facebook account and you are logged in you can see it no problem, though I think the order of the albums will be in whatever crazy state Facebook left it the last time I fiddled with albums.

Here is a set of direct links to albums for SG101 and associated events. These should work for everyone.

The Pike (no not that one) 2012-08-08 Los Venturas and El Ray
The Fender Tour 2012-08-10 Fender Factory Tour
The Purple Orchid 2012-08-10 The Exotics, the Intoxicators, and the Insect Surfers
SG101 Convention People 2012-08-11
SG101 Convention The Jam Session 2012-08-11
SG101 Convention The Rumblers Reunion 2012-08-11
SG101 Convention The Nocturnes 2012-08-11
SG101 Convention Ninth Wave 2011-08-11
SG101 Convention The Intoxicators 2012-08-11
SG101 Convention The Exotics 2012-08-11
SG101 Convention Los Venturas 2012-08-11
SG101 Convention El Ray 2012-08-11
SG101 Convention Paul Johnson & Friends 2012-08-11
SG101 Convention The Dynatones 2012-08-11
SG101 Convention The Madeira 2012-08-11
SG101 Convention Jon & the Nightriders 2012-08-11
Convention After Party at the Doll House 2012-08-11 The Disasternauts
Convention After Party at the Doll House 2012-08-11 The Tequila Worms
Convention After Party at the Doll House 2012-08-11 Slacktone (Great set, but I didn't get any pictures!)
Huntington Beach Pier People 2012-08-12
Huntington Beach Pier Los Venturas 2012-08-12 (missed!)
Huntington Beach Pier The Intoxicators 2012-08-12
Huntington Beach Pier Ninth Wave 2012-08-12
Huntington Beach Pier The Madeira 2012-08-12
Huntington Beach Pier The Exotics 2012-08-12
Huntington Beach Pier El Ray 2012-08-12
Jam Session at Don's 2012-08-12
BTD's Monday Morning Tour of Newport Beach/Balboa 2012-08-13
Spike's (Rosemead) 2012-08-13 El Ray and Los Venturas

Last edited: Oct 03, 2012 18:01:43

Oh man! Amazing pictures of El Ray from Josh!

josheboy wrote:

3/4ths of El Ray. I need a wider angle lense!

The stage at the Starting Gate is such a luxurious expanse, loaded with beautiful gear from the Quilters, Dusty, Kristena, and all. The bands roam it in ecstasy! But I am always secretly overjoyed when they are crammed into a tiny space ... Surferbarrelfotografierungsfreude kicks in. The gear can stay the same of course!

Everybody always writes such great, feeling after-Convention reports and thanks. I feel pretty gauche stumbling in a month late to say how much I enjoyed the Convention and the whole week and to thank Jeff, Craig and LouAnn, Kristena, JonPaul, the Quilter brothers Matt and Pat, Dusty Watson, and so many others for all the work they put into arranging, planning and implementing this, and for providing gear to make it work. I don't want to forget Marie King, or the Rosados and some others whose names I don't know who do a lot to make the Convention run smoothly. Or Mike Rosado for leaping in and saving me when I managed to lock myself out of my rental car outside the Hansons' place. My rental company provided two keys, very firmly wired together, but the incident was sheer incompetence on my part. Mike is always a complete gentleman about providing competence unmingled with advice about getting some of it yourself.

The bands this year were phenomenal. Just when you think Jeff can't possibly top last year he cruises in a click or two above. Sometimes he gets amazing people you're not aware of like El Ray. Sometimes he gets people who have a whole interesting new approach you haven't caught up with, like Los Venturas. Sometimes he gets people you think you know are good, who turn out to be so fantastic live in person that you are caught completely off guard, like the Exotics. And where else are you going to get special events like a reunion of Jon & the Nightriders, or the Rumblers, or a chance to hear the current lineups and beautiful standards of Gentleman Paul Johnson or the Nocturnes. And you can always count on appearences by great bands from around the US that you just don't expect to get a chance to see any time soon, if ever again, like the Madeira or the Intoxicators, not to mention Convention or other appearances of local bands people would willingly travel to California just to see play a show or two, like Slacktone and the Insect Surfers, or bands you'd be grateful to find playing anywhere, like the Tequila Worms (meant to be a Denver band), the Dynatones, or Three Balls of Fire.

It's an unbelievable concatenation of musical excellences, and it's just part of the experience that everybody is so friendly and laid back. So on the same page. So tolerant of people into surf music. Not just the many people you know of from the Forum, and the great surf musicians so far - many of whom you do know from the Forum - but also people you don't know from the Forum (or just don't quite recognize without a Forum nickname) who are just there every year.

The Sunday night jam session at Don's was especially pleasant and I'd almost say that this might be a worthy evolution of the Convention jam session, which is torn between being a fairly formal set of ad hoc professional lineups - maybe not quite what it was intended to be originally - and something more like what really happened on Sunday.

As usual the Fender plant tour was like being taken to an alchemist's laboratory and getting a quick demonstration of how to make gold while wandering among heaps of it everywhere. The place feels like a dragon's hoard of guitars, basses and amps. Even the rejects and scrap look pretty good, and the smell of wood, paint and oil is exhilarating. The chance to connect with Newport Beach surf history on Jeff's Monday tour is a nice wind down, and you can also go off by yourself if you somehow find a minute to do that and look for other places further afield.

I only got lost once a day this time, mostly by missing exits or accidentally taking the wrong one, and I didn't go to the wrong Pike or the wrong Spike's, plus I found an interesting shortcut from HB to Rosemead via Compton. Actually, I've never gone to the wrong Pike, and as far as Rosemead, I'd swear there's a neighborhood there where this one road crosses itself.

Getting into or out of the parking lot at Spike's: complicated. Seeing a bunch of rockabilly people standing around in Hawaiian shirts and sarongs: priceless. They still dance rings around everyone but El Ray.

LouAnn and Craig: Thanks for inviting a bunch of surf musicians and assorted surf fans into your home and feeding them great food. Oh, and thanks for producing Jeff.

I was glad to see so many people I know. In many cases my terminal namenesia is inoperative and I really do remember your names. In a few shameful cases it is fully operative and I would recognize you anywhere, even maybe wearing a chimp mask, but be forced to greet you with "Um hi!" It was particularly nice to see Guy back and I need to track down the Convention video next. Sorry to miss a few people this year, especially Brian.

The Exotics' version of Exotic did not disappoint!

Last edited: Sep 01, 2012 20:26:25

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