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Permalink Tiki Oasis 12, Aug. 16th to 19th, 2012, San Diego Ca.

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Thanks BTD, trying to get a spark

starts this Thurs. nite
Bali Hai, with Tikiyaki doing 2 sets,
with a bunch of spy songs included in.


And this just officially in....The Tonga Hut suite (1649) will graciously be hosting a Tiki Magazine 20th issue release party on Friday night after the music on the main stage ends (approx. 10PM). Live music from The Love Me Nots and The Exotics!!!!!

Insect Surfers
The Tikiyaki Orchestra
The Scimitars
Lords Of Atlantis
Fiberglass Jungle - Surf Radio


Radio Free Bakersfield--60 Minutes of TWANG, CRUNCH, OOMPH.

JONPAUL wrote:

And this just officially in....The Tonga Hut suite (1649) will graciously be hosting a Tiki Magazine 20th issue release party on Friday night after the music on the main stage ends (approx. 10PM). Live music from The Love Me Nots and The Exotics!!!!!

Cannot wait!

The Exotics 1994-Current
The Chickenshack -


Insect Surfers
The Tikiyaki Orchestra
The Scimitars
Lords Of Atlantis
Fiberglass Jungle - Surf Radio

and no suits required.


and don't forget 2 sets of Tikiyaki tonight at Bali Hai on shelter Island.
can't wait!


Pretty nervous about going tonight. Never been to a surf show/event, don't know anyone from the forums, going by myself, I'm driving down from L.A. to San Diego for the first time, and I haven't been to a show since 2007.

PM me if you'd like, I'd be down to meet some of you from the forum. Hell I'll buy you a drink.

I hear were you are coming from but don’t be nervous. I almost always go to shows by myself. Tonight will fun. There will be A LOT of people there and it will seem like everyone knows everyone else except for you. Just remember the type of people who attend this are generally open, laid back and willing to engage in conversation you just may have to start it.
Have a safe drive down.

SSS Agent #178

Tiki farm sale this week at the san clemente store. Example, set of 3 bowling/fez guys for $20.

Glad to see surf style music is still making waves in SD..

tiki oasis kicked my ass this year,
and I barely drank.
Time to get in shape me thinks.

I didn't even do any room parties or symposiums.
But had fun, and the bands on the main stage were awesome.


bigtikidude wrote:

tiki oasis kicked my ass this year,
and I barely drank.
Time to get in shape me thinks.

I didn't even do any room parties or symposiums.
But had fun, and the bands on the main stage were awesome.

DEFINITELY! The bands at the room parties were great too (of course, if I'd have had the early-morning DJ responsibilities that you had...I probably would have missed them too). Got to thank the fellas from Thee Swank Bastards for hosting two great nights. It was great to see The Love Me Nots and The Creepy Creeps play live in a hotel suite!

Great to see you again BTD!

Jet Sterling, Cosmic Spy

The Exotics stole the show on Sat. night.
totally awesome!!


How did the Barbwires do?

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

I had the time of my life @ Tiki Oasis,and I couldn't have picked a better year to go.The Exotic& Espionage theme was perfect,and I simply don't know how it could possibly be topped.Next years theme "Hulabilly" should be interesting,but I doubt it will be nearly as cool.I'll be back nonetheless.The biggest surprise was how amazing Los Venturas were @ the car show Saturday afternoon. I hung out with their drummer Pieter during Thee Swank Bastards,and the Exotics sets and I must say that cat was the coolest,and super friendly.Between the music,art,cool people,costumes,and the over all cool atmosphere.Tiki Oasis was well worth the money spent making my trek to San Diego.It was really nice to see my fellow Midwesterner Jet at this event as well,he made me feel a little more at home.It was also nice to finally meet Bigtikidude and Tiki Tena too.

Reverb, It's A Way Of Life!

Klas wrote:

How did the Barbwires do?

I don't usually like to post bad reviews,
and I have seen the Barbwires before, and they were awesome then.

But their performance at Tiki Oasis left me and some others a bit disappointed. I don't know if it was because of the setting, or them playing along with the tape of backing tracks, or the sound man not getting the sound just right. Or playing on borrowed equipment.
But it just didn't gel well.
Not bad, but not amazing like I was hoping for.
I stayed for the whole set.
Other surf fans left to go to a room party with the Exotics.

I think trying to do something as ambitious as what they were trying to do at this show, shoved in the middle of crazy tiki oasis stage schedule was a bit hopeful it would go off well.

That is why Tikiyaki Orchestra has asked to play on thurs. nite.
the 2 times they played Oasis. Its Just them, and they can take a long time setting up, and doing a proper sound check.

I really like the Barbwires a lot, and am not happy to post negative reviews. I hope it doesn't come off as I am trying to slag them.
Just reporting to a question that was asked.


Last edited: Aug 25, 2012 11:43:43

Pics of the Exotics at TO can be found here:

Radio Free Bakersfield--60 Minutes of TWANG, CRUNCH, OOMPH.

My second Tiki Oasis, really a fun time. Not sure how to describe, seems to be one of those events that becomes what you make it. Something for almost everyone. The spy theme seemed perfect, almost something they should do every time. I tried to attend some room parties, only caught the end of the Creepy-Creeps and paid a quick visit to John-O at the end of his party. San Diego was hotter than usual and I was sweating up a storm during the Creepy-Creeps plus it was so crowded in the room I could barely see them. I would like to catch a show by them in a club. The Exotics were awesome, I missed the room party but caught their main set. Wish they were out here in California so I could see them more often, but at least saw them three times in the last two weeks. Los Venturas were great with two sets for the car show. I've never seen the Barbwires before, I really loved their set, lots of energy and the crowd was into it. Great guitar playing too.

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