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i picked up two exotic's cd's at the convention last weekend and have been playing them in my shop today and people are digging them.. Smile the first couple got in a big discussion with me about this 'kind' of music and how much they love it. the wife said she likes it for dancing. Shock i wrote them a whole list of cd's to sample. the second guy in was whistling along with the music. the third guy was playing drums on my counter.

.......keeping the music alive in my store since 1977


Great band!

I think the Exotics have not gotten anywhere close to attention or the respect they deserve. They really are one of the very best trad-surf bands in the country, if not the world, today. It's probably because they've kept a fairly low profile for the past 10-15 years, and mostly stayed in Wisconsin. I'm really glad to see that beginning to change now. We unfortunately got to the Convention around 1:30 pm, half an hour into their set, so only caught the end (which was impressive enough!), but I did watch their entire set at the HB pier, and thought they kicked some serious behind! They simply sounded GREAT. We played two shows together in mid-June, in Chicago and Milwaukee, and though I was blown away by them there, I thought they sounded even better at the pier - they really stepped it up for the occasion, and showed themselves to be a truly world-class band. All immensely talented musicians in the band, too, with an especially remarkable rhythm section, but both Paul and Brandt on guitars are fantastic, too. (Brandt's emulation of the trumpet break on their original song Jetsetter blew me away, it sounded so much like the original trumpet part it kinda freaked me out!) And these guys really love their Ventures - I don't think I've heard any band really capture the Ventures' vibe better than the Exotics.

I hope that after the SoCal shows last weekend and the upcoming Tiki Oasis appearances, they start getting the respect they deserve! I suspect it's pretty much guaranteed.... Now, if they'd just release some more stuff...

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

Hope people will take more notice of them now.
I have been a huge fan for a long time.
Please also buy the 45.
it has a download card, so even if you don't have a turntable,
you can have the mp3s

Not only are they great musicians, but they are superb showmen.
They really do it all.


The Exotics were really great! I didn't know anything about them prior to the Convention, so it was a big positive surprise. I also bought both of their CDs.

Their drummer had a lot of power in those hands and he and the bassist meshed really well, as others have said.

The guitarists were excellent and complemented each other perfectly, as they switched back and forth between lead and rhythm. The guitar tone mix of the Jazzmaster and the Mosrite (?) was something special.


I will never forget seeing them at Don's in the proverbial hook. Their performance at the pier this year was pretty close to that. I have a sneaking suspicion the Exotics & the Love Me Nots are going to MURDER that Tiki Mag room party manana noche...

Radio Free Bakersfield--60 Minutes of TWANG, CRUNCH, OOMPH.

The Exotics sound every bit as good as everybody is saying and they have great stage presence as well, on and off stage.

I hope somebody got a shot of them leaping into the crowd, damn it! One thing though, Paul: never hand a guitar to a member of the audience at Surf Guitar 101 Fest. It's a little too much like manna from heaven. I didn't think you were going to get it back there for a minute.

Exotic lived up fully to advertisement. My sincere thanks and appreciation to the band for playing it!

Glad to see I wasn't the only one who thought their traditional surf sound was great (first time I heard them). As a kid originally from "that ol' brewery town" I can now be proud of my Midwest surfguitar roots! Gotta get some of their music. Stoked.

I love this band also. I also discovered Milwaukee is not an unreasonable distance from my house, so I hope to catch some more of their shows.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Got their CDs and vinyl at the convention also and was very impressed with their set on Saturday and Sunday. The guitars were seemless, the drums were thundering and jp's bass playing was outstanding. They've even got their outfits dialed up just for the occasion. The "Spy's Demise" and the back cover photo location on the 45 are a special Brew Town secret that everyone should experience . . .

Hello all,

I must admit I don't know this band. Is this who you are talking about?


That's them, Norm. They blew me away at every show I saw them play last week. This week they're demolishing Tiki Oasis. GREAT band!


Tuck wrote:

The Exotics sound every bit as good as everybody is saying and they have great stage presence as well, on and off stage.

I hope somebody got a shot of them leaping into the crowd, damn it! One thing though, Paul: never hand a guitar to a member of the audience at Surf Guitar 101 Fest. It's a little too much like manna from heaven. I didn't think you were going to get it back there for a minute.

Exotic lived up fully to advertisement. My sincere thanks and appreciation to the band for playing it!

Well, Brent handed me the guitar (Paul held onto the JM), so I banged on it a bit. I'd never keep it for good though - he plays so freaking well that I was just humbled to have it for a minute or so Smile Too bad he wound up with grass stains on the nice white Levis - they definitely give Satan's Pilgrims a run for the money in the cool stagewear dept. Smile Exotics rule. What a great band. What a great weekend!



I've been spinning their new 45, I can't get Surf Burglar out of my head. I love, love, love these guys!!!

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Wow. Thanks for all of the kind words. We had a blast last weekend. It was great seeing our old friends, and meeting some new ones. The SG101 convention was truly a great experience and we will never be able to sufficiently thank BTD and everyone else involved. The highlights for me were getting to play Checkpoint Echo and Casbah at the member jam - where else could you have the opportunity to perform with such a diverse group of players?!? Also the legends of surf portion and of course the headlining acts Jon and the Nightriders and the Madeira? Seriously, I don't know that I have ever seen a more inspired set from any band thAn what I saw when Ivan and co. took the stage. Excellent performers and true gentlemen. My So Cal week is coming to an end ahortly; we leave tomorrow at 9. We have one more performance (at Tiki Oasis tonight). If I have not met you yet, please come and say hi tonight. If any of you ever make it to Milwaukee please contact me as well. Thanks to the SG101 community and everyone out here in California for being so kind and gracious to the Exotics and myself. Now if I can find a remedy for this tinitis I can get on with my day.

The Exotics 1994-Current
The Chickenshack -

Last edited: Aug 18, 2012 10:47:22

Hear Hear! The tunes, playing and style is just way cool. A new fan here from Denmark.

El Bluesky
El Ray
El Ray on Bandcamp
El Twang on YouTube

Is this not one of the most kickass surf tunes written in the last 10 years?

Edit: Oops, make that 20 years Smile

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Last edited: Aug 19, 2012 00:56:16

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Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

i got the new 7" and my turntable died before i got to hear it Argh

diggin' the lost album...... a lot

The Exotics emmereffing MURDERED the room party Friday night & were quite good on the main stage Saturday night.

Radio Free Bakersfield--60 Minutes of TWANG, CRUNCH, OOMPH.

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