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Jeff, did you really wear your traveling suit to your sisters wedding? I feel that is a little tacky. Personally I travel in a different suit than the suit I wear to the grocery store and the suit I wear in the band.

all bands wore suits back then, not just surf bands.
People wore suits to go on a plane flight or train ride too.
Does that mean I should break out my suit I got for my sisters wedding , and wear it on the flight to portland???

only if you want to fly with a period correct early 60's appearance. Wink

seriously, anyone should wear on stage what makes him/her feel comfortable/nice. free choice and all. we were just talking what if you want to appear vintage 60's band style.... wearing a pendleton or white levis doesn't seem to look like a band would look like on stage in the 60's. I wear suits on stage (and to parties, and not to work) cause I like the look. I dont mind at all watching a band dressed differently.



Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

wearing a pendleton or white levis doesn't seem to look like a band would look like on stage in the 60's.

In the early days, the Beach Boys actually performed live in white Levis and Pendleton shirts.



T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

Duh I now also remeber pics of the beach boys with some sort of striped shirt and white levis. I was thinking of instro bands only, but you're right obviously. were there instro bands dressed like that too?

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

I don't know. The suit style was definitely the common choice for most bands.

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

The cardigan was just casual back then. PJ and the Galaxies wore them as did the Showmen at some point. The Astronauts wore them.
It would be wrong to say everyone wore suits. It would be sharp to get some matching 60s suits but that's pretty tough today.

"as he stepped into the stealthy night air... little did he know the fire escape was not there"

Don't forget The Sonics!
The Beach Boys were called The Pendletones before being named the Beach Boys by the folks at Candix records who put out their "Surfin" 45. They wore the Pendletons because that is what the surfers wore to the beach in the cool early mornings.
Now I gotta go find my white Levis.

Duh I now also remeber pics of the beach boys with some sort of striped shirt and white levis.

Is this the kind of striped shirt you're thinking of? Wink


The stripes are actually kinda orange-ey.

Let us not forget from whence the STRIPED SHIRT thing originated....

Murry Wilson said....."THIS IS THE LOOK, BOYS!"



The Thunderchiefs


Thundercheifs circa 1964?

"as he stepped into the stealthy night air... little did he know the fire escape was not there"

That's the TEEN FAIR in Portland at the convention hall of the Memorial Colliseum.

I know, because our band 'THE NOVAS' competed there, along with many other Portland area teen combo's that very date.

See the Mustang the rep is holding?
Unless they had more than one Mustang, that's the VERY guitar I used when we played there. Those reps (the very ones in the photo) were generous enough to let me use the Mustang AND a Fender amp...again, probably one of those in the photo...altho I'd be hard pressed to say which. I recall it was a Twin Reverb.

We were louder than God that night....we didn't win 1st place, but we did place and got honorable mention in the paper.

Paul Revere & The Raiders and Don & The Goodtimes also played that night, as the featured artists (to draw in the crowds). I dont' recall too many people being there. They had three stages in ONE hall... the south wall, the east wall, and the north wall. Our band appeared on the north wall. Not sure but I think PR&R was still performing when we fired up. And I kid you not, we were louder than they were. At least that's what we were told. How would I know ? ? ? Very Happy Wink

Did we play any surf music.... yer durn tootin', we did.
Almost certainly: Moon Dawg, Waikiki Run, Miserlou, Stoked and Pipeline and Wipe Out too.


THE NOVAS - 1965 . . this is the photo taken by the newpaper. I think we had to have this taken as part of the qualifcation requirements. There was one other requirement. We had to audition! This took place in Portland at either the YMCA, or someplace downtown. I'm a bit vague on that. But I recall hauling my amp up many filights of stairs, setting up and tearing down. All rawther push push, don't cha know. Cool ~hehe

Excellent!!! I'm so jealous. PRR and Don &the Goodtimes! I know we can't come close to the excitement of the Teenage Fair, but we try. Portland rock and roll forever!

Too Cool,
Y'all were a sharp looking outfit!!!


The Thunderchiefs

They don't make pants like they once did. Cool

"as he stepped into the stealthy night air... little did he know the fire escape was not there"

Jeff, did you really wear your traveling suit to your sisters wedding? I feel that is a little tacky. Personally I travel in a different suit than the suit I wear to the grocery store and the suit I wear in the band.

I think you misunderstood me.
I bought a $350.00 suit for my sister's wedding.
instead of renting a suit or tux, I wasn't in the wedding.
But I was saying I should wear that suit I bought to fly to the NW.

I have a wool tux with tails from when I was in choir in high school, but that would look lame, and its too small now.
and then I have levi's and t-shirts.
nothing in between. I thought it would be nice to have a suit to wear now and then. I almost wore it on NYE for the bomboras show.
But Im glad I didn't as it was blazing hot in the club, and about 10 of us were dancing like druken fools, and my new Vans high tops got all black on the sides from other people stomping on them. I would have hated for people to stomp all over my nice dress shoes.

I'll wear the suit sometime to a show. and have Kristena take a pic
and post it , you guys will all die laughing then. and agree that
I belong in levis and t-shirts.

I will be sporting a pendelton, for the SP's/GO's shows.
it is the NW after all.



Last edited: Feb 21, 2007 19:12:01

They don't make pants like they once did. Cool

the pants and the boots Rock

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

Jeff, I was just making a joke. It backfired.

My Mom wouldn't let me have any of those pointy boots, she said they'd make my toes grow crooked. So I mostly wore deck shoes.

But I was wearing one of those horizontal striped shirts (a red one) when I wrecked on my Stingray in about '64. I bled so much the whole front of the shirt was red, had to get 12 stitches in my chin. Sad

MikeG ~ come on, man... Very Happy those horizontal striped shirts were called surfer shirts and those pointy boots were called Beatle boots.....

As I recall, we took our fashion cues from THE BEACH BOYS (again)....

In this picture, taken the beach, yours truly is wearing his surfer shirt. Gawd...look how long and skinny my fingers seem...all the better to play guitar, Granny! Wink

I remember that was a particularly cold day (hence, the fire)..... but yeah, I wish I still had some of that HAIR.


Inspiration: again.... THE BEACH BOYS! (whom we worshipped).


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