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dress well, put on a pair of nice shoes or boots. if you look cool it will boost your confidence!

me.....shaking hands

After about a hundred years of playing in bands, I don't get any stage fright, but I AM guilty of sometimes thinking about other songs that are coming up on the set list, and then hitting a clam in the song that we're currently playing, which I'm supposed to be paying attention to!

fenderfan wrote:

After about a hundred years of playing in bands, I don't get any stage fright, but I AM guilty of sometimes thinking about other songs that are coming up on the set list, and then hitting a clam in the song that we're currently playing, which I'm supposed to be paying attention to!

We were just talking about this the other night within the band as it is an affliction of mine! Glad to know I'm not the only one.

You're definitely not alone...I'll be thinking "Hey, Pacifica is coming up, I love playing that one", and I'll imagine the fingering for that song, etc, and screw up a note in the song we're actually playing.

This is Great ! I found that "once you got past your first song, it was all downhill from there"...! Fenderfan; "I was thinking of "the other one", when I messed up this one"....Perfect !

When I first started gigging, I was too full of youthfull hormones and general stupidity to get stage fright. It wasn't until I was in my early twenties that it started to effect me. This was probably down to being a bit more mature (only a little bit, mind) and because now that I was older and had to do things like go to work, I couldn't devote every hour of the day to playing, so was aware that I wasn't as slick a player as I had been in previous years.
It disappeared fairly quickly, but would occassionally re-surface if it was an especially important gig, or we were following a particularly awful band who had got the audience nice and hostile for us.

Hopefully by the end of this year I'll be gigging again, having only done the odd bit of acoustic, open-mic type thing in about 7 years.

i have got a terrible case of stage fright looming over me right now about playing in the members jam in three weeks. i have played the tune a million times. i can play it in my sleep. there's something about that volume knob turned up to 10 that terrifies me. Sigh i will try not to let you all down.

is it that yer playing infront of so many surf fans?

do you get Nervous playing with your new band,
doing non surf songs?

Jeff(bigtikidude)'s playing lead in front of surf fans.

i've actually become quite calm playing with my new group, but i'm not the front guy in that. i use to get shaking hands just playing with people for the first time (like eddie and woody from the surge at woody's house) i guess i'm just afraid of sucking.

and, don't get me wrong, i'm also quite excited about playing in the's an opportunity that doesn't come often and i'd be bummed if i didn't do it

Carol, don't feel bad. I was just reading an interview with Jon Lord, and even HE got nervous before a show! And he's played thousands and thousands of them. Those nerves are an important part of playing a good show, of being focused, and giving it everything you've got. I still always get nervous, too. It's not the best feeling, but it is if not necessary, at least useful. I remember talking to the Mermen's bass player Allen Whitman before the first Space Cossacks show ever, which was opening for the Mermen, and telling him how nervous I was - his response was, "It's normal, and it just means that you care!" Once you stop getting nervous, well, maybe you just don't care as much anymore...

Here's the relevant excerpt from that '73-'74 Lord interview:

Circus: Does the band have a ritual or warm-up it goes through before going on stage?

Lord: Well, I get nervous, always, which is good because it gives me an essential knot of energy in my stomach, and before the show I like to be quiet. Some of the musicians like to get to the place two hours before they go on stage, others like to get there a minute before. I like to get there an hour before. Then there's the tuning-up, which is also part of the ritual. That, and a couple of beers.

(Back to me: I think the most difficult part of playing in a small-time band is that there are usually no backstage rooms. I definitely prefer to not talk to anyone before we go on, have some quiet time, but it's just not possible, there's nowhere to go and hide (unless you want to go sit in your car, which I don't). It's really hard to just keep chatting with people before you play as if everything is normal - cause it's definitely NOT. Getting up in front of people and performing on an instrument is not a normal thing to do!)

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

i don't ever get stage fright, i think there's something wrong with me,,, even when i completely bomb and screw everything up i don't feel any shame or embarrassment or anxiety

public speaking is another story, if i ever have to make a speech or a presentation i want to crawl into a hole and die, but if i have a guitar strapped to me there is no fear

I always feel like I'm going to pee my pants. But like mentioned many times before, stage fright is a necessary part. If I ever play a gig without stage fright -> that's the day I'll stop doing music.

The Hicadoolas

I've played in about half a dozen bands (not surf though) over the last 15 years, including a one-man band, and had "regular" stage fright every time I'd play live. The symptoms would generally fade around the third song, with the nervousness gradually turning to good old adrenaline.

About three years ago I went through a very difficult period in my life, which resulted in my giving up my hobby of organizing & promoting local concerts and falling out with all my friends in the local scene. I totally stopped playing for some time. Ever since I've been unable to play in front of anybody, even close friends, even my significant other. If I know there's anybody around that could see or hear me I just can't play four notes in a row without screwing up. I really don't know what to do about it No

Old punks never die... They just become surf rockers.

I was respnsible for a project not music related and was fretting over getting it done. My coworker told me, F-em what do you think they are going to do kill you and eat you? If they think they are any better than we are, bring it on.
I was more relaxed after that. The same attitude I'll use if I ever play for people. Still learning, very slowly.

Lee, find your old mojo, it's still in there just waiting to come back out.

Last edited: Jul 26, 2012 00:34:39

Excellent insight Ivan.
Definitely "a couple of beers" are essential (for me personally) when mingling with the crowd beforehand.

I made a conscience decision in a semi-conscious state

A band member I saw once explained before they played, I'm new at this and since I've never played in front of people I'm sure you would expect me to make a few mistakes. So I went ahead and practiced in a few so you won't be dissapointed. Relaxed him I guess, he played fine and missed the mistakes he had been practicing.

I have a big problem with tensing up very badly. Songs I play flawlessly in practice with the band become a chore. Mostly the problem ends up in my picking hand and I have major trouble picking fast notes, such as our occassional tremolo picking parts and such.

THE KBK ... This is the last known signal. We offer Sanctuary.

I definitely get nervous before the show, mostly due to being self-conscious about my limits as a guitar player. I know the songs inside and out, but always feel a little less confident before the first notes. The same thing happens at practice actually (our other guitarist is much better than me), I don't have a problem being in front of people after doing hundreds of shows as a punk karaoke host (, if you're interested).

The Spoils - FB - RN
Second Saturday Surf in Austin, TX - FB

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