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sysmalakian: TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY!
332 days ago

dp: dude
313 days ago

Bango_Rilla: Shout Bananas!!
268 days ago

BillyBlastOff: See you kiddies at the Convention!
252 days ago

GDW: showman
204 days ago

Emilien03: https://losg...
125 days ago

Pyronauts: Happy Tanks-Kicking!!!
119 days ago

glennmagi: CLAM SHACK guitar
104 days ago

Hothorseraddish: surf music is amazing
84 days ago

dp: get reverberated!
35 days ago

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SurfGuitar101 Forums » Musicians & Gigs Wanted »

Permalink Seeking out surf fans in Indianapolis...

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Our move to Indy is rapidly approaching and I figured that now would be a good time to start seeking out surf fans/musicians in the area. We should be moved into our new house (about a mile west of Garfield Park) and fairly settled by the middle of July and I'd love to find some folks with similar interests to play and talk about music with, hit the local guitar shops with, etc.

I've been playing guitar for just over 20 years (surf/instro exclusively since '95), but I still hesitate to call myself a "musician" - "guitar player" seems more appropriate. I'm open to anything from casual jamming with another person to playing with a band, provided most gigs are local due to work and family and day-job obligations.

If this sounds like something you'd be interested in I can be reached via e-mail at: or through a PM here. I'd love to start communicating with some other surf fans in or near Indy soon!


Gypsy Moonshine on Reverbnation
Gypsy Moonshine on Facebook

Well, it was great to meet and talk with Curtis (Doctor_Morbius) this weekend. We know practically no one in our new hometown, so it's awesome that the first person we met is a fellow surf/instro fan, a Fender enthusiast AND one hell of nice guy!

If there's anyone else in or around Indy who'd be interested in getting together be sure to get in touch with me - I know well that surf fans are few and far between, but I'd sure like to find as many as possible!


Gypsy Moonshine on Reverbnation
Gypsy Moonshine on Facebook

Hello! My name is Tim and I live in Cincinnati....not too close but still within driving distance. I'm a very big fan of surf and all things reverb. I just checked out a band from here called the Ampfibians, and the guitarist hipped me to some kind of surf fest going on in Oxford Ohio, which is northwest of Cinci and not too far off from you. Not sure when it is, but you might check them out on reverbnation. I too moved here from somewhere my case, I came here from California. So, in order to deal with this midwest weather, I reside in my virtual reverb tank.
Anyhow, welcome to hell.....I mean the midwest!

Nick and Tim, just very quickly - a BUNCH of surf stuff coming up in and around Indy!

Friday, August 24th, @ the Melody Inn, Indy - The Madeira, The AmpFibians, the Troubadours

Saturday, August 25th, @ Mike 'N Molly's, Champaign, IL - The Madeira & the Cocktail Preachers

Saturday, September 8th - Fong Fest at Chef Shangri-La
Chef Shangri-La, North Riverside, IL (Chicago basically)
With: The Neanderthals • The Madeira • Go! Tsunami • The Concussions • 13 Tikis • Alewife • Astronauts Space Age Combo

Saturday, September 15th - 2012 Oxford Surf Battle
Oxford Memorial Park Pavilion, Oxford, Ohio
With: The Madeira • The Troubadours • The Cocktail Preachers + five other bands to be announced - 1 pm to 11 pm!

See here for all the Madeira shows:

Hope to see you at some of these shows!!

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

I'm on the Indiana side of Louisville. Today I took my electric bass to a local shop to get the action adjusted & the neck checked for adjustment. I start lessons in early January '13. Maybe I can join you guys someplace next year and jam.

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