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Permalink The Baja Marty Party/Memorial Event, Sun July 22nd, (please come)

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This event is a Memorial for our good friend, and brother in Surf Music.
"BAJA" MARTY KLENZ, Marty passed away on June 25th,
There is no charge to get in, but we will be accepting donations to help
his wife with the medical bills and funeral costs.
Also we will be selling his surf music collection,
so please bring a bunch of cash.

The Baja Marty party/Memorial event will be at the Starting Gate.
5052 Katella Ave. in Los Alamitos, Ca.
Sun. July 22nd, 7 to 10pm

The bands playing will be The Eliminators, High Tide, and Maybe Outerwave,
I might ask the Surge from Georgia, to play a little Astronauts medley.

Many friends, family and band members will be there to remember Marty,
and are welcome to get up and tell their remembrances of Him.

I know that it being on a Sunday evening is hard for some.
But with many people's busy work/band schedules, and some being gone on
vacation in July and August, I didn't want to wait till Sept. to do this.
It will be over by 10 pm. That is not to late for a Sun.
And Marty would have liked for you to be there.

Here is the Facebook link, please share with yer friends.

Tikitena wrote:

Baja Marty Memorial Fund

This is the same paypal account we used for Marty's benefit show last year. If you choose to donate, we will forward funds to Marty's wife, Letty.

that Sun. before the Memorial,
1. PYRONAUTS (Auburn,Ca.)

Hope to see some of you there.



Last edited: Jul 13, 2012 20:32:19

I plan to be there

thanks Terry,

I know its tough being on a Thurs. Evening.
but this is a very important event,
I hope many locals can make it to this.

I will be selling Marty's Surf Music collection at this show,
proceeds going to his wife.


Bummed I can't make it.

Jeff Utterback

I'll be there, along with the rest of The Surge! guys and wives.

I met Marty at the 2009 convention...he definitely left a positive, lasting impression. "SuperFan" does not come close to describing his enthusiasm for real surf music.

Jack Booth
(aka WoodyJ)

The Mariners (1964-68, 1996-2005)
The Hula Hounds (1996-current)
The X-Rays (1997-2004)
The Surge! (2004, 2011-2012)
Various non-surf bands that actually made money


I heard that Outerwave can't make it,
their bass player is out of town,
Do you think that the Surge would be up for
playing 3 or 4 Astronauts songs at the Marty Memorial?


Hi, Jeff,

Sure, I think we can handle that. We haven't played the Astronauts medley since the '09 Convention but we should be able to have something ready by Sunday. Baja and The Hearse won't be a problem for sure. Looking forward to our West Coast mini-tour...we have some good new material. I'm already packed! Big Grin

Jack Booth
(aka WoodyJ)

The Mariners (1964-68, 1996-2005)
The Hula Hounds (1996-current)
The X-Rays (1997-2004)
The Surge! (2004, 2011-2012)
Various non-surf bands that actually made money

I just talked to Eddie when he landed out here yesterday,
I will give him a call again, and we can run it by everybody
at the BBQ at my place on Thurs. evening.


Just talked to Eddie,
he was at Disneyland, ha ha ha
He said the Astronauts stuff sounds good to him,
maybe a few Penetrators songs too.


Bump for this sunday,
I will have the Baja Marty cds for sale at this show.


I am hoping that some people will get up and say some comments about
Marty at this event.

I hope I'm not a complete mess.
gonna be hard to hold it together.


Yikes! This is tonight! Just got back from Costa Rica at 3am this morning. Total jetlag. "High Tide" is playing at 7pm. I guess I better look at the setlist. ;D
Who's all goin'?

Be careful following the masses. Sometimes the "M" is silent...........................

I'm going !! I met Marty a couple of times but I never got a bear hug. (??) Those who did after just one introduction should cherish that experience.

I do however appreciate the CDs (and Super Surf Fan "Mana" that comes with them) that I was able to acquire from his collection and will be out to support the local Surf Music community and Marty's family tonight. Smile

Last edited: Jul 22, 2012 13:49:00

I wish I could be there. Have a great time everyone. Thanks for doing this for Marty's memory and his family.

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Brian wrote:

I wish I could be there. Have a great time everyone. Thanks for doing this for Marty's memory and his family.

Agree Agree Agree

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I just got home from a full day of Surf and Reverb. The Huntington Beach Pier show was great today. It was Dedicated to Baja Marty, and all the Bands played a Song for him. After being at the HB pier for 6+ hours, I headed for the Starting Gate for the Baja Marty Memorial show.

Having only eaten Breakfast and no lunch, I chowed down at the Starting Gate, New York Steak, mashed taters and veggies. The Show started off on time with Hightide playing Baja and ripping it up for almost an hour. Jeff was telling people to get up and talk about Marty.7-8 people did and most got a little choked up. The Surge played next with Baja as their first song. Everybody loved them.

Jeff again told more stories about Marty and asked for more to come up. Several more did, HB Kahuna, JonPaul and Myself. I even had to use a napkin several times. Martys' wife Letty was there, with her Sister and Brother in law. The Eliminators were last to play and ripped it up for Marty. The Last song was Misirlou and about 8 people got down in front of the stage on bended knee, Head Down, Fist in the Air, for Marty. I walked up to the stage and had Jon Blair pump my arm with REVERB from his Guitar head. Marty would have Loved it. Via Con Dios Marty.

Hodad makin' the scene with a six pack.

Last edited: Jul 23, 2012 01:48:09

The spontaneous final fist salute at Marty's memorial was one of the greatest and most moving moments of a very emotional night. It was as if those closest to Marty were simultaneously paying tribute, and also kneeling in silent remembrance, lost in their own thoughts, while healing waves of reverb poured over them.

Vaya con Dios, amigo.

It was a wonderful show: a feel-good, helluva party, yet sad at the same time. There were a number of instances where there was not a dry eye in the house. Lots of wonderful rememberances and anecdotes about Marty. The "head down, fist-up" salute at the end of the show gave me, and probably everyone there, goosebumps.

High Tide blew the doors down. PJ Moto was gassin' on how well they were playing, and on a number of instances shouted out how perfectly they had just played a certain song. He joined them for the last song, and hit it out of the park. Many of the songs played were Marty's favorites.

The Surge also tore it up! Trad surf played superlatively. They also chose a number of Marty's faves, and PJ Moto has many compliments for them as well.

The Eliminators were Marty's favorite band, and as usual they rocked the house. They had some great rememberances of Marty, and for their intro, they used the audio from the Youtube classic of Marty's famous/infamous?over-the-top intro of the band at the HB Pier. Awesome set.

The show was well attended , and well worth the drive down from the Bay Area. Plus, I got to see some of the plethora of other shows over the weekend, and was able to buy a few of Marty's CD's. Kudos to Jeff for doing all of this under extremely difficult circumstances. You're my hero, Big-Guy!


Jeff BTD is to be commended for an awesome event despite the difficult circumstances of losing his best friend long before his time...Jeff and I started out the day with a dedication to Baja Marty during our normal Surfin' Sundays concert. We had a great day with all the bands playing at the top of their game and the audience being very receptive to the dedication. We hung a gorgeous picture of Marty, that was taken by Dave Wronski, on the back of our stage where everyone could see it. Thanks Dave. During the concert Jeff faithfully sold Cd's from the incredibly rich Baja Marty collection. Marty being and avid fan of Dick Dale and me being best friends with Dick and a fanatic about his music, earlier in the week I bought 6 CD's from that collection. As soon as Jeff handed those CD's to me I could feel Marty's spirit come shining through and now when play them the same thing happens and I am comforted by it. Comforted in the fact I know Marty is in God's hands and no longer suffering. After Surfin' Sunday a large number of us headed on over to the Starting Gate for Marty's memorial. Once there we celebrated his life with the music he so loved and the wonderful stories that told of the amazing life of a guy everyone loved and who loved everyone in return. Jeff gave us an amazing look into what it was like to be best friends with Marty and I'd say it was awesome. John and I just want to thank Jeff for all his hard work helping with Surfin' Sundays and for putting on the best Celebration of Life we have ever been to. We also thank all the bands during Surfin' Sunday as well as High Tide, The Surge and The Eliminators during Marty's event for great entertainment. From what I understand Marty's event and CD sales raised roughly $4000 so thanks to those who contributed to this total. Marty's wife Letty was there and thanked everyone for their contributions and especially to Jeff for all he's done for their family. Thanks to The Eliminators for donating the sales of their CD's to the cause. I know Marty was there smiling down on all of his cause I could feel him there. Rest in peace brother Marty, you will be sorely missed. And again thanks Jeff for allowing us to be part of this...Love as always John & Linda Miller

I'm a lover not a fighter, a hugger not a handshaker and I take friendships very seriously...Love the life you live, live the life you love. Cool

That was tough, probably one of the
Most emotional things I've ever
Thanks for the comments, thanks to those who came, bought Martys CDs, donated, or those that donated to the paypal account.
I've been thanked for doing everything I have for Marty, and his family.
I would do it over and over if I had to.
And I wish there was something I could do to bring him back.
Marty, I love ya Brother.
Miss ya a lot,
And will remember you forever.


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